Holodeck ticket 495,544 (submitted on 04/20/2021)
The height of the mission tracker decreases within a few seconds after you log on to a character. I believe this bug was introduced by the patch to Holodeck on April 15, 2021. This bug affects all characters.
I had previously reported that the mission tracker was too short on Delta Recruits. (See Holodeck ticket 4,810,201 in the section "Related bug reports" below.) The problem is even worse now, since the mission tracker shrinks after log-on. Although the mission tracker shrinks on all characters, it remains shorter on Delta Recruits than on regular characters. During the first Delta Recruitment event, a special window was displayed above the mission tracker for Delta Recruits. This window had a progress bar and a button that opened the Tesseract Communications Receiver. This window has since been removed from the game; it has not returned for reruns of the Delta Recruitment event. There is currently no reason why Delta Recruits should have a shorter mission tracker than other characters.
As a consequence of the height shrinking bug and the Delta Recruit bug described above, the mission tracker does not match its silhouette in the "Rearrange HUD" screen on any character.
Regular character (April 18, 2021)
https://i.imgur.com/HE8FKL0.jpg (Immediately after logging on)
https://i.imgur.com/vffT0H7.jpg (A few seconds after logging on)
https://i.imgur.com/xACe8qk.jpg ("Rearrange HUD" screen)
Delta Recruit (April 18, 2021)
https://i.imgur.com/6MkQP5k.jpg (Immediately after logging on)
https://i.imgur.com/r3z6Kid.jpg (A few seconds after logging on)
https://i.imgur.com/O0aQEYc.jpg ("Rearrange HUD" screen)
Steps to reproduce
1. Log on to a regular character (not a Delta Recruit).
2. Reset the mission tracker to its default size. Press Esc and click "Change Character".
3. Log on to the same character again, and watch the mission tracker.
4. Notice the mission tracker decreases in height within a few seconds after you log on.
5. Take a screenshot of the mission tracker.
6. Press Esc and click "Rearrange HUD".
7. Place your mouse pointer over the silhouette of the mission tracker, and press Tab until it appears on top.
8. Take a screenshot of the "Rearrange HUD" screen.
9. Compare the two screenshots you just took. Notice the mission tracker is shorter than its silhouette in the "Rearrange HUD" screen.
10. Log on to a Delta Recruit, and repeat steps 2 through 9.
11. Compare the screenshots you took on the two characters. Notice the mission tracker is shorter on the Delta Recruit.
Related bug reports
Holodeck ticket 4,810,201: Mission tracker for Delta Recruits too short
Waiting for a programmer ...
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
Sorry, I posted this in the wrong section by accident. I had darkbladejk move it.
As far as I can tell, this bug is unaffected by the number of missions in the tracker. If you keep adding missions, the only difference is a scrollbar which appears on the right after a certain point. The height seems independent of the number of missions.