Didn't see it posted under the Galactic News Network (GNN) thread nor here for the weekend so:
I'd suggest this part for any new KDF recruits:
Receive a FREE* special Purple quality duty officer with a unique active roster power by speaking with your duty officer contact. For Starfleet officers and Romulan allies, this is an engineering Exocomp duty officer; for KDF officers and Romulan allies, it is a Reman duty officer.
I usually do it at least once for each of my toons as a rite of passage type of thing but after that I don't touch it neither. it just isn't worth the hassle with the randomness of the rewarded DOFF. If that rewarded DOFF ever changed to an option I'd be more tempted to grind it out.
I mean it's always been there and if you focus can finish in about 20-25 minutes. Though realize you can run on every Character once every 20h so it's still very Generous.
And while not all run it regularly, I will be sure to visit on my Ferasan TAC KDF & also on my more recent KDF Recruit a Discovery Klingon. As the first time everyone runs it you earn a special Very Rare one relatively quick. I also like the Recruitment for the bonus R&D to be run over those weekends.
Plus, hasn't ST:P established that Romulans really don't like AI? So why would a Republic captain want an exocomp on their ship? ST:LD established that modern exocomps are basically AI.
Good point about the Romulans not fond of AI & the Exocomp continuity difference.
Often I loose the Cadet's at least once, so always try to go back and Claim one to ensure the Class of DOFF I get. Perhaps Cadet's only spawn for 30 minutes...
Still I try to do it on maybe 1, 2, or maybe 3 character's at most, yet reserve for those who need better Duty Officers.
75 can take a little while depending how focused you are, yet it's been this way since launch and many still participate.
My Ferasan toon I created 8-9 months ago who hadn't been to the Academy yet got his Very Rare Reman Maintenance Engineer for showing up. Then he managed to get lucking with SCI getting a Nausicaan Research Lab Scientist, though his attributes weren't the best, I mostly make good use of him doing Research to upgrade his R&D skills.
I thought it was the Zhat Vash who had that problem not all Romulans.
Yeah, if the Doffs were actually special or interesting in any way, I could see the sense in making it so time consuming. But they're pretty basic.
Could you give me a source for all Romulans have problems with AI instead of being sarcastic?
I was able to snag, Kazan, for my new KDF recruit no prob.. Just have to go to the Gorn guy nearby 1st then to that "Laroj" a few steps down. Good luck.
I don't think it is fair to say that all Romulans hate AI, but it was established in ST:P that the Zhat Vash feared what AI could become, and as such would go after anyone who had anything to do with AI. I believe that this fear would have permeated Romulan society due to the impunity under which the Zhat Vash operated, making any sensible Romulan want nothing to do with AI for fear of being targeted by the Zhat Vash.
All supposition, but it makes sense provided that the Zhat Vash are still around in the STO universe.
I'm interested in this too now that you've brought it up. Is it all Romulans? Is it just the Zhat Vash? Is it some number of Romulans influenced by the Zhat Vash? The devil is probably in the details so the wording will become important. Haven't located any "facts" yet but I thought I remembered when this initially came up something to the effect of it being Romulans because there was discussion abut continuity then even addressing TNG. It'll be interesting to finally find a factual conclusion or read the cited references.
Please, read the spoilers, folks...
As far as that Romulan 'special' Doff, T'Ress Maintenance Doff from Commander Rojal for the Junior Officers Appreciation Weekend Event in the New Romulus Command.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I read the spoilers and still do not understand your comment when you said it. So no facepalm.
Waiting a month to respond kind of defeats the purpose of a clarification.
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