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How Does Fleet Leaderboard Work?

snowpiercer#1188 snowpiercer Member Posts: 79 Arc User
I am curious about the leaderboard "Credits Earned" and how this works. I'm not trying to compete but I'm trying to get promoted so I can use fleet stores. Are these updated manually? I cannot imagine that they would be. If it is automatic, is there some kind of update delay? I would assume that fleet leaders look at this for making determinations for promotions, but even though I have earned over 150k in my fleet from Dilithium donations, I am on this board as having earned only 42k credits. I actually have 235k in fleet credit but can't buy anything.


  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    There's not much of a delay, but the leaderboards are per-holding, so if you dumped a bunch of dilithium into the colony those won't reflect in the starbase. If you go to roster, the last tab can be changed to different options, one of them is a cumulative contribution over all holdings, which is generally what fleets go by.

    Fleets that gate store use behind a minimum contribution still need to manually promote members as they hit that threshold, the game won't do it for them. So you'll have to wait until somebody with that authority is online to do the regular check.
  • snowpiercer#1188 snowpiercer Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    Thanks, currently fleetless because I pulled my four toons out of the same fleet.

    Looking for KDF fleet.
  • crm14916crm14916 Member Posts: 1,528 Arc User
    So, look in the roster, and select the "view offline players", and email the fleet leaders in-game...
    "Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science." - Edwin Hubble
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,102 Arc User
    hevach wrote: »
    There's not much of a delay, but the leaderboards are per-holding, so if you dumped a bunch of dilithium into the colony those won't reflect in the starbase. If you go to roster, the last tab can be changed to different options, one of them is a cumulative contribution over all holdings, which is generally what fleets go by.

    Fleets that gate store use behind a minimum contribution still need to manually promote members as they hit that threshold, the game won't do it for them. So you'll have to wait until somebody with that authority is online to do the regular check.
    This exactly. They're not even using the leaderboard but the fleet roster sorted via drop down to "overall holding contribution".

    So every so often there's a review of <insert rank here> for <overall holding contributions are now greater than x> so that they can promote you to <insert new rank here> that has fleet store access enabled.

    CRM's suggestion to sort players by rank and mail one of the rank 7's that's been on recently is a good one. Sort all players by rank, then use "status" in the dropdown to see when they were last on.

  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,426 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    I am curious about the leaderboard "Credits Earned" and how this works. I'm not trying to compete but I'm trying to get promoted so I can use fleet stores. Are these updated manually? I cannot imagine that they would be. If it is automatic, is there some kind of update delay? I would assume that fleet leaders look at this for making determinations for promotions, but even though I have earned over 150k in my fleet from Dilithium donations, I am on this board as having earned only 42k credits. I actually have 235k in fleet credit but can't buy anything.

    Your personal balance is irrelevant. It's what's in the 'Overall Contributions' that most fleets go off, as others have said. Promotions are not automatic and require someone able to promote you, and yes, some fleets do set unreasonable targets to access stores. Setting a target to gain access to stores is to make sure players make at least some contribution to the fleet, eg. I set a low limit of 5k before you can buy from stores, others I've heard of 1 million.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,607 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    Thanks, currently fleetless because I pulled my four toons out of the same fleet.

    Looking for KDF fleet.

    Just a suggestion, but next time try sending a polite email to a fleet leader before doing that.

    As mentioned above, promoting you is a manual process, and fleet leaders do have lives outside of STO. If someone is extra busy they might not think to go through the contributions list to see who has earned a promotion.

    It might be a bad fleet, or they might have said "sure no problem" and promoted you.
  • dkdrachedkdrache Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2021
    Thanks, currently fleetless because I pulled my four toons out of the same fleet.

    Looking for KDF fleet.

    Just a suggestion, but next time try sending a polite email to a fleet leader before doing that.

    As mentioned above, promoting you is a manual process, and fleet leaders do have lives outside of STO. If someone is extra busy they might not think to go through the contributions list to see who has earned a promotion.

    It might be a bad fleet, or they might have said "sure no problem" and promoted you.

    It could be, and most likely is, a fleet where active members have invite privilege, but the fleet leaders who can promote are simply inactive. We had this in our Fed fleet for a time. Anyone of us could invite someone, however the individuals who could promote were inactive and remained so for several years (logging in every 30 days or so and quickly logging back out) before passing the fleet off to one of us somewhat recently after 5 years of this.

    People who create a thing and put a few years effort into are seldom of a want to part with it, even for its own good.

    Post edited by dkdrache on
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,102 Arc User
    When looking for who to contact it can be handy to look at the "Settings" tab (pictured above) as this could potentially add people to contact for a promotion.

    It shows what rank can do what permission wise so might merit a peek anyways.

    Depending upon how a fleet is set up it's not necessarily just rank 7 fleet admins that have promotion privilege's. Some fleets might have this enabled at rank 4, 5, or 6.
  • millefune#8468 millefune Member Posts: 310 Arc User
    You have to get a certain amount of credits before being able to buy stuff from the Fleet Store/Provisions? Yikes! I guess it's better than having to "donate" Master Keys, as I heard some fleets require.

    I guess I'm spoiled being on the PlayStation side of the game. The fleets I'm in have zero requirement to being able to buy fleet gear and ships. And there are like hundreds of provisions/ships available according to the fleet inventory/provisions tabs. The projects to stock up get finished so quickly, there's always an abundance of supply to meet the demand. It's a totally different ecosystem it seems.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,102 Arc User
    You're not being spoiled being on the Playstation side of the game.

    There is a thread in general discussion on a master key issue. If true, it was nothing but an oddity that could happen on any platform.

    As far as requirements for fleet stores go some fleets have a small minimum contribution and some don't. Things vary. There is no right or wrong here. Some people farm doffs to contribute to fleet projects. It's a communal effort.

    You would have likely already exceeded any contribution requirement by generating enough fleet credits to get a set of fleet Spire tactical consoles for your ship. The process would be transparent.

    Having been with a number of PC Fleets over the past decade I'd have to say it's not a different ecosystem at all. The vast majority provide the same positive experience you describe.

    It's the tabloid headlines that always stand out :smile:
  • millefune#8468 millefune Member Posts: 310 Arc User
    protoneous wrote: »
    You're not being spoiled being on the Playstation side of the game.

    There is a thread in general discussion on a master key issue. If true, it was nothing but an oddity that could happen on any platform.

    As far as requirements for fleet stores go some fleets have a small minimum contribution and some don't. Things vary. There is no right or wrong here. Some people farm doffs to contribute to fleet projects. It's a communal effort.

    You would have likely already exceeded any contribution requirement by generating enough fleet credits to get a set of fleet Spire tactical consoles for your ship. The process would be transparent.

    Having been with a number of PC Fleets over the past decade I'd have to say it's not a different ecosystem at all. The vast majority provide the same positive experience you describe.

    It's the tabloid headlines that always stand out :smile:

    That's good to hear/read. I would feel rather upset if the majority of players were under some kind of exploitative system in what's supposed to be a cooperative video game. ^_^
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