I hope this is a useful companion thread to the other one asking why people aren't getting the bundle. Please expand on your answer on what makes it worth buying to you (especially if it has low value to you), as well as what would make it more valuable to you, aka happier with the purchase.
As I've stated elsewhere, I intend to get the bundle because it has a few ships I've wanted in legendary version, and I already have the zen. My thoughts are that there is very little I'll want in the future, and what I do want I can't predict when it will ever see the light of day, so it doesn't make sense to not buy this, with zen I have just sitting there, when I still want 3/4 of the ships. The bundle as originally intended would have ranked as poor to me, but since they've improved some of the stats of the ships and made them more of an actual upgrade over their previous versions, not just a sidegrade, as well as adding lobi (which I don't want, but I can't say it doesn't add value) its actually still poor.
The reason it is still poor is I can't stand all the obnoxious gamble garbage, and the continued refusal to give any credit/discount to previously owned items in a bundle. Those issues while they have an obvious zen value to them, are not valuable to me because I don't want them, or already have some of them. The total lack of any box ships like the Fed Legendary bundle, and the paltry number of KDF ships is another problem, as well as the fact this should have been a full KDF bundle with the plan to unlock ships for all factions.
For those buying the anniversary bundle, how good is the value for you? 33 votes
Working out the costs of everything and comparing it to the price charged, and it is good value, even before the Lobi. The issue is more about desirability of the pack, not so much the value of the pack....
Working out the costs of everything and comparing it to the price charged, and it is good value, even before the Lobi. The issue is more about desirability of the pack, not so much the value of the pack....
I consider them the same issue. The value is the subjective worth which is going to vary with the desirability to any given person.
I'm not voting since not planning to purchase the bundle, but if any that do & select poor or awful I do wonder about.
If I offer you free ice cream cone in your favorite flavor, you'd happily take it (for sake of argument.) If I charged you $1, you'd probably still be willing to pay for it.
If I charge $10 and add in a week supply of dog food (you have no dog), a package of napkins, a jar of pickles, and a bottle of baby powder, you start to wonder if its worth the $10 as you probably want nothing else but the ice cream, but you might want the ice cream so much that you'd still take the deal.
It may well be worth the $10 versus buying those things separately, but you don't want those other things and can't get your ice cream any other way, so you have to decide to get something you want for a bad price, or not at all.
When it boils down to it, if they offered this pack at $60 no one would be saying its a bad value, they still may not want it, but recognize its a great deal.
Working out the costs of everything and comparing it to the price charged, and it is good value, even before the Lobi. The issue is more about desirability of the pack, not so much the value of the pack....
I consider them the same issue. The value is the subjective worth which is going to vary with the desirability to any given person.
Well, then you are getting into whether value is decided as a function of the production cost plus margin based on their labour and resources required vs by the end user's financial willingness to buy, and those are two separate ways of determining the value. One thought process has them be the same, the other has them distinct.
I say good value because there isn't an option between good and middling. For what is there in the pack, it's actually not that bad in a monetary sense.
4 ships - $120 (assuming 3k zen per ship and not the 4500 zen folks say legendary ships should cost)
2 coupons - $60
500 lobi - $80~ (assuming 7 lobi per key on average to generate said lobi. actual results may vary.)
11 keys - $12.50
11 promo packs - $29 (assuming one buys 2 of the 4 packs and then 3 singles)
11 ultimate tech upgrades - $220 (assuming $20 per upgrade it would normally cost to obtain)
6 ship slots - $15 (assuming 3 2 packs)
6 experimental tech ugprades - $40 (assumes 2 3 packs)
3 holo boffs - $15 (assuming $5 per boff based on other boffs in cstore. actual cost could be higher)
Targ Companion - $10
3 titles - N/A or $15 (not sold on exchange. $5 is just guess to put a number on it for those that want one)
Is it the nearly $1k in monetary value or 10 ship count of the original Legendary bundle, no it's not. However in monetary terms you're still getting at least double your investment in terms of items. I will be picking up this pack because these ships are good upgrades compared to the previous versions for my tank builds.
EDIT: correcting a mistake I made on calculations above. had a nice little brain lapse and was thinking experimental techs as in item upgrades. In actuality those should be 1000 zen a pop or 2000 zen for 3 of them. Assuming 2 of the 3 packs are bought, that would push the total value to $601.5 base monetary value or $720.5 assuming another $120 to buy the original t6 ships for their consoles.
original comment that's been changed: Overall not counting the stuff marked N/A you're looking at $561.5 in monetary value if you were to try to acquire all those items separately without buying this bundle. This also assumes we're not taking into account the extra costs with getting the extra consoles and items the ships actually come with. If we take those into account then add another $120 for each of the prior existing t6 ships to make it $681.5
Post edited by darkbladejk on
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,956Community Moderator
I'm thinking of getting it honestly. Late Birthday present to myself.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I think overall the value (at least at the discount price) is good. On the other hand, it was rather disappointing to find out there would only be 2 KDF ships in it, and neither is a D7/K't'inga class. While I wasn't expecting a huge 10 ship KDF bundle, I was hoping for a bit more then 2 KDF ships, considering there are lots of KDF ship lines that don't even have T6 versions. With the 10 ship legendary bundle, I bought the premium one specifically because of the Epic Phoenix token, which this bundle doesn't have. I don't mind the other items too much. (I got a Promo pack from the R&D packs with Premium 10 ship bundle.) I do like having more ship parts to use for customization and don't have an Excelsior yet. It would be nice to know if the Vor'cha comes with the K'Maj parts. (Fleet T5 version of Kamarag)
I say good value because there isn't an option between good and middling. For what is there in the pack, it's actually not that bad in a monetary sense.
4 ships - $120 (assuming 3k zen per ship and not the 4500 zen folks say legendary ships should cost)
2 coupons - $60
500 lobi - $80~ (assuming 7 lobi per key on average to generate said lobi. actual results may vary.)
11 keys - $12.50
11 promo packs - $29 (assuming one buys 2 of the 4 packs and then 3 singles)
11 ultimate tech upgrades - $220 (assuming $20 per upgrade it would normally cost to obtain)
6 ship slots - $15 (assuming 3 2 packs)
6 experimental tech ugprades - N/A or $6 (rough estimate based on their power compared to other upgrades. feel free to use own number here)
3 holo boffs - $15 (assuming $5 per boff based on other boffs in cstore. actual cost could be higher)
Targ Companion - $10
3 titles - N/A or $15 (not sold on exchange. $5 is just guess to put a number on it for those that want one)
Overall not counting the stuff marked N/A you're looking at $561.5 in monetary value if you were to try to acquire all those items separately without buying this bundle. This also assumes we're not taking into account the extra costs with getting the extra consoles and items the ships actually come with. If we take those into account then add another $120 for each of the prior existing t6 ships to make it $681.5
Is it the nearly $1k in monetary value or 10 ship count of the original Legendary bundle, no it's not. However in monetary terms you're still getting at least double your investment in terms of items. I will be picking up this pack because these ships are good upgrades compared to the previous versions for my tank builds.
Not surprised since you had stated you were purchasing it even before all the ships & stats were released.
I would say the value is average at best. And I'm probably biased because I'm a HUGE Excelsior fan and a pretty big B'rel and Vor'cha fan. Still, I bought it anyway, partly because I still had a $200 gift card left over from Christmas.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
I say good value because there isn't an option between good and middling. For what is there in the pack, it's actually not that bad in a monetary sense.
4 ships - $120 (assuming 3k zen per ship and not the 4500 zen folks say legendary ships should cost)
2 coupons - $60
500 lobi - $80~ (assuming 7 lobi per key on average to generate said lobi. actual results may vary.)
11 keys - $12.50
11 promo packs - $29 (assuming one buys 2 of the 4 packs and then 3 singles)
11 ultimate tech upgrades - $220 (assuming $20 per upgrade it would normally cost to obtain)
6 ship slots - $15 (assuming 3 2 packs)
6 experimental tech ugprades - N/A or $6 (rough estimate based on their power compared to other upgrades. feel free to use own number here)
3 holo boffs - $15 (assuming $5 per boff based on other boffs in cstore. actual cost could be higher)
Targ Companion - $10
3 titles - N/A or $15 (not sold on exchange. $5 is just guess to put a number on it for those that want one)
Overall not counting the stuff marked N/A you're looking at $561.5 in monetary value if you were to try to acquire all those items separately without buying this bundle. This also assumes we're not taking into account the extra costs with getting the extra consoles and items the ships actually come with. If we take those into account then add another $120 for each of the prior existing t6 ships to make it $681.5
Is it the nearly $1k in monetary value or 10 ship count of the original Legendary bundle, no it's not. However in monetary terms you're still getting at least double your investment in terms of items. I will be picking up this pack because these ships are good upgrades compared to the previous versions for my tank builds.
I really hope they're compensating you well for... this... sorry display.
I would have bought the bundle already, except that:
- it took me hours after release (and I am still not 100% certain) to find out if the T6 coupons are bound or not. This should have been in the official documentation somewhere.
- if they are bound, I have already purchased every T6 CStore ship so I can't spend them until a new ship is released and qualifies for them, which by past experience will likely be until sometime next year.
- I'm not certain I am comfortable with this price if it means storing the T6 coupons in the hopes that I will ever have anything to spend them on.
You don't think they will release any C-store ships in all of 2021? That's grim.
> @westmetals said: > I did not say that. Historically new release ships aren't eligible for the coupons until they come off the "new" tab. Which takes several months. > > As for example: there are ships still on the "new" tab RIGHT NOW that were released in August. And we aren't hearing jack about any new releases in the next few weeks. > > Right now, that would mean any new ships would likely still be on there until at least November or December. And knowing Cryptic they would want to keep them locked up until after the Black Friday and Christmastime sales.
That's for 100% coupons earned from events. The ones bought with Zen are unrestricted IIRC.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
Not going to buy it because its awful.
I've got the Targ and the crossfaction unlock already...so I don't need those. 500 Lobi and Worf are nice indeed but paying ~125€ for 4 ships, 500 lobis and Worf is not great value (I don't need the ship coupons, boxes and keys either).
> @westmetals said:
> I did not say that. Historically new release ships aren't eligible for the coupons until they come off the "new" tab. Which takes several months.
> As for example: there are ships still on the "new" tab RIGHT NOW that were released in August. And we aren't hearing jack about any new releases in the next few weeks.
> Right now, that would mean any new ships would likely still be on there until at least November or December. And knowing Cryptic they would want to keep them locked up until after the Black Friday and Christmastime sales.
That's for 100% coupons earned from events. The ones bought with Zen are unrestricted IIRC.
Okay maybe. But still no confirmation if they're bound or not?
If I knew, 100% that these are not bound, I would have pulled the trigger already. The fact that we don't know is horrifyingly bad marketing.
Literally... I asked on here and I get conflicting answers. I asked on facebook and got conflicting answers. And the official documentation says zilch.
They come in 2 boxes and say they are BTA when opened. If you don't open the box you can trade them, just not via the exchange.
Caveat: I didn't look closely to see if the unopened boxes were actually bound or not, but I remember the description did say they could be traded till opened. I opened them so I can't double check for you.
Anyone that voted for one of the bottom 2 options and bought the bundle anyway is part of the problem.
Sorry, but it's true.
Agreed - but as said, I haven't purchased it and don't intend to.
In fact have no intention of buying ANYTHING Cryptic produces going forward with one, obvious (and unlikely), exception.
I hope those that bought it get their moneys worth, I wish no ill will on any of them.. but if their metrics say this bundle was successful, we'll see more of this.. 'aggressive pricing.'
I honestly don't blame Cryptic either.. if they can get this much money for such an average pack.. it's hard to blame them for not taking advantage of the opportunity. I fully understand, they're not a charity and Cryptic staff have families and bills.. if it brings the money in, it would be silly not to do it.
I don't like it, I won't take part in it.. but to those that do, enjoy!
> @westmetals said:
> I did not say that. Historically new release ships aren't eligible for the coupons until they come off the "new" tab. Which takes several months.
> As for example: there are ships still on the "new" tab RIGHT NOW that were released in August. And we aren't hearing jack about any new releases in the next few weeks.
> Right now, that would mean any new ships would likely still be on there until at least November or December. And knowing Cryptic they would want to keep them locked up until after the Black Friday and Christmastime sales.
That's for 100% coupons earned from events. The ones bought with Zen are unrestricted IIRC.
I initially didn't vote in this thread since I wasn't buying the bundle, but since salazarraze felt it necessary to inject himself into a non-buying specific thread about the bundle, "You do you." I'm offering some balance.
> @westmetals said:
> I did not say that. Historically new release ships aren't eligible for the coupons until they come off the "new" tab. Which takes several months.
> As for example: there are ships still on the "new" tab RIGHT NOW that were released in August. And we aren't hearing jack about any new releases in the next few weeks.
> Right now, that would mean any new ships would likely still be on there until at least November or December. And knowing Cryptic they would want to keep them locked up until after the Black Friday and Christmastime sales.
That's for 100% coupons earned from events. The ones bought with Zen are unrestricted IIRC.
Okay maybe. But still no confirmation if they're bound or not?
If I knew, 100% that these are not bound, I would have pulled the trigger already. The fact that we don't know is horrifyingly bad marketing.
Literally... I asked on here and I get conflicting answers. I asked on facebook and got conflicting answers. And the official documentation says zilch.
When I looked at mine, they said they are not bound, can be traded, but not put on the exchange.
The same as the ones from the Token sales last year for me.
> @westmetals said:
> I did not say that. Historically new release ships aren't eligible for the coupons until they come off the "new" tab. Which takes several months.
> As for example: there are ships still on the "new" tab RIGHT NOW that were released in August. And we aren't hearing jack about any new releases in the next few weeks.
> Right now, that would mean any new ships would likely still be on there until at least November or December. And knowing Cryptic they would want to keep them locked up until after the Black Friday and Christmastime sales.
That's for 100% coupons earned from events. The ones bought with Zen are unrestricted IIRC.
I initially didn't vote in this thread since I wasn't buying the bundle, but since salazarraze felt it necessary to inject himself into a non-buying specific thread about the bundle, "You do you." I'm offering some balance.
It goes without saying but you are welcome to participate in this thread. You do you.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
corrected a mistake I made in my calculations above. had a brain lapse
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
Join Date: Sep 2008
I consider them the same issue. The value is the subjective worth which is going to vary with the desirability to any given person.
If I offer you free ice cream cone in your favorite flavor, you'd happily take it (for sake of argument.) If I charged you $1, you'd probably still be willing to pay for it.
If I charge $10 and add in a week supply of dog food (you have no dog), a package of napkins, a jar of pickles, and a bottle of baby powder, you start to wonder if its worth the $10 as you probably want nothing else but the ice cream, but you might want the ice cream so much that you'd still take the deal.
It may well be worth the $10 versus buying those things separately, but you don't want those other things and can't get your ice cream any other way, so you have to decide to get something you want for a bad price, or not at all.
When it boils down to it, if they offered this pack at $60 no one would be saying its a bad value, they still may not want it, but recognize its a great deal.
Well, then you are getting into whether value is decided as a function of the production cost plus margin based on their labour and resources required vs by the end user's financial willingness to buy, and those are two separate ways of determining the value. One thought process has them be the same, the other has them distinct.
4 ships - $120 (assuming 3k zen per ship and not the 4500 zen folks say legendary ships should cost)
2 coupons - $60
500 lobi - $80~ (assuming 7 lobi per key on average to generate said lobi. actual results may vary.)
11 keys - $12.50
11 promo packs - $29 (assuming one buys 2 of the 4 packs and then 3 singles)
11 ultimate tech upgrades - $220 (assuming $20 per upgrade it would normally cost to obtain)
6 ship slots - $15 (assuming 3 2 packs)
6 experimental tech ugprades - $40 (assumes 2 3 packs)
3 holo boffs - $15 (assuming $5 per boff based on other boffs in cstore. actual cost could be higher)
Targ Companion - $10
3 titles - N/A or $15 (not sold on exchange. $5 is just guess to put a number on it for those that want one)
Is it the nearly $1k in monetary value or 10 ship count of the original Legendary bundle, no it's not. However in monetary terms you're still getting at least double your investment in terms of items. I will be picking up this pack because these ships are good upgrades compared to the previous versions for my tank builds.
EDIT: correcting a mistake I made on calculations above. had a nice little brain lapse and was thinking experimental techs as in item upgrades. In actuality those should be 1000 zen a pop or 2000 zen for 3 of them. Assuming 2 of the 3 packs are bought, that would push the total value to $601.5 base monetary value or $720.5 assuming another $120 to buy the original t6 ships for their consoles.
original comment that's been changed: Overall not counting the stuff marked N/A you're looking at $561.5 in monetary value if you were to try to acquire all those items separately without buying this bundle. This also assumes we're not taking into account the extra costs with getting the extra consoles and items the ships actually come with. If we take those into account then add another $120 for each of the prior existing t6 ships to make it $681.5
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Not surprised since you had stated you were purchasing it even before all the ships & stats were released.
It looks like some people who aren't buying it are voting too, which kinda skews the results.
I really hope they're compensating you well for... this... sorry display.
You don't think they will release any C-store ships in all of 2021? That's grim.
> I did not say that. Historically new release ships aren't eligible for the coupons until they come off the "new" tab. Which takes several months.
> As for example: there are ships still on the "new" tab RIGHT NOW that were released in August. And we aren't hearing jack about any new releases in the next few weeks.
> Right now, that would mean any new ships would likely still be on there until at least November or December. And knowing Cryptic they would want to keep them locked up until after the Black Friday and Christmastime sales.
That's for 100% coupons earned from events. The ones bought with Zen are unrestricted IIRC.
I've got the Targ and the crossfaction unlock already...so I don't need those. 500 Lobi and Worf are nice indeed but paying ~125€ for 4 ships, 500 lobis and Worf is not great value (I don't need the ship coupons, boxes and keys either).
Anyone that voted for one of the bottom 2 options and bought the bundle anyway is part of the problem.
Sorry, but it's true.
They come in 2 boxes and say they are BTA when opened. If you don't open the box you can trade them, just not via the exchange.
Caveat: I didn't look closely to see if the unopened boxes were actually bound or not, but I remember the description did say they could be traded till opened. I opened them so I can't double check for you.
I hope those that bought it get their moneys worth, I wish no ill will on any of them.. but if their metrics say this bundle was successful, we'll see more of this.. 'aggressive pricing.'
I honestly don't blame Cryptic either.. if they can get this much money for such an average pack.. it's hard to blame them for not taking advantage of the opportunity. I fully understand, they're not a charity and Cryptic staff have families and bills.. if it brings the money in, it would be silly not to do it.
I don't like it, I won't take part in it.. but to those that do, enjoy!
I initially didn't vote in this thread since I wasn't buying the bundle, but since salazarraze felt it necessary to inject himself into a non-buying specific thread about the bundle, "You do you." I'm offering some balance.
When I looked at mine, they said they are not bound, can be traded, but not put on the exchange.
The same as the ones from the Token sales last year for me.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator