Yea these 3 you singled out would be very nice, especially the first, saying 'new uniforms are always a plus', that started with 'a slight expansion of the Romulan Republic options! I'd really love a Romulan Tactical Jacket, with side arm pockets similar to the Odyssey Excursion; even if they were enabled at Fleet like Klingons & Federation have...
I'd also a quality improvement pass over several older ones, and standard colors (perhaps an extra row or two to make viable) across all Uniforms for sure!
Hopefully in time see a few new Romulan uniforms options from PIC Season 1-2 at some point; hopefully also Romulan subtle beards or facial hair too. Not to mention ones from DIS 1-3, maybe even Strange New World when it finally airs.
Maybe an open jacket variant, some of us want Narissa, Elnor, Narek and Oh's outfits + hairstyles.
Maybe an open jacket variant, some of us want Narissa, Elnor, Narek and Oh's outfits + hairstyles.
32nd century Starfleet uniforms
Klingon coats
undiscovered country Klingon uniforms
Picard Circa 2385 uniform
USS Franklin 2163 Uniform