I have a question, I am maxed out in my toon roster, would we be getting a FREE character slot to make this DISCO Klink?
I doubt it...they only gave out a free character slot when they added a new fraction or special event, which doesn't seem to be happening with the anniversary
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
I am not familiar with theses klingons yet because I didn't watch Discovery. They don't have any hair, don't they? (male and female).
Season 1 didn't, Season 2 did, and they gave an explanation in 1 episode. Although I like the S2 look as well, it still kinda came across as a handwave of "We got a lot of flak for this, so here you go, retconned." I'm currently rewatching from beginning before starting S3, but from what I've heard, the major plot development of the S2 finale has the show not showing many Klingons in S3. I could be wrong on that one though.
Call me "El," she/her only. I love my wife and I don't care who knows it!
This "timelost" Klingon uniform looks good from this 1 screenshot. Hopefully if one creates this new Discovery Klingon it could unlock it for any other KDF characters on an account, but I'm sure Cryptic wouldn't want players creating this new Discovery Klingon just to unlock a uniform account-wide then delete it. I mean unless this Discovery Klingon does indeed have a recruitment event accompanying it or it has different innate stats the only difference will be purely cosmetic right?
I have a question, I am maxed out in my toon roster, would we be getting a FREE character slot to make this DISCO Klink?
I doubt it...they only gave out a free character slot when they added a new fraction or special event, which doesn't seem to be happening with the anniversary
They tend to announce things little by little instead of all at once, so it's still possible it will happen with the anniversary and they just haven't announced it yet. You never really know for sure what's coming with this game until the patch notes are released.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I wonder if we get unique Dialogue with J'Ula, I know it's not much but it's that tiny bit that brings immersion to this game, I liked telling Sela that she wasn't a true Romulan as a Romulan captain, or that time Vulcans captains were treated like fellow Vulcans instead of Humans during that P'jem mission.
There would have to be some insane account wide unlocks attached to these KINOs (Klingons In Name Only) to get me to play one. Even than, I would play it just long enough to unlock those things, then never touch that character again. I want less TRIBBLE and STP in this game, NOT more. Every new bit of TRIBBLE or STP content added makes this game more of a chore to play.
No worries @jennycolvin I thought I was getting long winded anyways. I do that, sometimes.
Nah, don't worry! Actually, you made a very well reasoned post and it was a nice read!!
Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
Sometimes i think that people forget that this is just a game, not real life.. so really it does not matter.. something new yeah!, something not.. buuu... it really doesent matter, there is a lot of things i would like in this game... but so what?, it's not MY game.. i pay some money to get stuff that i like, and thats all.. not my entire life belongs to this game..
👍 Here, here...
SPACE---The Last and Great Frontier. A 15th-year journey
Vna res, una mens, unum cor et anima una. Cetera omnia, somnium est.
Would of expected that after the last year of them doing thee bare minimum they would offer a Discovery Klingon fraction and recruitment event....but nope. Once again only the bare minimum from Cryptic!
They've said a Klingon recruitment event is happening, my guess is it will be for these Disco Klinks though.
This is exactly why most players don't give a damn about the KDF...because the Devs skimp...they've skimped from day 1 and still continue to do so. When this event doesn't bring in the numbers they expect they will use it as a excuse to only do Fed content for the next few years (again).
I was wrong, Kael said last night that the recruitment event will be for all KDF, not just Disco Klingons. He also confirmed that it will go live with the anniversary event, blog coming some time in the next few days.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I was wrong, Kael said last night that the recruitment event will be for all KDF, not just Disco Klingons. He also confirmed that it will go live with the anniversary event, blog coming some time in the next few days.
If the recruitment event is temporal themed it might be fun to run it as TOS Klingons and TOS Gorn, also IDK why Disco Klingons are a separate race from normal Klingons.
If the recruitment event is temporal themed it might be fun to run it as TOS Klingons and TOS Gorn, also IDK why Disco Klingons are a separate race from normal Klingons.
Guessing they get unique animations like DSC feds vs the other flavours.
I wonder if we get unique Dialogue with J'Ula, I know it's not much but it's that tiny bit that brings immersion to this game, I liked telling Sela that she wasn't a true Romulan as a Romulan captain, or that time Vulcans captains were treated like fellow Vulcans instead of Humans during that P'jem mission.
It's possible. I had actually created a new female Klingon character to do the Klingon civil war stuff and there's slightly different dialogue in the most recent episode where you are looking for a Klingon Female in the club on Nimbus 3, all the NPCs would say something like "Besides yourself?"
Though I loathe the way Discovery handled the Klingons, I do admit to finding this intriguing.
Yea like you, that was also my reaction to how Klingons looked in Discovery Season 1.
I've warmed up to them since then, as they evolved in S2 and grew their hair. They explained was was during the war they shaved it.
I am however intrigued by the Klingon Recruitment Event. Not sure if I'll make more Traditional Klingon, or the Sub-Species from 23rd Century, or perhaps an Orion or Gorn. I'll likely choose a Klingon, and can likely choose or change which option I prefer for that character, as it's just an alternative genetic option for how STO has decided upon. Looking forward to the blog that might explain more about this Event, in the days to come.
Would of expected that after the last year of them doing thee bare minimum they would offer a Discovery Klingon fraction and recruitment event....but nope. Once again only the bare minimum from Cryptic!
They've said a Klingon recruitment event is happening, my guess is it will be for these Disco Klinks though.
Yea they talk about it happening during the Anniversary, and for any new Klingon Defense Force available Race.
I'm going to have to delete my Klingon toon for this event, run it with both a normal klingon and a disco klingon just to see what the difference, this might be the conspiracy theorist in me but there has to be more than cosmetics involved for them to be a separate race. EDIT: unfortunately I have to wait for it to come to consoles before I can run my tests.
You'll likely get another Character slot for this, that's what they've done in the past.
I think the only differences are Tailor options, and if you already have a normal Klingon, you can likely change them to look more Discovery Sub-Species if you desire. They said they use the normal Klingon Starting storyline that's now been completely revamped. So basically it's some or a few Klingons have the recessive genes, the big surprises will be what's in the recruitment event.
I am not familiar with theses klingons yet because I didn't watch Discovery. They don't have any hair, don't they? (male and female).
Season 1 didn't, Season 2 did, and they gave an explanation in 1 episode. Although I like the S2 look as well, it still kinda came across as a handwave of "We got a lot of flak for this, so here you go, retconned." I'm currently rewatching from beginning before starting S3, but from what I've heard, the major plot development of the S2 finale has the show not showing many Klingons in S3. I could be wrong on that one though.
They claimed the reason why the Klingons 'shaved' their heads in the first season was because they were 'at war'.
Considering that Klingons did not shave their heads whether they were at war before. Also, if it was only when they were at war, then why were they bald in the first place, when they weren't engaged in war with the Federation at the start of the season?
Yes, the war didn't start with the Federation, it was them fighting amongst themselves. You've explained it very well here, some need to go back and watch Season 1 of Discovery.
Also, if it was only when they were at war, then why were they bald in the first place, when they weren't engaged in war with the Federation at the start of the season?
Because, as explained at the beginning of Discovery S1, the Klingons had been in a destructive civil war for most of the last 100 years, which is why the Federation hadn't seen much of them, besides a few raiding parties, in the 100 years since Enterprise.
That was the whole reason T'Kuvma started doing what he did in the first place. The Klingons were bordering on self annihilation after a century of civil war, and he was trying to start a war with the Federation to unite the Klingons against a common foe.
I still am not a big fan of season 1, just seemed too convoluted to me, but well explained about the Klingons' reasons in season 1, somtaawkhar.
One thing I don't get is that Disco Klingons existed 10 years before TOS, WTF happened to the Augment virus that was affecting Klingons during 2150s and 2260s.
I doubt it...they only gave out a free character slot when they added a new fraction or special event, which doesn't seem to be happening with the anniversary
Season 1 didn't, Season 2 did, and they gave an explanation in 1 episode. Although I like the S2 look as well, it still kinda came across as a handwave of "We got a lot of flak for this, so here you go, retconned." I'm currently rewatching from beginning before starting S3, but from what I've heard, the major plot development of the S2 finale has the show not showing many Klingons in S3. I could be wrong on that one though.
They tend to announce things little by little instead of all at once, so it's still possible it will happen with the anniversary and they just haven't announced it yet. You never really know for sure what's coming with this game until the patch notes are released.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Nah, don't worry! Actually, you made a very well reasoned post and it was a nice read!!
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
👍 Here, here...
I was wrong, Kael said last night that the recruitment event will be for all KDF, not just Disco Klingons. He also confirmed that it will go live with the anniversary event, blog coming some time in the next few days.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
If the recruitment event is temporal themed it might be fun to run it as TOS Klingons and TOS Gorn, also IDK why Disco Klingons are a separate race from normal Klingons.
Guessing they get unique animations like DSC feds vs the other flavours.
It's possible. I had actually created a new female Klingon character to do the Klingon civil war stuff and there's slightly different dialogue in the most recent episode where you are looking for a Klingon Female in the club on Nimbus 3, all the NPCs would say something like "Besides yourself?"
Yea like you, that was also my reaction to how Klingons looked in Discovery Season 1.
I've warmed up to them since then, as they evolved in S2 and grew their hair. They explained was was during the war they shaved it.
I am however intrigued by the Klingon Recruitment Event. Not sure if I'll make more Traditional Klingon, or the Sub-Species from 23rd Century, or perhaps an Orion or Gorn. I'll likely choose a Klingon, and can likely choose or change which option I prefer for that character, as it's just an alternative genetic option for how STO has decided upon. Looking forward to the blog that might explain more about this Event, in the days to come.
Yea they talk about it happening during the Anniversary, and for any new Klingon Defense Force available Race.
♫♪♪ From 2021-01-20 Twitch, which was then shared on YouTube.
I think the only differences are Tailor options, and if you already have a normal Klingon, you can likely change them to look more Discovery Sub-Species if you desire. They said they use the normal Klingon Starting storyline that's now been completely revamped. So basically it's some or a few Klingons have the recessive genes, the big surprises will be what's in the recruitment event.
They claimed the reason why the Klingons 'shaved' their heads in the first season was because they were 'at war'.
Considering that Klingons did not shave their heads whether they were at war before. Also, if it was only when they were at war, then why were they bald in the first place, when they weren't engaged in war with the Federation at the start of the season?
Yeah, it was a lame excuse.
I still am not a big fan of season 1, just seemed too convoluted to me, but well explained about the Klingons' reasons in season 1, somtaawkhar.