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Best Romulan t6 ships?

mattingly1mattingly1 Member Posts: 206 Arc User
I know that STO is a game where you can pretty much make any (t5 or t6) ship work in endgame. I am also aware that different ships do different things better than others, making some comparisons unfair or even impossible.

However, it's clear from watching YouTube that most people believe there are a set of vessels that are at the top of the heap, even if that status isn't always permanent (such as with the Vengeance). Such a ship might not technically be "the best," but is generally regarded to do what it is designed for very well, with logical BOFF seating, etc., etc.

Being fairly new, I was wondering what most experienced veterans regard as the top 5 Romulan ships overall - regardless of classification and play style?
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  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,695 Arc User
    I'm guessing you want weapon damage, so:
    Two of the T6 versions of the Scimitar (might as well get the three pack), both have very good consoles to boot, and unlock one of the top frigates Romulan Droneships for compatible vessels (Scimitars and Romulan carriers).
    https://sto.gamepedia.com/Khopesh_Tactical_Dreadnought_Warbird - Pure Tac bent
    https://sto.gamepedia.com/Shamshir_Operations_Dreadnought_Warbird - Bumped up Engineering means being able to slot Emergency Power to Weapons III without having to use the universal as Engineering
    Sci version ( https://sto.gamepedia.com/Flambard_Science_Dreadnought_Warbird ) has a less impressive console, but the three set console bonus from equipping all three is nice, and the bundle is priced effectively buy two get one free.

    The Scimitar line used to be the DPS king, but that's been a while now. Still up there for energy DPS, but things that don't have a Rom equivalent, like the Garagin/Qugh beat it out nowadays.

    https://sto.gamepedia.com/Morrigu_Heavy_Warbird: Top-end must have trait for energy weapon builds, and a solid ship.

    I'm not sure where I'd put the rest.

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  • garaffegaraffe Member Posts: 1,353 Arc User
    Let me preface this list with the following: I have never, and will never pay much attention to Energy Weapon Damage. All but one of my captains focuses on EPG.

    Top two are both promo ships:
    1. T'liss temporal warbird - fun little ship that is great for a stealth science EPG build because BOFF skills don't break cloak.
    2. Valkis dread - a very good temporal ship with a radiation lance that scales off EPG.

    Next is a lockbox ship:
    3. Tal Shiar cruiser - this ship can be set up with a general science build, and does wonderfully as a sci ship.

    The final two are C - store:
    4. MW sci warbird - I like to use this ship as an EPG tank, running full power to Aux and loaded with EPG based skills.
    5. Malem - I LOVE this ship for a heavy plasma torp boat. Since it can fire torps while cloaked, it is beautiful with a tac plasma bomber build. With or without mines.

    Honorable mentions:
    6. Multi-mission warbirds - these ships all come with Aux-powered heavy plasma cannons, so these ships can be set up for a sci build that has some emphasis on weapon damage (not my specialty).
    7. Dyson destroyers - Because these ships are T5, they don't do as well, but they are still darn sexy ships and fun to fly.
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,999 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    One that is great but often overlooked is the Faeht Intel warbird. Its trait is good though not fantastic, it can make a big difference in survivability on a ship as small and fragile as the Faeht however. It it is very similar to the Malem in that it has the same cloak so can fire torpedoes and roll mines without breaking cloak and feels even more agile. As the name says, it has Intel seating so it has that bag of dirty tricks and sneakiness to draw on too.

    On the downside it is an older design so it has one fewer console slot compared to most of the new T6s. On several characters I have run it up until the trait unlocks then switched to the fleet version to fix that problem (and I spent my first X-upgrade to T6x the fleet version on top of that).

    The Surhuelh Reconnaissance Explorer Warbird is a good pure science T6, its trait is not a must-have either but the heavy mine it rolls when you use BFAW or beam overload is nice just the same. It comes with an aux-powered dual cannon and can use any of the Alliance Multi-Mission Explorer consoles, (the radiation cone one it comes with is rather niche but can come in handy against stationary or lumbering targets).
    Post edited by phoenixc#0738 on
  • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    I'd say most Rom ships are pretty good, but I'd love a legendary D'deridex if it existed.

    Still if you're looking at the Cstore indecisively:

    1. Morrigu, primarily for the trait, but it remains a very solid choice for a ship
    2. Scimitar bundle, the console set is great and they are very powerful ships for a DPS racer.
    3. Malem (strongly consider getting it and its lineage via starter packs if you don't get the legendary one) for torpedo boating, but it is a fun ship for more standard builds too.
    4. Multimission science ships, strong science choices with a nice console set.
    5. T6 D'deridex, a very interesting ship with some interesting build possibilities. The various warbird consoles and battle cloak make it a flexible ship that can also be much more maneuverable than you'd think.
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    Since it hasn't been mentioned so far, the Suliban Silik Flight Deck Assault Carrier is technically a "romulan" ship. It's basically a 5/3 battlecruiser with 2 hangars and a battlecloak, nothing fancy like the Malem or Morrigu but it's a mean little ship.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    Sticking with C-Store/readily available ships:

    -Base Ship(ignoring traits, consoles, etc.)-
    Kopesh(tac T6 Scimitar) - It's a big death-ship; 5/3 weapon layout, 5 tac consoles, and a hangar bay.
    Tebok - Big brawler; similar to the Kopesh; 4/4 weapon layout, no hangar, and full miracle worker spec.
    Kholhr - "Warship"/escort playstyle; 5/3 weapon layout, 5 tac consoles, respectable durability and handling.
    Jaein/Okhala - Zippy little pewpew gunship; 5/2 weapon layout, 5 tac consoles, extremely agile and has pilot maneuvers.
    Surhuelh - Very flexible offensive science vessel; the usual science stuff with an extra hangar and a tactical lean.

    -Honorable mentions-
    Vastam - Very resilient twin-hangar Command ship with a lot of flexibility and firepower; can slot Suppression Barrage 3.
    Kara - A bit of a tanky halfway between a Kopesh and Tebok; trades a tac console for a built-in (plasma)spinal lance.
    Silik(Suliban ship) - Plays similar to Kholhr, but you trade a tac console for two hangar bays and a warpcore; Battlecloaks.
    Malem/T'liss - Enhanced Battle cloak is fun, extremely flexible layout.

    -Trait picks-
    Morrigu - -50% energy drain and +20 firing haste when you use Emergency Power to Weapons. Considered mandatory by most.
    Ikkabar(Dewan ship) - Lets you effectively have permanent Gravity Wells.
    Malem/T'liss - Lets you _potentially_ have permanent uptime on Cannons: Scatter Volley.
    Tebok - Similar to above, but for Beams: Fire At Will, and you have to get hit.
    Jhu'ael - Causes your hangar pets to use Beam Overlord/Cannons Rapid Fire whenever you do. A bit more niche, but fun/useful.
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