Hey all. Ive been told to post this here (To any Bug DEV's that work on these, please refer to my service ticket #91042, there are screen shots posted in the that ticket).
So I created a new Discovery character, excited to start another career in starfleet, this time in the Discovery era. I created my character, finished the tutorial, then bought the Age of Discovery pack (not the starter one but the big one). Pulled out the ship in there that levels you up, and made that my ship, and then proceded to do the discovery episode missions (as they were the only missions avalable to me). I get to the Downfall Episode and procede to play. I do well, finishing up the mission at a huge battle at starbase one. Right at the end of the battle I am pulled from the Discovery time line by temporal agent Daniels, telling me something about some huge explosion that was the cause of the klingons using some special weapon, that had thrown me into some time streem (I dont have exactly what he said), but basically he pulled me from the discovery era time line, and threw me into the current timeline, dropping me on Earth Spacedock. Here is where I got stuck. Infront of my is SUPPOSED to be the mission guy that I speak to conclude the episode. Well Hes there, but he doesnt have the mission complete sign above his head as normal. I talk to him..He just says hello. So I look over at my mission log. Now my mission log is just telling me to get to starbase one. What? I just did all that, completed the mission, why is it starting me over? So I try to beam to my starship in hopes to return to the discovery era and try the mission again. No such luck. Failed to transfer map. Great. Now im stuck, on earth spacedock, I cant return to my ship, or to the discovery era zone. I can no longer do anything with this character. I cant take any other missions, as only Downfall and the two previous episodes are the only ones to apear in his missions. I tired dropping the mission. Ive tried taking the other missions. I cant do PVP events. I cant do PVE events. I cant do the birthday events. I am stuck. Period. Cant even return to my ship or transport to starfleet acadamy. Now ive tried to seek help with opening a service ticket (AGAIN TICKET 91042), and they said to post here, that they could not help me, it is a bug I have discovered and there was no way around it, except to delete my character. This does not make me too happy (Ive been a member of this game since beta, and a life time sub member since the first day it was offered), because I had bought the age of discovery pack for this character, and if I delete the character I can no longer claim some of the items that are ONE PER ACCOUNT. Anyway. Thats my story.
Anyone else run into this or know a way around it that maybe the GM's might of missed or not know about? Ive been working on this issue since Sunday 01/15/2020 (So yes, ive tried logging out and everything they had suggested even before I contacted them for help). Thanks so much, I hope you can fix this, so someone else doesnt run into this same problem (or I create another character and hit this roadblock yet again).