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Do the Ep and skip Que for event



  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    tigeraries wrote: »
    just rescue 1 ship each phase and you should be good. skip the transports if possible. do a freighter, cruiser or battleship, in that order. they need to get rid of the space station and have all the ships be around it so they cant get stuck. its not just transports they can get stuck... I saw a battleship and cruiser get stuck in the station during 1 run... all fed npc ships need to leave (destroyed) the map for the que to end. really TRIBBLE poor design.

    It seems that battlecruisers are the ones getting stuck up under the station, so I'd suggest ignoring them, too. Frigates or cruisers.

    I think it has to do with if you have too many ships rescued then there is no space for the ships to gather around the space station so they get all bunched together and then get stuck.
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  • lordmerc22lordmerc22 Member Posts: 776 Arc User
    I havent done the TFO yet but the episode is actually quite good - I enjoyed it and I also like where the story is going, so I may as well do the episode on a different character each time before doing the TFO
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  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Semi afk is definitely the way to go, couple of frigates and amble about in circles autofiring. This lazy approach also means you can dualbox accounts and avoid having to double dip each day.

    Whoever made the map didn't play test it enough or bother about the age old issue of cramming far too many ships into a tiny space. I'd hazard a guess it was the same person that placed asteroids near the spawn of one of the disco tfo's that caught players that zoned in early and got stuck by those on a slower loading time shunting them inside. If the mission has a maximum number of ships of a specific size to fit inside a bubble then common sense dictates you make that bubble of sufficient size and don't place it over the top of a honking big space station.
  • edited October 2020
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  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited October 2020
    Guild Wars 2..

    Jesus.. Shut up about GW2 already!!!!

    I play it from time to time and it looks and runs great. You just keep re-hashing a couple of things that have gone wrong for Arena Net over the last 8 years and using the same tired examples over and over again to justify everything wrong with Cryptic. All your transparent brown nosing is getting old.. this isn't GW2 and anyone logging into that game for 5 min can tell it's one of the most polished and stable MMO's out there. Have they had some issues? Sure.. it's been 8 years.. but nothing like what we get here EVERY WEEK.

    No one is going to say GW2 is perfect.. far from it.. but who cares? it's irrelevant when it comes to STO.

    So shut up already.. this isn't GW2 and no one is interested hearing you re-hash the same tired examples over and over again in an attempt to brown nose for Cryptic. It's amazing how you never miss a chance to White Knight as much as possible.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • hanover2hanover2 Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    Then they are not testing it under the same conditions as live play. Heck, somebody on staff should be online playing it repeatedly the day it is released. You don't get to push out such a lengthy, tedious TFO, have it bug out and fail to complete, and not expect some people to express aggravation.
  • edited October 2020
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  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited October 2020
    I can tell you don't play Guild Wars 2 regularly.

    Not as much as I used to.. I played it a ton the first couple years it was out then stopped. Now I only log in occasionally, my most recent was today.. only played about an hour and a half of general PVE. Looked and ran great.. far smoother then STO runs and looks much better.

    Most of the problems I had in that game was in World Vs. World which did get very laggy, but again.. that was years ago. I haven't tried it recently, nor would I.. the game has changed so much since 'my day' that I would get absolutely curb stomped.

    I know it's not a perfect game, there is no such thing as a perfect game, but you make it sound like a disaster which it's not. You're just making excuses for Cryptic because you have a clear agenda. If you really think GW2 is as bad as you describe and you still play it then you have something wrong with you man. :lol:

    Either way, you keep regurgitating the same tired GW2 stuff in every thread.. and it's exaggerated and irrelevant. So for the love of god.. enough already.
    Insert witty signature line here.
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  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,166 Arc User
    Industry wide technical challenges are not irrelevant when it comes to something else in the same industry. Pointing that out is neither brown nosing, nor white knighting. Its pointing out a fact.

    In a vacuum it might not be, no. But if someone does it every single day in nearly every thread where someone has an issue with the game, then that person has clearly gone off the deep end.

    Yes, every game has bugs. Nobody disagrees. But multiple game breaking bugs in a single update is not ok or normal. Peoples characters disappearing is not ok or normal. There is simply no valid excuse for that kind of thing, and saying every game has bugs does not change that fact.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • edited October 2020
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  • tvirxtvirx Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    For the love of all things Holy; be kind to one another.
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,166 Arc User
    M8, every MMO Ive ever played, be it RIFT, TERA, STO, Neverwtiner, Guild Wars 2, WoW, ESO, LOTRO, Fallout 76, has had problems literally every major update that prevent some portion of the playerbase from being able to complete the new content. Every, single, one, every, single, time.

    The worst one was Eve online that put out an expansion that deleted people's boot files, making their computers unable to turn on if they rebooted it. That was a laugh.

    So, here is the thing: when that stuff happens, it sucks. And when people are negatively effected by that stuff, they have every right to say it sucks. So you repeatedly spamming "but it happens in other games tooo!!11" doesn't make it suck any less for the people who are having the problems. Telling someone who is sick that other people are sick too doesn't make them feel any better, it just makes you sound like you don't actually care about their personal situation.

    Nothing you are saying about problems in other games are making the peoples problems in this game any better. It's just spam at this point.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • edited October 2020
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  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,166 Arc User
    edited October 2020
    Complaining about something that is unavoidable, while simultaneously calling people lazy, or incompetent, for not stopping problems they have no ability to stop, is not only unjustified, but also incredibly lazy.

    I'm not talking about unreasonable rage/hate. But you will not even allow a reasonable person to express their frustration with issues they are having without trying to tear their post apart sentence by sentence, or act like their problems don't matter because other games have problems too.

    You seem to have some strange need to personally respond to any post that has any issue with this game, and it's really getting out of hand. People can't even have a normal discussion without you flooding any thread you disagree with until the person just gives up. It's not cool, bud. It's not cool at all.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

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  • lordmerc22lordmerc22 Member Posts: 776 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Yeah...having a problem every once in a while is industry standard. Having an issue with your server farm or ISP throttling your clients for a few weeks is an industry standard. Having problems pretty much every update and the not dealing your people you PAY money to connect you to your customer for over a year...no...that is not some industry standard. That is a company that is run like TRIBBLE that you are brown nosing by pointing out individual instances in other titles when for STO it's not a matter of individual instances...it is CONSTANT. So no, what happened in some other game once does not matter...at all...for what is happening in this game.
    M8, every MMO Ive ever played, be it RIFT, TERA, STO, Neverwtiner, Guild Wars 2, WoW, ESO, LOTRO, Fallout 76, has had problems literally every major update that prevent some portion of the playerbase from being able to complete the new content. Every, single, one, every, single, time.

    And both GW2 and ESO have been suffering from year+ long lag issues like STO(ESO due to Akami). LOTRO has had such bad server issues, and so little communication from the studio, they started a petition to try to force them to talk about it. The worst one was EVE online that put out an expansion back in 2007 that deleted people's boot files, making their computers unable to turn on if they rebooted it. That was a laugh.

    You do realise ESO's problem is only PVP in cyrodiil.(and that before I mention that max people possible in an STO map is a fraction of how many can be in cyrodiil) and generally the people per instance in STO has been gradually reduced. ESO last year performance roadmap was based around reducing the size of the game on disk which back at that point was 86gb+ and cyrodiil pvp spikes. The second (fixed) problem people used to complain was it used to take a while to get to character selection screen but never ever had I lagged during doing quests, fighting world bosses or doing instances. ESO happens to be among the 3 games I play at least an hour daily each(along with SWTOR and STO). If STO lagged only on one map in the entire game, I dont think there would be that many complaints. I would also advise you to use examples of games you seriously played at least a good amount, cause most of us havent played just STO and you are getting yourself exposed by using examples of games people may have countless hours on. While on SWTOR I have encounter a lot bugs, some annoying its still more polished than STO, but on ESO, first I never encountered a ground breaking bug, and second I only encountered one Single bug, and had to do with placing a piece of furniture on my stay-moist mansion(argonian house for my argonian templar main). That said I avoid to compare the games cause it would be unfair, ESO had a lot bigger team than STO has and guessing microsoft buyout will only make things easier. If you wanted however to compare a bethesda mmo with similarly bad bug problems you would have to pick Fallout 76 only - I am guessing you havent played any of the two and you got somewhat confused
  • edited October 2020
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  • edited October 2020
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  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,166 Arc User
    You know what I find sad and disturbing? The current state of gaming communities.

    I'm not saying I disagree. But here is something you may not understand: a lot of people feel a psychological need to vent, and then move on. Yes, a FEW hard core trolls will keep it up; but MOST normal people feel a sense of release after venting and will then just log back in game or do whatever.

    But your constant crusade to shout down anyone who says anything bad about this game is actually counter-productive to the above process. Instead of letting the "normal" person vent and move on, you engage in a never-ending back and forth that actually keeps the hostility alive and going.

    Whether you understand it or not, your own "I must always have the last word and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong" behavior is PART of what is wrong with the state of gaming communities that you are lamenting.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • foxman00foxman00 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    OK guys, lets take a collective breathe here.

    Both sides have made legitimate arguments. Cryptic did drop the ball this update and some communications definitely could have been better & quicker.

    Additionally, some here in the playerbase do need to take a walk, cool their jets and come back more focused with polite feedback and express their unhappiness and grievances in a better tone. Updates like this one can frequently cause bugs that never showed up in testing or QA passes.

    I can say this with confidence as working 16 (soon 17) years in IT. You would be amazed at the amount of times something works beautifully in test, but becomes a horror live. Especially sometimes when certain bugs that occur you specifically tested for but nothing occurred in the test environment.

  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,166 Arc User
    foxman00 wrote: »
    OK guys, lets take a collective breathe here.

    Both sides have made legitimate arguments. Cryptic did drop the ball this update and some communications definitely could have been better & quicker.

    Additionally, some here in the playerbase do need to take a walk, cool their jets and come back more focused with polite feedback and express their unhappiness and grievances in a better tone. Updates like this one can frequently cause bugs that never showed up in testing or QA passes.

    I can say this with confidence as working 16 (soon 17) years in IT. You would be amazed at the amount of times something works beautifully in test, but becomes a horror live. Especially sometimes when certain bugs that occur you specifically tested for but nothing occurred in the test environment.

    I agree with all of that, in theory. But here is the problem I see: all of the expectation seems to be on the players to change their behavior (like you mentioned above "take a walk, cool their jets", etc), but there is no actual change that will happen from the dev side. Anyone who has been around for the past decade knows the same thing will happen next time, and the same lack of communication. So why is only one "side" expected to change, but not the other?

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    How can the bug be a result of the volume of players doing the TFO?

    You can only have a maximum of 5 players running it in any given group, unless they're implying there's some sort of spillage between groups.
  • lordmerc22lordmerc22 Member Posts: 776 Arc User
    How can the bug be a result of the volume of players doing the TFO?

    You can only have a maximum of 5 players running it in any given group, unless they're implying there's some sort of spillage between groups.

    I can point you to the https://sto.gamepedia.com/Mission:_Swarm old ViL TFO. When it first launched too, its last part(wave) often would get stuck and got unstuck only as players were abandoning the instance so it might be a re-occurance of that bug but in that new TFO. Unfortunately Cryptic has historically released bugged TFO upon launch with important bugs that prevented you finish them. Probably their QA department is and was understaffed. Many games launch new content with rare or low priority(visual) bugs but few launch new content with progression bugs that have a common rate of occurance, as STO does. The general opinion out of Cryptic mmos community that I often see on mmo gaming sites and reddits, is that Cryptic makes fun mmos, is generous in its f2p model, but they have same time very unpolished games. This opinion didnt form on one day, but over the years and didnt form only because of STO but as part of people trying all of Cryptic's mmos. What this tells me is if they could keep their games more polished they would be decently more popular since apart from polishing the general opinion seems quite positive. Personally I wouldnt mind them taking 1-2-3 weeks more for releasing content in order to check it more thoroughly. Besides they had been releasing events in such a density a lot of us have been slowly getting "event fatigue" - its good to have some time between events to cool down and choose our own activities at our pace
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  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Which then begs the question why not use the test server rather than live to weed out issues caused by volume.
  • edited October 2020
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