I recently bought the new dominion support carrier and saw that we could equip and use the classic jem'hadar attack ship pets with the new carrier. However, even though I own the rare/blue version of the attack ship pets, I cannot buy advanced or elite versions of the pets. I currently own the T5-U attack ship and the T5 dreadnaught carrier, both from the vanguard pack, which are required to purchase and use the hangar pets in the first place.
I first noticed this when the new support carrier launched and had the bug that allowed the "blue" attack ship hangar pets to be equipped but not launched, and I assumed it was related to that. But I still cannot seem to purchase them from the fleet store or the dil store tab, even after the launch bug was fixed.
I do not know if this is a bug, or if the ships from dominion faction and vanguard pack (the t5 attack ship and the dreadnaught carrier) do not count for the unlock even though they are the prerequisite ships.
Also the Attack Ship does not come is any of the Vanguard packs only from Lobi promo (T6 Recon Ship), R&D/Doff(T6 Recon/Strike Ship) and the Phoenix/ Winter Package random box from 2011 plus over means over the years(T5 Attack Ship)
I would need more info beyond what i have said to say if it is a bug.
Ah yes. I should've been more clear. The T5-U attack ship is the starter ship. does that not count for the hangar pet?