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Mudd's Faith of the Heart No option to reclaim NX Escort Refit

Purchased the pack, selected all three ships on a Fed-Aligned Romulan, of course can use the Elachi S'ateth and Sistruus ships can't open the Refit(I already know this fact). For my Pure Fed toons both regular Starfleet Fed and DIscovery Starfleet Fed characters can't reclaim the NX Escort, but can reclaim the Elachi S'ateth and Sistruus ships. My guess is since I bought and selected the pack on my main fed-aligned rom and can't open the NX Escort Refit on him, it blocked my other Fed-only characters from being able to reclaim it from the C-store.


  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,609 Arc User
    Your best option here would be to submit a ticket.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • abrasaxis#7172 abrasaxis Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    Your best option here would be to submit a ticket.
    Thanks, I did just that, I wanted to make sure that if I'm not the only one, that others can see that it's a more common bug and can get a fix. :)

  • discoricediscorice Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    They still haven't fixed access to purchasing the fleet version of the Risian T6 corvette (the one with pilot maneuvers) for those who bought it from Mudd. Not sure what their time scale is but this needs to be addressed in more than one place I see.
    Fear Of A Disco Planet
  • risefromsinrisefromsin Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    This has also affected myself, on Fed aligned Romulan captain, on purchase of all three ships, the elachi and xindi were account unlocked, the fed NX remains absent from the Mudd store for other captains on the same account. I have sent a ticket explaining this, but not recieved a reply or indicator of my ticket being sent. On checking 'my tickets' there were none. I resubmitted the ticket and again, the same lack of indicator resulted. I look forward to the resolution.
  • abrasaxis#7172 abrasaxis Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    This has also affected myself, on Fed aligned Romulan captain, on purchase of all three ships, the elachi and xindi were account unlocked, the fed NX remains absent from the Mudd store for other captains on the same account. I have sent a ticket explaining this, but not recieved a reply or indicator of my ticket being sent. On checking 'my tickets' there were none. I resubmitted the ticket and again, the same lack of indicator resulted. I look forward to the resolution.

    So from a GM I'm told this is a known issue by the Lead Game Specialist and they are working on a solution. Let's hope they are able to do it in a reasonably timely manner, I can feel your frustration.
  • stostargatewarsstostargatewars Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited August 2020
    The NX refit is working as intended in that it can’t be used by Fed Romulans as it has alway has been a Starfleet only playable ship and is on the list of ships that Romulans can’t use.

    Page of the list - https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/10898183-romulans:-fly-the-ships-of-your-allies!
  • sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 6,220 Arc User
    edited August 2020
    Stostargatewars is correct. The Tier 6 NX Refit is not usable by Fed-Romulans and is on that list they linked to. So this is not a bug and you realize that. With that said since you know you are not allowed to open the NX Escort Refit on a Fed-Romulan, it should not be blocking you from opening that ship on your Fed characters. If it is doing that, then that is a bug and needs to be fixed.
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
  • risefromsinrisefromsin Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    To restate - reclaiming the NX may be impossible if the faith of the heart pack is purchased on a fed Romulan captain. The ship is absent in mudds market for reclaiming on every character. I look forward to being able to choose the ship on core federation captain when this is resolved.
  • abrasaxis#7172 abrasaxis Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    sthe91 wrote: »
    Stostargatewars is correct. The Tier 6 NX Refit is not usable by Fed-Romulans and is on that list they linked to. So this is not a bug and you realize that. With that said since you know you are not allowed to open the NX Escort Refit on a Fed-Romulan, it should not be blocking you from opening that ship on your Fed characters. If it is doing that, then that is a bug and needs to be fixed.
    Correct, it shouldn't be blocking my from opening it on my Fed only characters, but seems to be a bug in the case since I can't open it on my FedRom, and hence can't unlock it account-wide( it unlocks after you open the ship box and not on purchase). The other two ships can be claimed on by all other factions since they are opened by and usable by all other factions. A GM is working on it with me currently, so for no 100% resolution has been implemented, I'll keep yall updated if there is a work-around without a system wide bug fix, until then a Warning to anyone buying the pack in the interim.

    Purchase and Open the ships on a FED ONLY character.
    To restate - reclaiming the NX may be impossible if the faith of the heart pack is purchased on a fed Romulan captain. The ship is absent in mudds market for reclaiming on every character. I look forward to being able to choose the ship on core federation captain when this is resolved.

    Correct, the roadblock of the ship box being character bound won't let you transfer it to a Fed Only character to open it. :)
  • abrasaxis#7172 abrasaxis Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    Just making sure people don't make the same 'mistake' I made while this bundle is still available for purchase(not on sale atm). Buy it on a Fed only character. Still waiting for a system wide bug to make these ships unlockable account-wide upon purchase like all the other bundles in game(even if your character can't open the box).
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