I've been thinking a lot about Risa from all sides, problems, issues and have ideas to either roll around (if Devs are listening) or completely dismiss.
I'm certain the Devs would have more practical ideas, so I'm only throwing these small ideas out as an earnest attempt to help.
I think the problem with Summer Event, and Risa could be that it doesn't make money except for the occasional players anxious to buy lohlunat stacks from the exchange instead of grinding to get it.
So why not make items, something special or some Risa pack one time buy that's for Risa with zen but can be used else where?
How about even completely scrapping the useless Risa Classic Beach nobody goes to, but instead making a whole new night time only Risa? Perhaps on the other side of Risa they party all night, dance comps with newer dance emotes that offer year round lohlunat vouchers (for stacks) that can be cashed in only during the Summer Event time, maybe even other activities exclusive to that night time map?
Just ideas.
I know Risa's not a big deal for the actual game of STO, but I see it as part of with lots of potential. During Winter Event everything is mostly earned through the event itself, but that tends to be during the Christmas season, the season of giving, where as Summer Event is not exactly the same. If there was room for Risa somehow to bring in cash flow in connection to STO itself, shouldn't that be utilized?
Special futuristic Risa fashion maybe?
Maybe even another mission similar to the TNG episode with Picard, and that Feringi? Some other hidden artifact meant as a decoy to keep people from locating the real Tox Uthat. Maybe a "Back To The Future 2"-esq episode going back in time trying to keep other aliens from attacking Picard as he attempts to retrieve the Tox Uthat?
Of course, remember no weapons on Risa, so melee only..BUT, the Feringi found a way to sneak a weapon to Risa.
Perhaps a night time Risa could even have an exclusive player participation with a one time buy unlock? I don't know, just ideas.
A Halloween on Risa, with genuine traditional spooky mansion & caves?
Captain Archer was a big fan of Water Polo, a water sport that could be given attention as a tradition on Risa?
Or any kind of water sport?
Year round powerboard races with NPCs for lohlunat vouchers (for stacks) only exchanged into stacks during Summer time?
Holographic sea creatures?
A water slide you can't stop on but must steer within or you fly off?
Anybody else have ideas on how Risa could be made into something that generates revenue, or at least made more active?
I don't want to see Risa grow stale. It needs revitalization somehow in a way that makes sense.
Images from Risa in Star Trek can be found here
Yup. Q'sWW really, really, really needs an update, way more than Risa does.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I will say that looking at the pics at Memory Alpha does make me think what a great job Cryptic has done reproducing Risa, within the limits of the genre and the engine.
Personally, I am content with QWW and Risa as they are. I especially love the Powerboard Race and the Biathlon.
I rarely go there off-season, since most the time I'm spending doing basic farming before hopping to other games, but just knowing Risa exists makes all of the STO universe that much better.
Keeps all sides happy and takes into account the engines limitations - When you spawn in, you got to either a day or night instance, said instance marked in some way so you can go to the one you like
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Yes. that's part of my thinking. By removing Risa Classic Beach, and simply creating a night time only Risa instead that would make many happy.
Of course the Biathlon, and powerboard race might be more difficult at night,....BUT - hey, more of a challenge! I would have zero issues with events on a night time map version in addition to the day map.
Honestly I wouldn't see much issues with any of the races as even the night time Risa wasn't that dark. That said it would mean Cryptic would have essentially rebuild the lighting for the Risa map and it would also split the player base.
Personally, I'd prefer to keep Risa more relaxing and less combative. It's the snowballs and other related stuff that make Q's winter place so irritating for me! Let's NOT make Risa like that.
Back with there was Foundry missions there were missions on Classic Beach Risa during night that with floater combat. I even had extra floaters for my bridge officers away team, and surprisingly it worked. Bridge officers activated floaters when I activated mine. There was a Foundry mission on Classic Beach Risa with a bunch of shock attack monkeys you had to use floaters to get away from. Was awesome. Only bad issue was I kept getting stuck in the palm trees.
Shock Attack Monkeys. I'm really sorry I missed that. RIP Foundry. I wish I had known you better.
"Release the attack monkeys!"
Yes, there were several foundry missions on Risa Classic Beach. Some missions boring, but others rather interesting.
The Foundry mission I was referring to I forgot the name, but basically Romulans from the Tal Shiar had built a secret research lab inside of a mountain on Risa, and were using something to make the surrounding animals violent to keep tourists away. So the only way to escape was to use floaters or else the attack monkeys would continue constant electrical shock damage. There was no way to stop them because more attack monkey waves kept coming until there was literally hundreds attacking you and your bridge officers. Floating off of the ground by several meters up was the only way to survive. Some monkeys piled up so high that you had to fly upwards of 6 meters to escape being shocked.
Whomever came up with that was insane, but brilliant.
Yes, some of that stuff was incredibly ingenious.
Water sprayers too combative? I mean it's a fairly large map. Plenty of areas to do absolutely nothing but listen to the fireworks which is not at all relaxing in my opinion.
Formerly Jewkesman Member from Nov 2009!
No, not suggesting spending zen to go to or do anything on Risa, but finding a means to make content in addition to. Perhaps unique swimwear, or something more viable. In other words something extra for those willing that would spend.
As it is currently Risa seems a rather low priority seldom getting dramatically new content, or change to expand.
For the last 3 to 4 years there have been no new events, and with night cycle gone from Risa because of Lighting 2.0 Risa seems less important, and beginning to fade into the background. Many of us don't want to see Risa dwindle into obscurity, so I threw my idea (good or not) onto the floor.
I know many would like having a night time only Risa in addition to the current daytime Risa.
I get what some of you are saying about the night on Risa. They could have something like catching fireflys mini-game unique to the night time. Anything to enhance Risa would be a nice change. Regardless I do play the Summer Event through the entire run, unlike the Q's WW that I'm on for 5 minutes a day and then go back to something else.
Baseball is dead to me in real life. I don't like to hear about millionaires arguing with billionaires over who is going to make more money this season. I don't think I want to invest real time trying to acquire a jersey represent a fake team. Let's do something different with outfits. How about a Hula skirt with a coconut top. For male and female characters. These days we really need to lighten things up.
Risa has similar daily Event requirements but they don't feel the same to me.
As to the combat with floaters and supersoakers idea: If everything has to be about combat all the time for you, then, okay.
As long as it is a specific map for Risa which I can choose to not be on. In QWW, I find it tiresome when I just want to run a race or two and the Snowmen or a player keeps lobbing Snowballs at me.