As much as I love this game I may have to quit because I can't even get passed the Cryptic screen this has happened twice in 3 days now, I was able to finally get on the 28th after a couple of hours of playing around and one last force verify. I was able to play at will yesterday. Now today as soon as the progress bar shows up on the Cryptic screen the game crashes. Now I am told I need to try to shut everything off that runs in the background even though I have never needed to do that since I started playing. I do not know what to do anymore so this may be good bye.
Have you looked at similar threads in the PC support sub-forum? Have you posted there?
Instead of doing a 'Force Verify', try starting the game in Safe Mode. Your Game.Pref file could be corrupted, and this is an easy fix for that issue.
I would also mention that it could also be a Microsoft issue which is hampering other games I play causing crashes, file corruption or even deletion. I think it's an issue with Win 10's internal anti-virus software. So you could try adding STO as an exception in both Win 10's anti-virus and whatever other AV package you use, as well as enabling the game to 'Run as Administrator'.
I am going to reinstall to see if corrupt files were the issue but i have tried minimum graphics and medium and no difference in game performance. I've run several tests on my harddrive to make sure its not failing and all results come back fine. I may even delete this partition later today and reinstall windows 10.
Made no difference Dyson Battlezone is practically unplayable. I guess Akamai don't want me to play anymore and with the performance of the last 48 hours I don't want to play anymore either 38 characters 9 years and 2020 is the worst this game has performed for me.
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
No worries. Everyone needs to vent their frustrations occasionally. Just, next time, don't toss quitting the game in there. We forums users will help, you have but to ask. Most of us have been around the game since beta or it went free to play in 2012. This is generally where we turn to when we encounter problems that annoy the hell out of us.
Guess I'm a little jaded from being pretty much ignored when I try to ask in game, members of my fleet I assume are too busy and General chat at least on ESD is so political you can't get word in edgewise
Yeah, that's ESD for ya. XD
Since you seem to have solved your issue with the reinstall, I'm going to close this.