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Is there a reason to maintain 23rd Century map access

gileslestradegileslestrade Member Posts: 86 Arc User
I did my first TOS character a long time ago and just followed the missions to get him to 25th century. I've got a second one now, and I'm almost done with the first missions. I know when I finish the next mission I will lose access to the 23rd century. I've been flying around the map, trying to find easter eggs, planets to explore that aren't in a mission, etc. Haven't found any.

Is there any reason to maintain access to the 23rd Century map? And is there any way to get back to starfleet academy in 23rd century? Only option I see in Sol system is to go to Earth Spacedock.

I'm on Xbox One.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    Sadly, no. Us TOS fans would love more missions and the RPers would probably like a social zone but once you're done with the missions there's nothing left to do and you're gone forever.

    The thing I've done before leaving is stock up on Mark I ground phasers and beam arrays, also a couple of the boff manual for the photon grenade launcher.
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,993 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    I did my first TOS character a long time ago and just followed the missions to get him to 25th century. I've got a second one now, and I'm almost done with the first missions. I know when I finish the next mission I will lose access to the 23rd century. I've been flying around the map, trying to find easter eggs, planets to explore that aren't in a mission, etc. Haven't found any.

    Is there any reason to maintain access to the 23rd Century map? And is there any way to get back to starfleet academy in 23rd century? Only option I see in Sol system is to go to Earth Spacedock.

    I'm on Xbox One.

    I am on PC so it may be different, but something a few people do is pick up extra TOS weapons (there is a way to transfer money using the account bank, though I am not sure if it is a bank on the station or the one in the ready room of the ship that they use for that) so they can stick with authentic looking and sounding weapons.

    That is more important than ever if you are on a tight budget and want to keep that look as the number of hardpoints on your ship increase since the usual TOS resupply mission, the Specter arc, has been removed from its lower-mid level position in the episodes tab and locked away behind a level 65 wall in the "available" tab.

    Other than that, there are a few beams that at least look right in red and blue versions that show up on the marketplace at times, but they tend to be rather expensive. I forget what they are called offhand but I think one version comes from the Kelvin stuff and the other from Discovery.

    Some people pick up an extra boff or two as well so they will have people that look right when they get to the other side and need extra for the T6 ship they probably have waiting (though you also have to buy a boff expansion from the c-store for that character to fully crew a T6 before level 20 since they have five seats and you do not get the fifth boff slot until then).

    I have heard of a few people who have stayed there past level ten or twenty, or more. Apparently you can either rerun the earlier missions or something as long as you do not finish the last one, but I never tried that so I cannot say first hand. At least one person has had a problem with that though, something about the last mission disappearing so it might be a risk to do that.

    As far as I know of there are no special Easter eggs off the beaten path though there are some of Easter-egg like references that only make sense later on in the main part of the game. I might have missed something though.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    > the one in the ready room of the ship

    The only account bank is on the ship, take the turbolift down to the engineering deck.

    If you want some white-quality bridge officers in TOS uniforms instead of 2409 costumes you can also transfer some dil using the dil exchange. Or buy the TOS costumes from the C-Store so you can use higher quality boffs.
  • banditse1977#1368 banditse1977 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    I have heard of a few people who have stayed there past level ten or twenty, or more. Apparently you can either rerun the earlier missions or something as long as you do not finish the last one, but I never tried that so I cannot say first hand. At least one person has had a problem with that though, something about the last mission disappearing so it might be a risk to do that.

    I have read that you have to re run the missions repeatedly to get up to level 65 as well.

    And I did see a level 65 toon on the 23rd century Earth Space Dock last week.

    Also,anyone know if you used to be able to get the Tier 1 Constitution in the TOS era before the T1-4 ships were changed to be made available for dilithium only?Its not showing in the 23rd dock and was wondering if it was an oversight by the devs during the changeover or if you weren't able to do get it before anyway.
  • maniac20#5251 maniac20 Member Posts: 263 Arc User
    I have heard of a few people who have stayed there past level ten or twenty, or more. Apparently you can either rerun the earlier missions or something as long as you do not finish the last one, but I never tried that so I cannot say first hand. At least one person has had a problem with that though, something about the last mission disappearing so it might be a risk to do that.

    I have read that you have to re run the missions repeatedly to get up to level 65 as well.

    And I did see a level 65 toon on the 23rd century Earth Space Dock last week.

    Also,anyone know if you used to be able to get the Tier 1 Constitution in the TOS era before the T1-4 ships were changed to be made available for dilithium only?Its not showing in the 23rd dock and was wondering if it was an oversight by the devs during the changeover or if you weren't able to do get it before anyway.

    I think that is if you already own it that you will be able to reclaim it on AoY characters that are still in that phase of the game made after the change in T1-T4 ships. I haven't made a character in that era since the change so not fully sure.
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    If you bought that T1 Constitution as part of the AoY Pack, through some giveaway, or directly from the C-Store, then it should show up in the T1-T4 Reclaim Tab in the Ship Section of the C-Store. Otherwise not.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,608 Arc User
    > the one in the ready room of the ship

    The only account bank is on the ship, take the turbolift down to the engineering deck.

    In my experience, the Account Bank is either on the bridge with the odd interiors, or in the captain's Ready Room right off the bridge with the more normal Fed or KDF interiors. I have never seen an Account access down on Engineering.

  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    > the one in the ready room of the ship

    The only account bank is on the ship, take the turbolift down to the engineering deck.

    In my experience, the Account Bank is either on the bridge with the odd interiors, or in the captain's Ready Room right off the bridge with the more normal Fed or KDF interiors. I have never seen an Account access down on Engineering.

    I'm talking about the TOS starter ship for TOS captains.

    You're correct for 2409+ ships.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,692 Arc User
    I have heard of a few people who have stayed there past level ten or twenty, or more. Apparently you can either rerun the earlier missions or something as long as you do not finish the last one, but I never tried that so I cannot say first hand. At least one person has had a problem with that though, something about the last mission disappearing so it might be a risk to do that.

    I have read that you have to re run the missions repeatedly to get up to level 65 as well.

    And I did see a level 65 toon on the 23rd century Earth Space Dock last week.

    Also,anyone know if you used to be able to get the Tier 1 Constitution in the TOS era before the T1-4 ships were changed to be made available for dilithium only?Its not showing in the 23rd dock and was wondering if it was an oversight by the devs during the changeover or if you weren't able to do get it before anyway.

    I've got a char permanently there in a T1 Constitution, so you could. I think you had to claim it through the C-Store interface, though, not the Shipyard. That char is there mostly in the 23rd Century to pass low Mark weapons through the Account Bank on the shuttle.
  • banditse1977#1368 banditse1977 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    Thanks everyone.

    I was hoping to get it for dilithium from the ESD ship seller,but I think I will have to spring for the Temporal Agent Starter Pack to get the T1 Connie in the TOS era.
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  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    can you claim the Walker or Discoprise?
  • conradhauserconradhauser Member Posts: 155 Arc User
    I would hope they would allow TOS characters to go back someday.
    In any case the Fleet K-13 has all the TOS gear you need.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,692 Arc User
    can you claim the Walker or Discoprise?

    I don't believe so, though the MW TOS Connie might be on the table if you have the Legendary Pack, but not tested personally on any Connie. I think I got the Prototype Walker from a give-away and it doesn't show up for 23C TOSlings. Beyond that... Last I looked (a few patches back) 23C zone TOS is still bugged to let you claim from the C-Store and use the Vanguard Jem'Hadar ships of all things.
  • banditse1977#1368 banditse1977 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    Just tested a TOS start on my brothers computer as he has the Temporal Agent Start Pack and just got the Legendary Bundle:

    T1 Constitution from the Temporal Pack can be claimed.

    T6 Legendary Miracle Worker Light Cruiser ( TOS/TMP Enterprise ) can be claimed.

    None of the other Legendary Bundle ships work.Think I have read the Temporal Light Cruiser also works if you can get a hold of it.

    Also the T1 Walker can be bought in the TOS ESD.
  • undedavengerundedavenger Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    If you join a fleet, the K-13 fleet holding has fleet quality 23c ship equipment, ground equipment, kits, BOFFs and DOFFs, the whole thing. As well as the 23c enlisted jumpsuit and 23c android boffs. Negates any purpose in farming the early AOY missions.
    Nothing breaks the tension better than a tankard of warnog - except maybe a good brawl...
  • gileslestradegileslestrade Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    New question for my TOS toon - He cannot participate in the current event (To Hell with Honor) on XBOX. He's at level 9. My daughter's new 25th cent FED character is at level 3, but that toon can access events. Can my TOS toon not participate because he hasn't been zoomed to 2409 yet?
  • avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,215 Arc User
    They could've made the zone still and only accessible to the TOS toons somehow but they choose not to.
    I stream on Twitch, look for Avoozl_
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    New question for my TOS toon - He cannot participate in the current event (To Hell with Honor) on XBOX. He's at level 9. My daughter's new 25th cent FED character is at level 3, but that toon can access events. Can my TOS toon not participate because he hasn't been zoomed to 2409 yet?

    Events used to require a minimum level of 10, are you sure your daughter's character is 3 not 13?

    If you still can't do it at level 10 then you probably do need to go back to the future.
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  • gileslestradegileslestrade Member Posts: 86 Arc User

    Events used to require a minimum level of 10, are you sure your daughter's character is 3 not 13?

    If you still can't do it at level 10 then you probably do need to go back to the future.

    Yes, she's at level 3. I ran the event with her character, it jumped me up to level 49 for the TFO. Significantly leveled up her weapons so her Reliant class didn't get blown up nearly as many times as I had expected, and was actually able to inflict some damage. She's level 4 now.

    My TOS toon was at level 9, and doen't even show the event tab in the options screen. I had to re-run all the missions to get him to level 10. He still does not have an events tab. I also note that the only PVE TFO available to him is Arena of Sompek. I also took him back to ESD and the Admiral did not give him a free ship.

    I don't actually want to do the TFO, I just want to reclaim the DOT droid since my daughter already completed the event. I just made this toon for fun since my daughter said she wasn't going to use all her character slots. I think I'll leave him in the 23rd century for now. I have a TOS toon on my own account.

    I'm wondering if it matters if you've got a toon in that era that is already eligible for events. My daughter's other toon is over level 50, so maybe her toon at 3 (now 4) could access events because there was already a toon in that era that could?

  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,993 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    The weirdness is caused by the fact that a TOS character is technically "unaligned" until they get to the modern setting, the same way that a Romulan or Jem'Hadar is unaligned until choosing Federation or KDF alignment. TOS characters just have their choice pre-made.
  • captainhunter1captainhunter1 Member Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    I don't understand why TOS characters can't return to the 23rd century - ALL of them are temporal agents. It would be easy to have Phillip Crey (the Temporal Agent just outside Admiral Quinn's office) send TOS characters to a copy of 23rd century ESD, one separate from the 'tutorial' so there wouldn't be any interfereance with new characters. From a story and timeline aspect, he sends the character there BEFORE their 'death' but at a time their past-self is away from the base, so no one is the wiser.

    Personanally, I sure would like access to purchase all those basic 23rd century BOff skills and equipment I had no idea I wasn't going to be able to get again once I left for the future. The prices for the better versions of them on K-13 are insane. Either that or simply remove the bound to character restrictions on all items and make everything bound to account like much of the equipment is. That way at least I can transfer stuff via the account bank.
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,993 Arc User
    I don't understand why TOS characters can't return to the 23rd century - ALL of them are temporal agents. It would be easy to have Phillip Crey (the Temporal Agent just outside Admiral Quinn's office) send TOS characters to a copy of 23rd century ESD, one separate from the 'tutorial' so there wouldn't be any interfereance with new characters. From a story and timeline aspect, he sends the character there BEFORE their 'death' but at a time their past-self is away from the base, so no one is the wiser.

    Personanally, I sure would like access to purchase all those basic 23rd century BOff skills and equipment I had no idea I wasn't going to be able to get again once I left for the future. The prices for the better versions of them on K-13 are insane. Either that or simply remove the bound to character restrictions on all items and make everything bound to account like much of the equipment is. That way at least I can transfer stuff via the account bank.

    Supposedly they cannot go back because of the temptation to "stay home" is too dangerous to the timeline. Of course they do just that in a limited way later on in missions like chasing down the Tox Utat so that argument is not well supported.
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    But we can do simulations of actions in the Discovery Era, even though we have never been there?
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,424 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    Well our TOS character was KIA, so them just showing up after that mission would raise a lot of questions no-one in universe wants to answer.

    Adding to the TOS storyline isn't all that easy as it had natural end point, going back after that battle would need massive amount of explaining as as far as people from that era know your ship was lost with all hands (aka everyone on onboard including you died). So it would be kind of odd if you just showed up with your ship intact (or with a different SF ship).

    It should be noted that same is true for AoD storyline, as far as Starfleet knows your ship was lost defending SB1 from J'ula leading to the death of both of you (yes I know actually both got thrown to the 25th century but I'm talking about the point of view of the 2250s Starfleet).

    EDIT:that's also why you can't visit 23c ESD as doing so might cause you run into someone who recognizes you and might ask those questions you or anyone else wants to answer.
  • captainhunter1captainhunter1 Member Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    spiritborn wrote: »
    Well our TOS character was KIA, so them just showing up after that mission would raise a lot of questions no-one in universe wants to answer.

    Adding to the TOS storyline isn't all that easy as it had natural end point, going back after that battle would need massive amount of explaining as as far as people from that era know your ship was lost with all hands (aka everyone on onboard including you died). So it would be kind of odd if you just showed up with your ship intact (or with a different SF ship).

    It should be noted that same is true for AoD storyline, as far as Starfleet knows your ship was lost defending SB1 from J'ula leading to the death of both of you (yes I know actually both got thrown to the 25th century but I'm talking about the point of view of the 2250s Starfleet).

    EDIT:that's also why you can't visit 23c ESD as doing so might cause you run into someone who recognizes you and might ask those questions you or anyone else wants to answer.

    It's easy peasy -

    Quoting from my post above:
    I don't understand why TOS characters can't return to the 23rd century - ALL of them are temporal agents. It would be easy to have Phillip Crey (the Temporal Agent just outside Admiral Quinn's office) send TOS characters to a copy of 23rd century ESD, one separate from the 'tutorial' so there wouldn't be any interference with new characters. From a story and timeline aspect, he sends the character there BEFORE their 'death' but at a time their past-self is away from the base, so no one is the wiser.

    If anyone asks why they are back on the base... "Weren't you on a mission?" The character simply says, "Yes, but I forgot my toothbrush. I'll be headed back out very soon!" :D
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  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,424 Arc User
    Honestly "I forgot my *insert trivial item here*" would only make more certain that people would ask those questions you'd wouldn't want to answer, most likely because they would think you're a spy. Being on a mission isn't like going to the store, it would take days at warp speeds of that era to get to anywhere where we had missions.

    Remember Connie having "brust" warp speed of Warp 8 (IIRC) was a big deal with more commonly used warp speeds being warp 6 or lower.
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