so i looked at many threads before posting this, and i may have missed it, as it was late-night/early morning when attempted...
i am thinking of playing a cardi toon. (not sold on this yet)
however, as with the jemmie, after he got the auto boost to 60, i didnt see any ships he got to play aside from Fed types. (this i could also be wrong about, but i was certain all i got for "free" was the current tac escort given, and nothing else.) i could "buy" the other jemmie ships for 3k, but feel this is a bit of a kick in the **** (i did that) when playing him.
so i looked on stopedia, or whatever we all link to, found playable ships tab for cardi, but most were a buy from store detail just as the jemmie.
so did i miss something or do jemmi and cardi get left with whatever side they pick to use those and not their faction specific ships?
if someone has the list of playable, for free, ships for either jem or cardi, id be pleased so i could investigate further.
Well the gamma pack is where the value really lies, as buying the whole thing you unlock all the Jem vanguard cstore ships, the Cardie cstore ships, and some T5 ships, as well as unlocking cardies and Jem vanguards themselves.
But if you have only a cursory interest in those things or want to buy them one by one, no it probably wouldn't be worth it.
Well, if you think about it Cardassians are like any other pay race, like Caitians, for example, they have acces to the carrier and the T6 escort, buy you have to pay for all that, if you do not, you have access to the basic ships for their faction (like the Trills, now i come to think of it).
If you want to play with a new race, then buy it, by all means, also the Cardassian Ship pack is awesome, and is well woth it, but dont think of them as a new faction, they are not, just another Fed/Kling choice for race (thou they have access to cardi uniforms and the spiral disruptor beams)
I like them, and i used my stipend to buy them, i had fun as with any new character i create (the cardi flight deck carrier is a beast!)
And before the Cardis were 'released' as playable, the only one or two ships of theirs that existed were Rare lockbox ships. So for the handful of people that had been drooling for the opportunity to play a Cardi, the T6 ships being able to be purchased straight was an amazing improvement.
Of course, for someone like you coming to it now, it doesn't look nearly as good.
(but yeah, the Cardassians weren't even released with a "mini-faction" event & episodes like the Jems were. It was just a patched in race, and here's a couple ships you can buy.)
ive been here since beta, but also took a lot of time off...
my rub is that, if the race and a ship (choice of t6 character locked), not the whole bundle, at say 2500 i would probably pull the plug. but 1k for a playable race and you cant even use the associated ship(s)? naw.
i will wait and see if they ever go down in cost along with a ship i like.
Something like a Cardassian Starter Pack?, that would be cool, just wait for the sale, i did that when i buyed the cardasian ship bundle..
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Orions were in the same boat until the level 61 token opened up the the peanut carrier. They have a grand total of four ships, most ugly and based on Harrad'Sar's clunky garbage scow of a barge aesthetically. Anway, only the T5u Marauder (the peanut) is available without paying, even for the lower level ships like the T3 Decoit, and only one ship is T6 (the Blackguard).
I was hoping to keep my first Orion in Orion ships but found that was impossible at the time even if I could have afforded them (which I couldn't), so I know the same frustration. Nowadays I can get the Blackguard with a T6 coupon which would level with the character, but since it is locked to KDF which is the faction I have the least characters for I am not sure it is worth it.
One thing that might help with you Cardassian ship if you do not have any of the coupons is the fact that they occasionally have a sort of double sale, where they give a bonus buying zen so you get 2400 for $20 USD at the same time as a major ship sale that reduces the price of T6 ships to $24 USD.
Orions were in the same boat until the level 61 token opened up the the peanut carrier. They have a grand total of four ships, most ugly and based on Harrad'Sar's clunky garbage scow of a barge aesthetically. Anway, only the T5u Marauder (the peanut) is available without paying, even for the lower level ships like the T3 Decoit, and only one ship is T6 (the Blackguard).
I was hoping to keep my first Orion in Orion ships but found that was impossible at the time even if I could have afforded them (which I couldn't), so I know the same frustration. Nowadays I can get the Blackguard with a T6 coupon which would level with the character, but since it is locked to KDF which is the faction I have the least characters for I am not sure it is worth it.
One thing that might help with you Cardassian ship if you do not have any of the coupons is the fact that they occasionally have a sort of double sale, where they give a bonus buying zen so you get 2400 for $20 USD at the same time as a major ship sale that reduces the price of T6 ships to $24 USD.
Well, at least the orions are flight deck cruisers now.. that makes them marginally better, i think..
I would wait for a Store-wide at least 20% off Sale. The T6 Cardassian Intel Bundle would be 4,800 Zen for 3 T6 and a T5U Ship, unlocked Spiral Wave Disruptors (and 4 free Mk XII VR Spiral Wave Disruptor Beam Arrays).
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Trying to play the Dominion in a canon-accurate way actually has even more problems than the Cardassians because like the Cardassians the Dominion is exactly the same single race unlock and a few ships situation and differs only in that the basic Jem'Hadar is free and it has a sketchy offhanded starter scenario.
The problem comes in with the fact that the Dominion is very cast-oriented and rigid and STO completely lacks Vorta, the race that in the show commands all the ships and bases and is the equivalent of the player's character. You can make Vorta using the 'Alien' character type in the other factions (though Klingon does not have anything that looks like Vorta clothing) though you do not get the UI and until just recently none of the Dominion ships were available to non-Jem'Hadar unless you had a hornytoad and used it to unlock the ships for the rest of the account so they had to use Fed or Rom ships.
Even the one Dom ship that does not have to be unlocked like that (the temporal vanguard warship) has problems in doing a canon build since the trait is faction-dependent and of course the Vorta kludge means that the trait only boosts plasma or phaser, not polaron for them. It is not deal-breaker though since while it is a nice trait it does not have to be slotted, especially if one has enough traits from other ships.
For that matter, the 'alien' generator supports a lot of races who have their own ships normally but the ships either do not exist in the game or they have one or two in nearly impossible to get packages, so people playing them have a rough road. I have a Kobali captain who will probably never get the Samsar the way the odds are on Phoenix box ships for instance.
Sometimes, if you like a character concept the only thing to do is fudge it and use the closest thing you can get. Speaking of which, before the Cardassians became an official playable race, people were making them in the Federation 'alien' generator.
off topic question real fast - dont want to make a new thread...but are crafting mats toon lock or can you send stuff to the account bank and let other toons pick stuff up they need?
They're not locked to character or acct, and are also sellable on the exchange. Though they're practically worthless there.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
I would wait for a Store-wide at least 20% off Sale. The T6 Cardassian Intel Bundle would be 4,800 Zen for 3 T6 and a T5U Ship, unlocked Spiral Wave Disruptors (and 4 free Mk XII VR Spiral Wave Disruptor Beam Arrays).
bu then there still is the cost of 1k zen to play a cardi. i mean its a good deal for the ships for sure, but then no cardi to fly them.
Something to consider is that you can make an Alien into a cardassian and save yourself the 1k zen and arguably some possible disappointment. I purchased the cardi race unlock and have buyer's regret. In hindsight I would have just made an Alien looking cardassian. In my opinion, Alien's make better looking cardis. They have better skin tone and hair options. Use the scaled options and bingo - cardassian. Also, I'm finding no matter how I tailor my male cardassian toon, they have perma eyeliner. As for the cardassian uniform = flaming dumpster fire. Extremely low detail. Colors between upper and lower portions can not be synced. There is a weird copper hue to the jacket and boots and the uniform comes with no rank or badge. Zero effort was put into the uniform. Just look at posts and bug reports from 2 years ago - same issues as today regarding the cardis. They don't care to fix any of it. We had the recent first contact event and the devs couldn't even be bothered to include a cardassian badge. Thank god we have two trill and bajoran badges. As for the cardassian racial trait, if you are hell bent on having it simply buy a cardassian bridge officer off of the exchange.
> @keepcalmchiveon said: > (Quote) > > bu then there still is the cost of 1k zen to play a cardi. i mean its a good deal for the ships for sure, but then no cardi to fly them.
But if that was a Store-wide Sale then 800 Zen. They are more expensive than some of the other Race Unlocks, but they are cross-faction.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
There are smaller bundles in the store that include only the two groups of T6 ships from the Gamma pack, but then you miss out on the throwins like the (stellar) Jem'Hadar vanguard BOFFs, the Galor cruiser, and the free SWD beams.
Not sure which ones you mean, but the pack that includes the 3 Cardassian Cryptic made T6 ships, does unlock the Galor and free spiral waves, with the level limitations required to get a T5 ship.
Overall it is surprising they didn't add a Cardassian weapon pack and badge to go with their suit(acquirable from getting the species unlock and it includes classic suits and Cryptic uniform additions). I like to believe they put things out there as to get them out there and in the meantime, plan for later additions, depending on their schedule and resources. Like, eventually, there will be a badge and Cardassian weapon pack and whatever other additions, they just didn't have time or resources to include them in the first release(like when they retexture or remodel a ship).
Adm. Necheyev didn't own ANY Starfleet ships. Starfleet did. Also she didn't make one bolt, connect a single wire, gelpack or device, or otherwise helped on making them. I find it presumptuous she claimed it was HER ships. In fact saying as much would probably warranty a reprimand from any of her superiors in Federation and possibly not participating in said actions as other superior personnel do, would in our days(2409 onwards) result in herself facing the same fate as what she has threatened, in that same penal colony.
Overall it is surprising they didn't add a Cardassian weapon pack and badge to go with their suit(acquirable from getting the species unlock and it includes classic suits and Cryptic uniform additions). I like to believe they put things out there as to get them out there and in the meantime, plan for later additions, depending on their schedule and resources. Like, eventually, there will be a badge and Cardassian weapon pack and whatever other additions, they just didn't have time or resources to include them in the first release(like when they retexture or remodel a ship).
Hopefully there will be a Cardassian Lock Box 2 eventually that includes the Hideki and Cardassian ground weapons. Also, hopefully Cryptic takes that opportunity to update the Cardassian uniform to look more screen accurate and bring it up to the current standard of visuals that we are accustomed to. Heck, I'd even gladly drop 200-300 lobi to unlock an improved Cardassian uniform that looks screen accurate and has other bells and whistles like a badge or two.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
But if you have only a cursory interest in those things or want to buy them one by one, no it probably wouldn't be worth it.
If you want to play with a new race, then buy it, by all means, also the Cardassian Ship pack is awesome, and is well woth it, but dont think of them as a new faction, they are not, just another Fed/Kling choice for race (thou they have access to cardi uniforms and the spiral disruptor beams)
I like them, and i used my stipend to buy them, i had fun as with any new character i create (the cardi flight deck carrier is a beast!)
Of course, for someone like you coming to it now, it doesn't look nearly as good.
(but yeah, the Cardassians weren't even released with a "mini-faction" event & episodes like the Jems were. It was just a patched in race, and here's a couple ships you can buy.)
Something like a Cardassian Starter Pack?, that would be cool, just wait for the sale, i did that when i buyed the cardasian ship bundle..
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I was hoping to keep my first Orion in Orion ships but found that was impossible at the time even if I could have afforded them (which I couldn't), so I know the same frustration. Nowadays I can get the Blackguard with a T6 coupon which would level with the character, but since it is locked to KDF which is the faction I have the least characters for I am not sure it is worth it.
One thing that might help with you Cardassian ship if you do not have any of the coupons is the fact that they occasionally have a sort of double sale, where they give a bonus buying zen so you get 2400 for $20 USD at the same time as a major ship sale that reduces the price of T6 ships to $24 USD.
Well, at least the orions are flight deck cruisers now.. that makes them marginally better, i think..
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
The problem comes in with the fact that the Dominion is very cast-oriented and rigid and STO completely lacks Vorta, the race that in the show commands all the ships and bases and is the equivalent of the player's character. You can make Vorta using the 'Alien' character type in the other factions (though Klingon does not have anything that looks like Vorta clothing) though you do not get the UI and until just recently none of the Dominion ships were available to non-Jem'Hadar unless you had a hornytoad and used it to unlock the ships for the rest of the account so they had to use Fed or Rom ships.
Even the one Dom ship that does not have to be unlocked like that (the temporal vanguard warship) has problems in doing a canon build since the trait is faction-dependent and of course the Vorta kludge means that the trait only boosts plasma or phaser, not polaron for them. It is not deal-breaker though since while it is a nice trait it does not have to be slotted, especially if one has enough traits from other ships.
For that matter, the 'alien' generator supports a lot of races who have their own ships normally but the ships either do not exist in the game or they have one or two in nearly impossible to get packages, so people playing them have a rough road. I have a Kobali captain who will probably never get the Samsar the way the odds are on Phoenix box ships for instance.
Sometimes, if you like a character concept the only thing to do is fudge it and use the closest thing you can get. Speaking of which, before the Cardassians became an official playable race, people were making them in the Federation 'alien' generator.
They're not locked to character or acct, and are also sellable on the exchange. Though they're practically worthless there.
Something to consider is that you can make an Alien into a cardassian and save yourself the 1k zen and arguably some possible disappointment. I purchased the cardi race unlock and have buyer's regret. In hindsight I would have just made an Alien looking cardassian. In my opinion, Alien's make better looking cardis. They have better skin tone and hair options. Use the scaled options and bingo - cardassian. Also, I'm finding no matter how I tailor my male cardassian toon, they have perma eyeliner. As for the cardassian uniform = flaming dumpster fire. Extremely low detail. Colors between upper and lower portions can not be synced. There is a weird copper hue to the jacket and boots and the uniform comes with no rank or badge. Zero effort was put into the uniform. Just look at posts and bug reports from 2 years ago - same issues as today regarding the cardis. They don't care to fix any of it. We had the recent first contact event and the devs couldn't even be bothered to include a cardassian badge. Thank god we have two trill and bajoran badges. As for the cardassian racial trait, if you are hell bent on having it simply buy a cardassian bridge officer off of the exchange.
> (Quote)
> bu then there still is the cost of 1k zen to play a cardi. i mean its a good deal for the ships for sure, but then no cardi to fly them.
But if that was a Store-wide Sale then 800 Zen. They are more expensive than some of the other Race Unlocks, but they are cross-faction.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Not sure which ones you mean, but the pack that includes the 3 Cardassian Cryptic made T6 ships, does unlock the Galor and free spiral waves, with the level limitations required to get a T5 ship.
Overall it is surprising they didn't add a Cardassian weapon pack and badge to go with their suit(acquirable from getting the species unlock and it includes classic suits and Cryptic uniform additions). I like to believe they put things out there as to get them out there and in the meantime, plan for later additions, depending on their schedule and resources. Like, eventually, there will be a badge and Cardassian weapon pack and whatever other additions, they just didn't have time or resources to include them in the first release(like when they retexture or remodel a ship).
Hopefully there will be a Cardassian Lock Box 2 eventually that includes the Hideki and Cardassian ground weapons. Also, hopefully Cryptic takes that opportunity to update the Cardassian uniform to look more screen accurate and bring it up to the current standard of visuals that we are accustomed to. Heck, I'd even gladly drop 200-300 lobi to unlock an improved Cardassian uniform that looks screen accurate and has other bells and whistles like a badge or two.