Every time I log in I'm getting the server is unavailable at this time, wondering if it's totally down, or it's just me? cause i'm not seeing anything online about tribble being down, but had to ask..
Are you a lifetime member as Tribble is only open to lifers. I'm a lifer, but purposely stay off of Tribble cos I want new content etc to be a surprise rather than a yeah yeah seen it. I am however currently patching Tribble to see if I can access it. Will update you shortly.
The server is currently down. It's to be expected at this given time. Saving on resources I guess.
The special console inside Drozana Station on the wall across from the bank has everything you need to experiment with your build. From instant rep gear, spec points, epic gear, unlimited respecs and even a combat scenario to help you check how things are working.
Can be worth a visit to experiment with things before bringing it to holodeck.
Tribble is a great place to preview a lock box ship as well.
Are you a lifetime member as Tribble is only open to lifers. I'm a lifer, but purposely stay off of Tribble cos I want new content etc to be a surprise rather than a yeah yeah seen it. I am however currently patching Tribble to see if I can access it. Will update you shortly.
The server is currently down. It's to be expected at this given time. Saving on resources I guess.
Can be worth a visit to experiment with things before bringing it to holodeck.
Tribble is a great place to preview a lock box ship as well.