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Torpedo Question

olddad78#2157 olddad78 Member Posts: 43 Arc User

I am putting together a Diffusive Tetryon Beam Machine and im wanting to add 1 torpedo. Since my tac slots are boosting tetryon banks my single torp will not be a part of a set nor will i be adding any tac support for it. I am thinking of going with a Tricobalt, or Vaadwaur torp, or the breen torp.

Does anyone know what is the best tricobalt type torp out there? One that stands alone and you can just throw it in your mix by itself that adds something significant to your ship all by itself? Or are they all pretty much the same. Im even thinking since im running tetryon maybe if one of these torps help lower shields faster i would be happy.

Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • trennantrennan Member Posts: 2,839 Arc User
    Since you seem to be talking of the Tzenkethi Resolve Set, why not just use the Advanced Diffusive Tetryon Torpedo Launcher?

  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,268 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    The Tricobalt Cluster is my fav but you have to be careful as it can blow your own ship up with the mines. You could look at the Bio-neural Warhead or perhaps the Quantum Phase Torpedo would fit into the theme of a Diffusive Tetryon build more.

    I assume you are boosting shield drain on those Tetryon which well also boost that Torpdeo. There is also the Advanced Diffusive Tetryon Torpedo Launcher which will be boosted by your Tetryon tac slots.
  • revanmichaels#6727 revanmichaels Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    I have a light escort with a tet build. Be sure you increase drain with your sci consoles. You will notice the difference no matter what torps you use.

    This may not be the DPS choice but I use the wide-angle quantum torp. Being able to hit more targets makes up for a little bit less damage.
  • trennantrennan Member Posts: 2,839 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    I have a light escort with a tet build. Be sure you increase drain with your sci consoles. You will notice the difference no matter what torps you use.

    This may not be the DPS choice but I use the wide-angle quantum torp. Being able to hit more targets makes up for a little bit less damage.

    Running a Tet build, with high drain, it would probably be better to use the quantum torp that has a shield drain from... ummm... well, blast forget which episode it is.

    Right.. the mission Sunrise, The Quantum Phase.

  • olddad78#2157 olddad78 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Thanks! I will play around with all those! I guess i didnt realize there was a torp with that diffusive set! Or a tetryon torp!
  • trennantrennan Member Posts: 2,839 Arc User
    Thanks! I will play around with all those! I guess i didnt realize there was a torp with that diffusive set! Or a tetryon torp!

    Neither did I, until I looked it up.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    Generally speaking, I wouldn't recommend a tricobalt/cluster torp unless you're running a niche build for them.

    There are a lot of interesting options, even if you don't plan to use torpedo enhancements, but it depends what you want out of it.
    If you're just looking for supplimental hull-tearing option, I would suggest the Advanced Diffusive/lobi one - if you can afford it.
    Quantum Phased torp is good if you want something that will do kinetic damage while giving you a little more survivability(it's also really easy to get).
    The Disco and Delta Rep quantum torps are great if you want something with a big punch.
    Dyson and CC Rep photon torps are nice if you want something a bit faster and are running a bit of exotic damage, but they see more benefit from torpedo enhancement setups.
    The crafted Particle Emission Plasma torp is a fantastic option for a lot of reasons, and doesn't need enhancements to shine.
  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,424 Arc User
    IIRC there's 2 issues with the cluster torps, they destroyable even in their non enchanced mode and they function essentially by deploying a set on mines once they're close enough to the target. Both of these issues making rather hard to actually hit a target with the torps.
  • paladinrja#5247 paladinrja Member Posts: 155 Arc User
    I'd forgo a torp and use the Kentari missiles, personally. -- Otherwise, Trickies are high explosives, really only useful against large targets or controlled clusters. They come in different flavours, but none stand out imo. -- If in doubt, "Trilithium".
    XBOX One GT: Paladinrja
  • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    I'd really advise against ever using tricobalts except if you reaaally want the trilithium tricobalt for the set bonus. Even in a torpedo focused build, they are terrible due to a minimum 15s cooldown. I'd say in most cases if you want a heavy hitter, the best is the neutronic torp, but I still wouldn't use that alone because it is also slow, however at least it has a 1s minimum CD like most torps, if you can push it there with the doffs and another torpedo.

    In general, I think you get more value from a plasma emission torp without any other real investment in the build. Gravimetric is nice in a ctrl heavy build, quantum phase is great in a drain build, if you are willing to use the 2 piece set. Kentari missiles can be nice on a broadside boat if the gamma rep torp is too slow.

    In general, though, if you aren't willing to invest anything toward your torpedoes, why don't you use another energy weapon instead? Torps usually aren't worth equipping if you aren't even going to use a HYT or spread in your boff lineup.
  • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    I do tend to use the Trilithium Tricobalt torp on my Legendary Intrepid (in an aft slot) - I use a couple of torpedo cooldown reduction DOFFs to make it more worthwhile.

    That thing can be absolutely devestating as part of a megawell build. Drop GWIII enhanced with Improved Gravity Well and Temporal Anchor, and add Subspace Vortex to it for good measure - I also tend to drop a Gravitic Induction Platform on them to add insult to injury. Then they get treated to a Particle Emissions plasma torpedo and/or a High Yield Trilithium Tricolbalt. If anything survives that, Delayed Overload Cascade finishes them off.

    Yeah that can be different in a rear slot when you don't expect to use it more than a blue moon. I do have one build with the trilithium too, but it is a DBB build on a 4/4 light cruiser so it is rarely used, stuck in the rear, and effectively just a console slot for the set bonus.

    I have one build that uses a neutronic torp paired with a kelvin fast recharge torp to spit out high damage neutronics repeatedly, once every other second if I'm lucky. Tricobalts don't work with that, unfortunately because there is a big minimum CD, 15s if I remember it right, and I think cluster torps can't get a torpedo doff reduction.
  • feliseanfelisean Member Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    as a torp i would usualy choose the discovery rep torpedo in combination with the console ;)
    another good choice would be the delphic torpedo for the resistance debuff it offers

    but yea why not the tetryon one, even tho you might not see good results with it
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,268 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    I do tend to use the Trilithium Tricobalt torp on my Legendary Intrepid (in an aft slot) - I use a couple of torpedo cooldown reduction DOFFs to make it more worthwhile.

    That thing can be absolutely devestating as part of a megawell build. Drop GWIII enhanced with Improved Gravity Well and Temporal Anchor, and add Subspace Vortex to it for good measure - I also tend to drop a Gravitic Induction Platform on them to add insult to injury. Then they get treated to a Particle Emissions plasma torpedo and/or a High Yield Trilithium Tricolbalt. If anything survives that, Delayed Overload Cascade finishes them off.
    and I think cluster torps can't get a torpedo doff reduction.
    All 3 clusters types benefit from cooldown reduction both from doffs or Con FirePower. Dropping a Tricobalt cluster into yours or someone else's Improved Gravity Well can be devastating. Recently I got into the habit of using 1 Tricobalt cluster and 1 rear Tricobalt mine.
  • trennantrennan Member Posts: 2,839 Arc User
    felisean wrote: »
    as a torp i would usualy choose the discovery rep torpedo in combination with the console ;)
    another good choice would be the delphic torpedo for the resistance debuff it offers

    but yea why not the tetryon one, even tho you might not see good results with it

    Well, the gamma torp and console are a good pair. I mean it's better for a torp/mine build, or a torp/torp build.
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    Does anyone know what is the best tricobalt type torp out there? One that stands alone and you can just throw it in your mix by itself that adds something significant to your ship all by itself? Or are they all pretty much the same. Im even thinking since im running tetryon maybe if one of these torps help lower shields faster i would be happy.

    Might I suggest the Temporal Disruption Device from the Lobi Store? It is a Chroniton Torpedo that behaves like Tricobalt. It has similar attack power, creates rifts, and has a 100% chance of inflicting Speed and Turn Rate -33% Debuff. When using High Yield, the torpedo has an AOE field around it that gives that Debuff to all of the enemies that it passes on the way to the target.

    It has a Set bonus for using the Tachyokinetic Converter, which is a pretty good Console (+Control, + Turn Rate, +Critical Hit, +Critical Severity). The set bonus increases Choniton Damage (like the TDD) by +27%.
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