The 10th Anniversary Event updates after doing the TFO, the Campaign Event does not! After the Patch all progress stopped. I am max level and can select the TFO's individually so selecting them from the queue isn't an issue.
The 10th Anniversary Event ended last week and it wasn't part of the latest event campaign. The new campaign currently progresses with Battle of the Binary Stars.
You may be in the wrong support forum, this is for PS4.
The 10th Anniversary Event ends on April 2nd (updates normally with Battle of the Binary Stars)
The Event Campaign 1 ends on April 13th (stopped updating with the patch for anything)
The three events that make up "Event Campaign I" have finished, but the option to buyout the Campaign is still available until April 13th.
The current Event is the 10th Anniversary but this is not a part of "Event Campaign I", nor is it a part of the upcoming "Event Campaign II".
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
their is a buyout option for the 10th anniversary ship but not for the event campaign I for the Phoenix prize Starship if their were i would of already went with the buyout option for it just like i did Anniversary ship because i was late at getting back into the game for the event and thus am almost half way done with the event campaign I so please tell me where you see the buyout option for that one ? if you are referring to the stupid little weapon pack Cyclic modulation thingy then yeh i did that but the ship i have yet to have completed it like the OP said it runs until April 13th so i would like to know is are we going to get a extension or are for those that have any progress towards it at all get it auto completed or what ?
On PS4. I've had the same problem of not recording progress sometimes before the event ended, and also the reward listed in the second chance buyout for the campaigns event isn't the reward from the Campaign. instead of the Phoenix ship it is a set of pistols. Campaign 1 should be the ship, campaign 2 lobi crystals, don't remember the third off hand. So can't buyout the reward because the wrong one is listed. The cause me and my fleet mates think is behind the lack of progress, both before the borg event ended, and after the binary star missions started, may be the loading issue. All of us have had it happen close the 30% of the time at least where we join the event tfo, the game crashes to the main screen instead of loading into the tfo when we select ready. We have to log back in, select character, and when we log in it drops us right in the middle of the already active tfo battle. Then afterwards, no progress, and doing it again doesn't gain any progress, as if it used up the daily limit but didn't count for progress. This may not be the cause but we feel it might be.
Campaign 1 should be the ship, campaign 2 lobi crystals, don't remember the third off hand.
MIght be because we are nowhere near ready for the third one yet. The second one is only about to start on PS4, I reckon, since the anniversary event nears its' end.
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The 10th Anniversary Event ends on April 2nd (updates normally with Battle of the Binary Stars)
The Event Campaign 1 ends on April 13th (stopped updating with the patch for anything)
The current Event is the 10th Anniversary but this is not a part of "Event Campaign I", nor is it a part of the upcoming "Event Campaign II".