If dev are really reading this, I LOVED all the episodes of Gamma Quadrant. I was really scared in the episode Tenebris Torquent. That's the STO I want. Real ST scifi. I can't stand what happened after with the garbage discovery'J'Ula none sense. Sorry for those who like the new shows.
I also LOVED the episode where we had to explore in the dark, the lower deck of Drozena Station. The Devidians popping up in the dar was a bit scarry. but I was really scared when we heard that Bajoran tech talking to us in the dark. And I LOVED the multiple episodes where we had to go back in time, go back to the Federation station, before it became the Drozena Station.
I know you have to deal with the new crappy shows. Sorry you few fans that like them. and this post has nothing to do with that. I just like to see more episodes that are more entertaining. ST has so much great content. You don't have to limit yourself to new shows.
It is very hard to read your wall of text, it hurts. With that said, the Devidian arc is in the Available tab as you have been told. You need to be level 65 (which you are) and completed Galaxy At Large. Yes, I would like those added back to the Mission Journal or a revamp of the Available tab and calling it Side Missions as well. Keeping the stuff that is not side missions in a separate tab called Available or some other name. Otherwise, I had no problem with the revamp. Wish that the missions were in chronological order from first to last. Oh well.