So I'm posting here because Orvic from Arc Games Support told me this would be a better place to receive support than from the actual support team... Still processing that, but here it goes.
It may seem silly to most, but I purchased the starter pack that includes the T6 Reliant ship and have worked my way up to using it, all with the intention of naming it "Venture" after a 1980s Coleco video game because I'm old and nerdy. When I tried renaming it this, it said that the name contains restricted words. Yet when I tried naming it just "Ventur" the name change worked! Now I need to spend $3000 credits if I want to change it to something else---not a big deal, but how does the final "e" make this a restricted word? I get why name restriction algorithms exist, but "Venture" ... really? In what language is Venture a naughty word?
Anyway, Orvic said this is where the devs might see the issue and help out, so that's the only reason I'm here posting about it.
Can this odd restriction be lifted?