T5 ships are obsolete. True, when upgraded to T5-U they can compete at endgame but they're missing specialialization seating, they have one less boff ability and they don't have their own starship traits. In any measurable sense a T6 ship is superior to a T5-U ship.
Does anyone else still fly one? For me it's the APU Cruiser. I loaded it up with turrets and pets so it could fight effectively at 360 degrees. It started as a fun build but now it can more or less hold its own in advanced content. I particularly like how I never see another one and sometimes people in STFs are surprised to see one. Obviously I've got other characters that fly T6 ships but there's still a special place in my heart for that little cruiser.
Does anybody else have a special T5 or T5-U ship they still fly?
Two of my sci toons fly the T5U Dyson. One is flying the T5U battlecruiser. Several others have the T5U Defiant, Galaxy class and Voyager when those were put in the giveaway when one reached lvl 65.
I love flying T5Us cause they are fun and can still do content. My battlecruiser can even go through ISN and it only has two mastery levels completed.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
Even though you have to get both an upgrade and fleet module to get it at its best, the Tempest Patrol Escort is great, all it lacks is the ensign boff seat and you can't remove the tailgun.
I still fly the Kar'Fi, its handling and power is unusually good for a T-5U full carrier, and it is still one of the closest things to a science ship available to the KDF without spending extra. I have the Lukari flying saucer that I plan to fly with one of my toons when she gets to the right level too.
Also I was using the Atrox until just recently, it is a decent ship, as is the Romulan transforming one that was from one of last year's anniversary freebies (but the name escapes me at the moment), though I did not have the funds to upgrade them so strictly speaking they were not T5u, just better than average T5.
I still break out my T5U Fleet Patrol Escort Refit from time to time.
I don't run the Saturation Bomb anymore because due to powercreep it's now a woefully ineffective weapon but the rest of the ship is still pretty great.
Still the best looking Escort they have ever made IMO, and honestly.. one of the coolest looking ships in the entire game. Pretty much the only ship left that I would consider a 'must have' should a T6 ever be released.
Harpia. Need T6 Dyson science warbirds and raptors.
Narcine. Great carrier with good pets, T6 too overpriced or no stock.
Atrox. It looks cool, nice standard skin color, don't care about phallic symbolism.
R'mor & Wells.
Waiting on a T6 Rhode Island, Ning'Tao, Voquv - don't care to get their fleet variants since it's too expensive and would rather save for a proper T6 of them.
T5 Luna. Could use a T6 variant.
Regent is a skin I'd choose over any Sovereign or Archon, but not buying it when there's so many other better T6F cruisers instead that also look good.
Yeah, I have the Wells. It's perfectly fine for science with it's gravity Wells. ha.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I'm planning to take the Nova out of storage, but have to think of a unique build i can use on it and not a mere copy/downgrade of builds on my T6 Science vessels.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Oh, I also use the xindi aquatic for my kitty. she likes to watch the fish.
I would get the T6 version but it's crazy expensive and is it really much of an upgrade?
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Most of the characters that i play use T6 ships but even then I like to go back and play the T5-U Steamrunner that i got from the old steam starter pack. I really Hope that One day we get a T6 Steamrunner with a command spec so it can be a even better Torp Boat.
Most of the characters that i play use T6 ships but even then I like to go back and play the T5-U Steamrunner that i got from the old steam starter pack. I really Hope that One day we get a T6 Steamrunner with a command spec so it can be a even better Torp Boat.
Sometimes when i do a RTFO and i see the team struggling with survival that console is often one of the consoles i quickly equip.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Oh yeah, my main sci-guy flies his Wells from time to time. His main ship is still a T6 Temporal MM Sci vessel though. His Wells will still kick butt though and it's his 'personal' ship that was a gift, so not getting rid of it. No.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
I still break out my T5U Fleet Patrol Escort Refit from time to time.
I don't run the Saturation Bomb anymore because due to powercreep it's now a woefully ineffective weapon but the rest of the ship is still pretty great.
Still the best looking Escort they have ever made IMO, and honestly.. one of the coolest looking ships in the entire game. Pretty much the only ship left that I would consider a 'must have' should a T6 ever be released.
It's a shame that the bomb cannot be used on other vessels. Being EPG boosted it could potentially be very potent on science vessels.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
I actually still got several -still active- T5Us with good equipment and fully upgraded. Apart from the Advanced Obelisk, I got the Dromias, the VoQuv, the Voth Bastion and the Kar'fi
Original char is my only fed, he's in a Fleet Tempest with Maelstrom skin, and will continue to be until perhaps there is some individually sold t6 in this 10th anniversary bundle. A warship 4/4 T6 Tempest with miracle worker and command seating.
I love flying T5Us cause they are fun and can still do content. My battlecruiser can even go through ISN and it only has two mastery levels completed.
Also I was using the Atrox until just recently, it is a decent ship, as is the Romulan transforming one that was from one of last year's anniversary freebies (but the name escapes me at the moment), though I did not have the funds to upgrade them so strictly speaking they were not T5u, just better than average T5.
I don't run the Saturation Bomb anymore because due to powercreep it's now a woefully ineffective weapon but the rest of the ship is still pretty great.
Still the best looking Escort they have ever made IMO, and honestly.. one of the coolest looking ships in the entire game. Pretty much the only ship left that I would consider a 'must have' should a T6 ever be released.
Narcine. Great carrier with good pets, T6 too overpriced or no stock.
Atrox. It looks cool, nice standard skin color, don't care about phallic symbolism.
R'mor & Wells.
Waiting on a T6 Rhode Island, Ning'Tao, Voquv - don't care to get their fleet variants since it's too expensive and would rather save for a proper T6 of them.
T5 Luna. Could use a T6 variant.
Regent is a skin I'd choose over any Sovereign or Archon, but not buying it when there's so many other better T6F cruisers instead that also look good.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
- Tholian Mesh Weaver https://sto.gamepedia.com/Tholian_Meshweaver_Escort
- Nebula Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit https://sto.gamepedia.com/Nebula_Advanced_Research_Vessel_Retrofit
- https://sto.gamepedia.com/Obelisk_Carrier
I'm planning to take the Nova out of storage, but have to think of a unique build i can use on it and not a mere copy/downgrade of builds on my T6 Science vessels.
I would get the T6 version but it's crazy expensive and is it really much of an upgrade?
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Could not resist....
Very useful console on the T1 version:
Sometimes when i do a RTFO and i see the team struggling with survival that console is often one of the consoles i quickly equip.
As to T5-U ships being obsolete? I call male bovine biological byproduct. The only mandatory gear any ship requires is a competent player.
The Steamrunner is a nice one. I like it too!
This is one of my favourite carriers
It's a shame that the bomb cannot be used on other vessels. Being EPG boosted it could potentially be very potent on science vessels.