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New Lifetime subscriber missing some of the benefits

As I mentioned in an earlier email, I do have access to the JH destroyer. It was listed under "escort". Sorry about that. :smiley:

But, on my Gamma-Jem'hadar(Fed) (Kurak'son), I have neither the T5 token as described below, nor the "Captain's Yacht" (or equivalent):
  • Vice Admiral/Lieutenant General Ship Token: Speak with a Starship Requisition NPC to claim a Vice Admiral (Fed) or Lieutenant General (Klingon) ship. For Federation characters, this token can be used to claim an Exploration Cruiser Retrofit, Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit, or Tactical Escort Retrofit. For Klingon characters, this token can be used to claim a B'rel Bird-of-Prey Retrofit, Varanus Fleet Support Vessel, Marauder Patrol Cruiser, or Kar'Fi Battle Carrier.NOTE: If you discharge the ship claimed with the token you will not be able to claim a new one.
  • Captain's Yacht (Fed)/DujHod Chariot (Klingon)/Commander's Gig (Rom): Speak with a Starship Requisition NPC to claim the vessel. It is considered a Small Craft, much like other shuttles, and requires the special token awarded at 400 subscribed days.

For my Gamma-JH/KDF (Aledek'vun), I DO have the T5 token, but I do not have the "Captain's Yacht" KDF equivalent.

On my Gamma-JH/KDF (Aledek'vun), I do not have access to an android BOFF, but my Gamma-JH/Fed does have access to an android. Do Gamma-JH/KDF not get an android?

I will also say that on none of my characters (Romonoff, Karrina, Aledek'vun, Kurak'son) has the automatic 8000 dilithium refining occurred.


  • sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 6,230 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    Currently, the Jem'Hadar do not have a Captain's Yacht equivalent for their faction and are not able to use the KDF chariot. Are they still making one, I do not know.

    As far as I know, only the Federation and those aligned to it get the Android BOFF and not the KDF.

    The final item seems like a bug to me.
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
  • gishka#4096 gishka Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    We do get the android BOFF in the KDF: you need to visit the vendor in First City to claim it.

    I can't remember the vendor name (and the server is offline right now) but they're in the same room as the BOFF trainer / marauder BOFF vendor: On the opposite ramp from the marauder vendor, across the room from the console that dispenses the combat environment suits.

    The automatic dil refining only happens the day after the day(s) that you do not log in on.

    i.e. if I logged in on Monday, not at all on Tuesday and then in again on Wednesday, when I logged in on Wednesday it will automatically refine the dil I could've refined on Tuesday had I been online.

    It won't auto-refine the allowance for a day you're online: you still need to do that manually.

    It'll cap at 7 days worth, so you need to log in at least once a week to not lose out on refining capacity.


    Edit: The server's back up. The vendor with the androids is Commander V'Qlar and they're on on the "Special Officers" tab

    Dahar Master Gishka - I.K.S. Storm of Quin'lat
    tlhIngan maH taHjaj!
  • gishka#4096 gishka Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    We do get the android BOFF in the KDF.

    Commander V'Qlar in First City (near the BOFF trainer) has them. Check the "Special Officers" tab.

    You can claim your combat environment suit(s) from the console in the same room.

    Dahar Master Gishka - I.K.S. Storm of Quin'lat
    tlhIngan maH taHjaj!
  • autumnraynefyrautumnraynefyr Member Posts: 33 Bug Hunter
    I have androids on all of my toons, Rommie, Jemmie, Klingon and Fed. I model most them after a race of aliens in one of the books I am writing. My Ocampa toon has a "Romulan" Android if I remember correctly.. o3o ..You just need to find the Boff officer guy on Qo'noS in the First City or on ESD depending on Alliance.
  • sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 6,230 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    sthe91 wrote: »
    Currently, the Jem'Hadar do not have a Captain's Yacht equivalent for their faction and are not able to use the KDF chariot. Are they still making one, I do not know.

    As far as I know, only the Federation and those aligned to it get the Android BOFF and not the KDF.

    The final item seems like a bug to me.

    Edit: Thanks for the info, did not know that lifetime KDF players got the android BOFF as well. Thinking of Lifetime Rewards, they really need to update that page with current information.
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
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