I think this is why there is generally a rule to not discuss moderation. I mean, I think the rules should be flexible enough to discuss some "mechanics", but once it is about "he said she said" or comparing reading comprehension or defending oneself, it's probably gone astray and futile.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
My only worry is that after the dust settles from this thread is we have a bunch of angry forum mods on our hands and I don't blame them if that happened, These guys work for FREE on their own time. I know that doesn't excuse anything the folks here may find wrong in how they moderate but all things considered they are not bad moderators and this cannot be an easy job.
I would appeal to the OP's sense of reality to take a step back and calmly think about what he is trying to achieve here because from where I am standing this seems more self destructive than any meaningful foothold to get something changed.
"There is iron in your words of death for all Comanche to see, and so there is iron in your words of life. No signed paper can hold the iron. It must come from men. The words of Ten Bears carries the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life... or death. It shall be life." - Ten Bears (Will Sampson)
Assuming you mean my signature, I don't need to because I'm not the one that's being a conceited TRIBBLE, as you so beautifully demonstrated by the post immediately after the one I just quoted, but nice try!
Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
The best way to make moderating more impartial is by making everyone a moderator!
It happened in the past, and it was fun. Even without the actual powers.
That would be disastrous! Seeing some of the comments here.
It was a joke aimed at forum geezers like me. There was a brief period where the Vanilla forums gave everyone the Moderator title, but I think it was without any actual mod powers (I didn't test that).
The best way to make moderating more impartial is by making everyone a moderator!
It happened in the past, and it was fun. Even without the actual powers.
That would be disastrous! Seeing some of the comments here.
It was a joke aimed at forum geezers like me. There was a brief period where the Vanilla forums gave everyone the Moderator title, but I think it was without any actual mod powers (I didn't test that).
The best way to make moderating more impartial is by making everyone a moderator!
It happened in the past, and it was fun. Even without the actual powers.
That would be disastrous! Seeing some of the comments here.
It was a joke aimed at forum geezers like me. There was a brief period where the Vanilla forums gave everyone the Moderator title, but I think it was without any actual mod powers (I didn't test that).
Thanks for letting me know. I do not always get jokes.
Well from what i see here keeping a eye on this thread is. It has devolved in to a urination contest. Interlaced with snide remarks and medical conditions.
Why i don't agree fully with the OP i can say i have misgivings regarding the system in place. And as has been pointed out taking things the wrong way and preferential treatment in either the positive or negative is something that can and will happen at some point it is unavoidable.
Regardless of intent and the possible outcome of this..... banter and attacks bring in to question the level of cognitive ability at each other is not good.
If any moderator is in any way aggravated in regards to this. Then the ideal presented of a possible break to let others care for the issues may be best for all involved.
Why i have no power over any one in any way i would ask that we take the time for a moment to consider letting this go, and moving on to other more productive discussion's. Just my view make of it what you will. As for my self. I am taking my own advice and leaving this thread alone at this point.
Its also worth pointing out i never named anyone, but interesting to see you all mention the same "mod".
There are only 2 mods here and he's the most active by far. Why would we not assume you were talking about BMR?
You can read whatever meaning you want, but it really was just connecting 2 very obvious dots and in no way indicates anything about the person being discussed.
There are actually 3 moderators: myself, darkbladejk, and wingedhussar.
It's also worth pointing out that no one really mentioned any mod negatively by name until after I outed myself, but in doing so I also indicated that I know why the OP started this thread. Infer what you will. So, the "Ah-ha! Gotcha!" that's implied by the OP's "interesting you all mention the same mod" remark isn't really a "gotcha" when I put myself out there. But seeing how, as of this posting, there's no really scathing comments about me or my compatriots, it leaves me to ponder what supposed "victory" the OP thinks he's made here, especially when the majority of posters seem to contradict his assertions.
You see my friend that's the attitude that people have made reference to as "a bit snarky" your own post here comes across to me as flaming, i never claimed a victory or a AH-HA gotcha. You seem to be taking this very personally to me. Also as we all know for the history books the minority also has a voice over the majority given time, don't be so quick to dismiss it.
It's not snark. It's tongue-in-cheek. It's not flaming either. Nor did I say you claimed anything, I said implied. Herein seems to be an identified issue: you're throwing around terms that you clearly don't understand, and your reading comprehension of the English language and using context clues seems mediocre at best. Now, it's possible that English isn't your first language, so I suppose we can forgive the second part, but at least make the attempt at looking at a dictionary before using words that you don't fully understand the meaning of, or at least make sure you're using them in the correct way. Ok, that's snark.
Me taking this personally? Son, I couldn't care less. In fact, I find your little internet tantrum rather amusing. You may have not had the guts to name me personally, but we both know this thread is in response to you getting moderated. What blows my mind is that you didn't even receive a warning for it, just an edited post. You're the one taking things personally and going on a rant here about what you perceive as unfair forum moderation. See, I used my judgement, which you call into question, using my understanding of the English language, context, and analytical skills to decide that, although you broke a rule, it didn't rise to a level that I deemed deserving of infraction points. If I didn't use this judgement and handed out warnings every time anyone broke a rule to any degree, then all of you would've been banned by now for points accumulation. See, *I* don't ban anyone. I hand out points that *you* earn yourself through your own actions. If you accumulate too many, you're automatically banned by the system. And trust me, if I did take any of this job personally, some folks would've been banned a long time ago for the harassing, threatening hate mail I receive alone.
At any rate, I don't know about this being one for the history books, but it might make an amusing anecdote or footnote.
And the true face appears!
How professional are you being right here Mr Mod? And you're one of the faces of moderation?
It is little wonder you get so many hate mails.
Let’s dissect your rant.
1. English is my native language (I'm British)
2. You criticize my comprehension and or level of education in your reply.....That’s a breach of your own forum rules. (FYI I’m actually Autistic but my IQ is 147 based on clinical trials)
3. You admit that the whole paragraph was made snarky then have the cheek to add a smirk smiley....(but I’m the bad guy apparently)
4. Calling someone "Son"....wow really? Bet I have pants that are older than you! It’s really not a standard that should be praised is it?
5. What do you qualify as a "Rant"? Does it include making personal remarks about someone’s intelligence or comprehension?
6. "I used my judgement, which you call into question" ..........No I didn't, if you can quote me on that I’ll give you a penny.
7. "All of you would've been banned by now for point’s accumulation." sounds like a little bit of a god complex there.
8. "And trust me, if I did take any of this job personally, some folks would've been banned a long time ago for the harassing, threatening hate mail I receive alone. " .........Again that smirk, you think that it’s amusing to get these kinds of messages? You feel you are above reproach? Hmmm don't think you'll ever have MY trust.
Might I suggest you step back, take a breath and go do something else for a while? Maybe let one of the other mods continue here in your place? As I said you seem to be taking this as a personal attack while I have never named anyone just the system in place.
It was your own support network that first spoke your name, not me.
This now illustrates my whole point on official moderation over what we currently have, I cannot believe PWE would support your attitude and statements working as you are in their name, that may upset you more to hear that but since you claim not to care I doubt it will affect your day.
Thus speaking of that, I hope you have a good one. x
dude, siriusly.. just grow up. you got mad you ranted. no one is backing you. time to let it go
It happened in the past, and it was fun. Even without the actual powers.
I would appeal to the OP's sense of reality to take a step back and calmly think about what he is trying to achieve here because from where I am standing this seems more self destructive than any meaningful foothold to get something changed.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
That would be disastrous! Seeing some of the comments here.
It was a joke aimed at forum geezers like me. There was a brief period where the Vanilla forums gave everyone the Moderator title, but I think it was without any actual mod powers (I didn't test that).
I also suffer from dermatitis, a skin condition that sometimes makes me cranky. Oh and dyslexia.
I'm also told I have a strange and 'annoying' sense of humour, but I disagree with that assessment.
It was only the title indeed.
Thanks for letting me know. I do not always get jokes.
Why i don't agree fully with the OP i can say i have misgivings regarding the system in place. And as has been pointed out taking things the wrong way and preferential treatment in either the positive or negative is something that can and will happen at some point it is unavoidable.
Regardless of intent and the possible outcome of this..... banter and attacks bring in to question the level of cognitive ability at each other is not good.
If any moderator is in any way aggravated in regards to this. Then the ideal presented of a possible break to let others care for the issues may be best for all involved.
Why i have no power over any one in any way i would ask that we take the time for a moment to consider letting this go, and moving on to other more productive discussion's. Just my view make of it what you will. As for my self. I am taking my own advice and leaving this thread alone at this point.
Have a nice day everyone.
dude, siriusly.. just grow up. you got mad you ranted. no one is backing you. time to let it go