When I claimed my event reward on my first character I received the ship and only 1 Elachi Disruptor Weapon Pack and 1 Ultimate Tech Upgrade. I did not receive the other 7 weapon packs and 2 Tech upgrades. There was plenty of space in my inventory. I logged out and back in, tried to reclaim the ship. Am I missing something?
Yes. I did check the R&D tab and there was only one there. I had opened the weapons box and selected Beam Array and only got one beam array.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
I used second chance to buy out with 53% discount.
> Same. And now, after submitting a help ticket, I got an e-mail this morning that support won't give me the missing rewards. I spent Zen to finish the event, and no I can't have my rewards? Not happy.
I played up to 1155 points. The last day I played 2 x TFO's and 2 x Patrols. Did not get any points. Reported a bug and tried to log a ticket. Could not connect to log a ticket, "Unable to connect". Support tell me to shove off, they will not give me the points I earned even though it was a server fault I reported on time (bug report), and my activity shows the missions I played before the event ended. This was right after the shard maintenance. Think twice before spending money on ARC games.