When firing the K13 Twin Phaser Beam Arrays, they have a very ugly rectangle box around the beam that fires out of the ship. Its far more noticeable in beam overload. And also the beams were not affected by the reduced visual size patch. They still need to be worked on. Please fix them.
Edit: So people dont have to scroll for side by side comparisons I will post screenshots in this post. Here is the broken TOS beams compared to the perfectly fine TNG beams. TOS needs to be reanimated to match the quality in the rest of the game, its utterly horrible how it is right now and ruins the $300+ ship in the process.
Both screenshots are in Beam Overload state.

Please fix these issues.
Could you post a picture of the ugly rectangle box? and your graphical settings.
> Hello,
> Could you post a picture of the ugly rectangle box? and your graphical settings.
Thank you for the reply, I will post screenshots when I get home from work in 11 hours.
Screenshots as requested.
And my graphics settings are all set to Max, high as the game will let me. Thank you for looking into this.
After doing some investigation, and talking to the appropriate teams. The beams are the correct size. Beams overload just makes beams Start super large then shrink slightly. While normal beams will for a split second be large and the go back to the small size as they start firing. So far the only beams that start and end small are the Advanced beams on the DSC connie/ DSC D7. The square is just the BEAM starting to fire where in a very brief window it is large.
Ok, but this is new. They never use to be this obvious with the giant squares. I swapped out of my Connie when the Kelvin came out, noticed it when I swapped back. Have been playing my ToS Connie with those beams for about a year and never noticed the boxes. :S
And if starting and ending small is the fix, then maybe these and all beams should be updated to be like that? Looks terrible as it stands.
Could you please tell them that the TOS Conny skin now shows DBB as one beam from the dome. it total ruins the immersion if you use the TOS DBB on it to recreate the series look. First i thought it was a bug with the TOS DBB but every DBB is now shown as one beam if you use it with the TOS Skin for the Ship
I know it was always like this if you use the TMP skin, but its clearly new on the tos version