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Not getting starship mastery xp from patrols

KDF cardassian eng flying Lethean Nemosin pilot escort trying to unlock trait, received no xp from 2 different patrol missions, Rescue and Search and Ruins of Doom


  • sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 6,220 Arc User
    Did you finish the patrols and check the mastery again? Now, it rewards starship mastery when you are done and have left the patrol. Thanks. :)
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
  • hallek420staymad#8999 hallek420staymad Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    Yes. Thanks.
    Happens quite a bit, 3 more times today on a different ship. Thanks. It looks like if you don't close out the mission rewards popup before exiting, you receive no mission rewards. I'm not doing any more today to test it further.
    Also, sometimes they don't go into cooldown.
    Post edited by hallek420staymad#8999 on
  • dragonmalice12dragonmalice12 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    I run into this daily. I complete the mission, take all rewards, and no mastery xp. I have a ship I've run through the 9th Rule three days in a row that has 0 mastery XP. It seems to be getting more common - used to be once a day, now it's recurring.
  • dragonmalice12dragonmalice12 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    So this seeme to relate to who you're fighting (at least in 9th Rule) - 3 matches in a row tonight gave nothing for fighting Terrans. Then I got a single mastery for Mokai.

    I've gotten 4 and a half masteries for similar kill counts from other enemies. Cryptic needs to check the xp being rewarded per enemy type.
  • wewarren68wewarren68 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited October 2019
    Last night I found that patrol missions and battlezones are not giving a lot of XP for kills. I would get it may 1 out of 10 kills? I checked my log and I'm doing damage, they are blowing up, but I am not getting any credit for it.

    I had a ship I only needed about 5k more XP for Tier 5, so I ran Rescue and Search. I completed mission and when I left the map I still had about 1k more XP needed.

    I tried a TFO and had no issues with getting XP per kill
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