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Frontier kits (new Kelvin lockbox) bind to character upon opening the pack

Kits from the new Divergence Kelvin lock box automatically bind to the character that opens them when you open the pack.

I'm stuck with three Sci kits on a tactical character now...


  • haplo013haplo013 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    Same here. Ended up with a Science and Tactical on my Tactical.
  • hopkaiihopkaii Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Yep same here had to open 8 to get 1 science kit, left with 7 unusable kits!!
  • wraithmeisterwraithmeister Member Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    ditto. I had to toss a couple of kits as well.

    If a random kit is going to bind to character on open (if that was intended) then it at least needs to guarantee that it will be usable by the character (matching their char type, tac/sci/eng). I'm hoping however that it was not intentional and that the items should have been unbound, or at least only account-bound rather than character bound.

    I also had some minor hope that the new season would let us re-engineer the kit mods (at least the new kits), but no dice there either, so majority of these kits will probably be throwaways anyway.
  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    The issue seems to be fixed now, I just opened a new one and that one didn't bind to my character.

    I'm still stuck with three useless kits however because already existing items were not affected by the patch.
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    my [Starfleet Frontier Tactical Kit Mk XII [HP] [KP/Wpn] [KPerf] [Proc] [Regen]] is still bound to char :(
  • chrian#9670 chrian Member Posts: 622 Cryptic Developer
    Hello everyone you will need to submit a customer support ticket to get the bind status of those items changed.
  • ambush#5204 ambush Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Hello everyone you will need to submit a customer support ticket to get the bind status of those items changed.

    I did submit a ticket, after opening [Special Equipment Pack - Kelvin Divergence Kit Frames] when i checked it wasnt showing so i submitted another which still didn't show then i read it had been fixed and assumed that was it, we were lumbered with more trash so i sold it on ESD to Ensign Leesa. Fortunately I just read your comment I am still there an hour later waiting for TFO. Just bought it back however My tickets aint showing ingame or Support

    Tried submitting ticket again but not working
  • arkachalloarkachallo Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    I'm having the same issue with the kit frames giving me ones I can't use on my character, I got two science kits on a Engineering character. I have also sent in two tickets about the items and neither are showing in my support ticket list.

    Update. I received a reply from the team about the kit frames.

    They compensated me with zen for the issue. I think that's fair and I'm happy with that. I hope that everyone that had this issue gets it sorted out for them as well.
  • jordan3550jordan3550 Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    > @arkachallo said:
    > I'm having the same issue with the kit frames giving me ones I can't use on my character, I got two science kits on a Engineering character. I have also sent in two tickets about the items and neither are showing in my support ticket list.
    > Update. I received a reply from the team about the kit frames.
    > They compensated me with zen for the issue. I think that's fair and I'm happy with that. I hope that everyone that had this issue gets it sorted out for them as well.

    Which support arc or in-game? I keep trying arc support but all I get is the help section articles and no option to contact support
  • ambush#5204 ambush Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    jordan3550 wrote: »
    > @arkachallo said:
    Which support arc or in-game? I keep trying arc support but all I get is the help section articles and no option to contact support

    I've tried ingame With and without arc running not one submission showed , inb the end i went to Support
    The Response i got was:
    1. Etelia
      Today at 03:57
      Greetings, Captain!

      Thank you for contacting Player Support.

      I understand that the Starfleet Frontier Engineering Kit you received seems to have been bound to your Tactical character. I would like it very much if I can help you out with your concern. However, I'm afraid Support is unable to alter the bound status of any items due to technical limitations. We're also unable to transfer items that are already bound to a specific character. If we have the available service that allows changing an item's bound status, I'll be more than happy to be of assistance. Nonetheless, since we do not have the ability to perform this action, I apologize but we'll be unable to proceed with your request.

      In the event that you have other concerns than this, please send in a new ticket to our Support team. Thanks again for your patience and understanding.
      GM Etelia
      Game Master
  • perfectcrypticperfectcryptic Member Posts: 266 Arc User
    I got the same response. Another reason to not bother with lock boxes which is what they put all their effort in. If they can't fix what they want people to actual pay for....

    There was the same issue with the very first TFO buyout where you got XP Bonus which was bound to toon and not account.
  • jordan3550jordan3550 Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    > @perfectcryptic said:
    > I got the same response. Another reason to not bother with lock boxes which is what they put all their effort in. If they can't fix what they want people to actual pay for....
    > There was the same issue with the very first TFO buyout where you got XP Bonus which was bound to toon and not account.

    On reddit one of the devs said to contact support https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/d29iq2/lockbox_items_are_character_bind_on_pickup_again/ezu628b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    Am confused 😐
  • perfectcrypticperfectcryptic Member Posts: 266 Arc User
    I did. and got the same copy&paste response. May be they treat customers differently if they show a purchase of Zen and say they opened a box with keys they bought?

    Who knows they say lots of different things.

  • ambush#5204 ambush Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    UPDATE: @chrian#9670
    1. Etelia
      Today at 02:44

      Thank you for writing back.

      I understand that a Cryptic Developer may have responded on the forum post saying that Support is able to unbind your Starfleet Frontier Engineering Kit. However, I'm afraid this information is incorrect as we have no means to do so. This is beyond the limitations of our tools and again, we cannot change an item's bound status.

      We kindly ask for your patience and understanding in this regard, Captain. Should you wish to raise further questions, please feel free to ask.

      Thanks again for your time.
      GM Etelia
      Game Master

    Please could we get this resolved
  • jordan3550jordan3550 Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    > @ambush#5204 said:
    > UPDATE: @chrian#9670
    > * Etelia
    > Today at 02:44
    > Hello,
    > Thank you for writing back.
    > I understand that a Cryptic Developer may have responded on the forum post saying that Support is able to unbind your Starfleet Frontier Engineering Kit. However, I'm afraid this information is incorrect as we have no means to do so. This is beyond the limitations of our tools and again, we cannot change an item's bound status.
    > We kindly ask for your patience and understanding in this regard, Captain. Should you wish to raise further questions, please feel free to ask.
    > Thanks again for your time.
    > Regards,
    > GM Etelia
    > Game Master
    > Please could we get this resolved

    I got something similar after submitting a ticket. If it can’t be resolved then we should at least get a key for each kit frame we have that the character can’t use. I have 4 on my main tac captain that can’t use them and I can’t transfer to a toon with that specific career. Each kit frame cost a key to open.
  • chrian#9670 chrian Member Posts: 622 Cryptic Developer
    The Kit's should be unbound now.
  • ambush#5204 ambush Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Too late i binned mine after i was told it couldn't be done (There is no emote for what i'd like to say)
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