Day before yesterday I went to the Tzenkethi Battlezone in the Gon’cra System, in Star Trek Online (ps4) to do my personal endeavor kill 10 tzenkethi ships. Once i got there the game crashed (error (CE-34878-0) on the PS4). Now every time i try to load up that character the game crashes to blue screen right before it loads in. I have tried to load up that character many times now but i only get bluescreens.
The rest of my other characters work fine, its just the one in the tzenkethi battlezone that chrashes.
I send in a ticket but haven't heard anything yet.
Anyone know what to do?
The Character in question is Vena@Janfikkie
psn janfikkie
Today 6-29-2019 when trying to find a Dreadnought to destroy to accomplish one of today's daily endeavors I made the mistake of going into Gon'Cra System to look for one. Now my main character I've built-up for hundreds of hours is stuck in there. Everytime I attempt to load that character the game immediately crashes. I've reported every crash via what PS4 has built in to send a video report to Sony, but who knows if that will help, I doubt it. I even went as far to delete the game, restart the PS4, and download/install the game fresh again, but no joy it still immediately crashes.
Here's what I did, in case it can help someone else:
1. Logged in using one of my different characters.
2. Went into Options, selected to changed character, and selected the marooned character stuck in Gon'Cra System.
3. This time the character loaded far enough away from any enemy ships, so I had enough time to exit the system as fast as possible
All this probably took I'm guessing about 30 attempts over a two day period.
From now on I'll never enter Gon'Cra System again, they might as well include it in the restricted zone of Alpha Quadrant too in my opinion!
Contacted them the day after that, and after that, and after that.... till they said I should be patient.
Today I get a mail with like "haven't heard from you, so we consider the issue solved and we close you ticket"...
I even told them simply to move my char, but NOOOOOOO... they don't have the clearance to do that!
So who does have the clearance or knowledge to do that for fringging sake!?!?