@zedbrightlander1 - I actually thought about adding some, but in the end decided for a cleaner neo-noir look, because of my chars habit to mix real experiences that she made during missions with fictional (noir) stories when she programs Holonovels. 😊🖖
"We might get pretty singed at that range, but not as singed as they're going to get. Engage."
- Captain Six of Nine aka Ashley "Don't Call Me Ash" Campbell
Yeah, lets get the Michael Jordan of screenshots to enter. Then none of us need to bother entering!
But here's what I tossed together; bland and obvious winter gear. My Aenar didn't really feel the need to get 'winterized'. Sadly, can't really do a /renderscale upgrade on the character screen so its just at 1080.
I guess I could zoom in, but then the banner is in the way.
I don't participate in the contest, but here are three for fun...
For those of you who don't know:
By default you can take screenies without the GUI by pressing the PrintScreen button (PC).
Pro Tip:
If you login to the game you can use the renderscale command, then exit back to the character select screen (which will keep the enhanced resolution) and then use the PrintScreen.
Also two more from Priors 5d, because I really love that moon.
Thanks kurumimorishita for the tips. Looks alot better now!
My pleasure! *^_^* - and good luck! 🤞😊👍
So... out of curiosity... how do you take the screenshots without the UI visible? Reason I ask is because the printscreen button gets the UI in it.
Space Barbie Extraordinaire. Got a question about Space Barbie? Just ask.
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
So... out of curiosity... how do you take the screenshots without the UI visible? Reason I ask is because the printscreen button gets the UI in it.
Well, by default it's the PrintScreen key (like you mentioned) and I get my screenies without UI with that key. So the only thing I can imagine is, that you use custom key-binds of some sort. I recommend trying Alt+PrintScreen (by default it does the same, but the output is a .tga file) - perhaps this is still working. If it still doesn't work you can also try a bind command like... /bind P screenshot which would bind the screenshot (without UI) key to the "P" key.
"We might get pretty singed at that range, but not as singed as they're going to get. Engage."
- Captain Six of Nine aka Ashley "Don't Call Me Ash" Campbell
I wonder what the Terran Orville crew would be like.
I have a feeling that we will get an answer to that question one day.
"Galactic Girl"
Treat her like a lady. And she'll always bring you home!"
- Admiral Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy
Higher resolution version of this + more pics... http://kurumi-morishita.deviantart.com/gallery/
"Maxine Payne" Chapter I-V (Roscoe Street Station, Dead End Angels, Midnight Walker & Max Impact)
The Payne is REAL
Higher resolution version of this + more pics... http://kurumi-morishita.deviantart.com/gallery/
My main toon's got a WWII pilot costume that he loves to wear on the holodeck. Now's the perfect time to whip it out again!
I think you just invented Trek Noir.
Only thing missing are a few visual flaws to make it seem genuinely dated.
@zedbrightlander1 - I actually thought about adding some, but in the end decided for a cleaner neo-noir look, because of my chars habit to mix real experiences that she made during missions with fictional (noir) stories when she programs Holonovels. 😊🖖
Elegance in Hard lines and Angles
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
Higher resolution versions of these + more pics... http://kurumi-morishita.deviantart.com/gallery/
If that's the bridge's window, ya better hope the captain doesn't ask for ramming speed!
Higher resolution versions of these + more pics... http://kurumi-morishita.deviantart.com/gallery/
btw - just testing to see if this pic shows up. I know it doesn't belong here. I'll remove it later if anyone complains.
Also, post your caps here, as well.
Yeah, lets get the Michael Jordan of screenshots to enter. Then none of us need to bother entering!
But here's what I tossed together; bland and obvious winter gear. My Aenar didn't really feel the need to get 'winterized'.
I guess I could zoom in, but then the banner is in the way.
For those of you who don't know:
By default you can take screenies without the GUI by pressing the PrintScreen button (PC).
Pro Tip:
If you login to the game you can use the renderscale command, then exit back to the character select screen (which will keep the enhanced resolution) and then use the PrintScreen.
Also two more from Priors 5d, because I really love that moon.
Higher resolution version of this + more pics... http://kurumi-morishita.deviantart.com/gallery/
Boy did I TRIBBLE up. I left the s of of posters. At least I know what to do.
(/renderscale 4)
My pleasure! *^_^* - and good luck! 🤞😊👍
So... out of curiosity... how do you take the screenshots without the UI visible? Reason I ask is because the printscreen button gets the UI in it.
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
Well, by default it's the PrintScreen key (like you mentioned) and I get my screenies without UI with that key. So the only thing I can imagine is, that you use custom key-binds of some sort. I recommend trying Alt+PrintScreen (by default it does the same, but the output is a .tga file) - perhaps this is still working. If it still doesn't work you can also try a bind command like... /bind P screenshot which would bind the screenshot (without UI) key to the "P" key.