The Mine Creep function of this console is overriding mine speed even when inside normal tracking range. This makes the console very bad to use with mines as the mines are so slow they cannot keep up and hit targets.
I tested with Quantum mines and let the mines creep into tracking range. Once inside tracking range of 7km they stayed at the slow creep speed.
Also the Vorgon console mine speed boost is disabled as the creep overrides the boost.
My mines normally move at a speed of 65 but with the Creep function they move at what looks like under 15.
Add the slow speed into the mine disappearing bug and its next to impossible to get mine hits with this console. See video example. This video is without the slow mines. Now add in slower mine speed and its way worse.
Also I am not sure the 0.5 sec global cooldown is working. I have the Ordnance Accelerator with -1.5 sec. But when I add the Covert Mine Layer Suite I cannot tell any difference. This could be human error. Can anyone confirm?
Given that the creep feature is designed to be used when outside of tracking range this does kind of defeat the point of using the console and creep. Using creep makes it harder to hit, as at least without creep NPC’s could wonder into range and the mine would move full speed.