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EVA Suits

jarenkincaidjarenkincaid Member Posts: 122 Arc User
Am I doing something wrong? Ever since the Captain Killy update, whenever I wear my EVA suit, it doesn't appear (although it works just fine). Why is this?


  • nixie50nixie50 Member Posts: 1,378 Arc User
    mine works fine I just did an endeavour on nukara and the dil asteroid. what ev suit? I'm using one of the solenae ones
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  • jarenkincaidjarenkincaid Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    Vanguard. I find the the free EV suit you can pick up on the fleet works fine. I'm wondering if it's only ones purchased with Lobi crystals.
  • abbandon#8967 abbandon Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Where can I get EV suits? How do I equip EV suits? I "think" I used one before when boarding DS9 during a storyline mission. But since then I have been away for a veeeeery long time. I tried to do some of the new stuff like Nukacola missions or whatever and I needed a suit and they kept warning me that without one I would die so I ran away.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    Where can I get EV suits? How do I equip EV suits? I "think" I used one before when boarding DS9 during a storyline mission. But since then I have been away for a veeeeery long time. I tried to do some of the new stuff like Nukacola missions or whatever and I needed a suit and they kept warning me that without one I would die so I ran away.

    You can get a cheap one from the Dilithium Store. I forget how much Dilithium they cost, but it's really cheap.

    You can also get a free one from the Mission 'Boldly: They Rode' in the Cardassian Arc and you can get a really good one from the mission 'A Step Between Stars' in they Dyson Sphere arc.
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  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    People used to sell ones from Nukara on the exchange for credits, so even cheaper than the dil ones. I haven't checked in the exchange for years though since I get them from both the Nukara reputation and from the Lifetime Subscription
  • zaccar#5080 zaccar Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    the vanguard one works fine, its just bugged graphicly, it shows only boots and pants
  • jarenkincaidjarenkincaid Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    the vanguard one works fine, its just bugged graphicly, it shows only boots and pants

    So are some of the other special EV suits. And yes, they are bugged graphically. That's what's irritating.
  • maphisto86#2647 maphisto86 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    the vanguard one works fine, its just bugged graphicly, it shows only boots and pants

    So are some of the other special EV suits. And yes, they are bugged graphically. That's what's irritating.

    I made a thread about this very problem in the support forum. Basically if you are playing a male character, for some reason most suits are missing parts of the outfit. It is just a visual bug though, the suit should work as intended. It is really annoying though. I hope Cryptic gets around to fixing it in the near future. Oddly enough, some suits are not affected. For example, the suits that use the default utility suit skin seem to be fine on my end.
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