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Ultimate Beam Array Loadout?

lapprenticellapprenticel Member Posts: 254 Arc User
I realise best is a matter of perception but I figured I'd ask the question here and see what sort of suggestions folk give. I won't say price isn't an issue - it definitely is, but prior to going on a spending spree at K-13 and the Fleet Research Lab I was at the Fleet Credit cap. I have some dilithium to spare too so I'm open to reputation sets, or parts of sets, but I'm not really interested in trying my luck with obscure lockbox equipment. I can probably grit my teeth and run the same mission a couple of times in a row for mission sets, but I'm hoping there's a merchant somewhere selling what's recommended.

At heart I remain an SFC player rather than an STO player. For those who never played that series it was supposed to be an incredibly complex Star Trek simulation - think 2D version of the space component of STO, and yet it's vastly simpler than STO. For the most part toggling something on e.g. overload, kept you in overload mode. I know STO doesn't work like that - you have to button mash like crazy, but I'd prefer to minimise that side of things and I want to avoid builds which rely on stacking bonuses via manipulating things. Obviously I can't ignore the Captain Specialization, Traits, Boff bonuses (however they work) and anything else that applies bonuses in the background, but once set they can at least be ignored. Since I'm still leveling various ships my loadout isn't fixed, though ultimately I expect I'll settle on a tactical leaning cruiser of some description, so there won't be a perfect solution just at present but if I get a decent loadout I can transfer it between ships and plod along until I finish leveling and settle on a preferred ship.

My primary toon is tetryon based but I have toons using each of the various energy types and will eventually be looking for beam arrays for them too, but one thing at a time. :) I've no clue whether the best beam arrays are a generic type e.g. crafted\merchant, or unique and attained via a mission or rep set. I figure I can but ask and hope I get some useful responses.

I'm presently using the https://sto.gamepedia.com/Nukara_Appropriated_Munitions set which includes a unique Tetryon Dual Beam Bank, a Drain Expertise universal console, and the awesome Web Mine Launcher. Equipping 2/3 items grants +9.5% Tetryon Damage, and +19 Starship Drain Expertise with 3/3 enhancing the Hyper-Dual Refracting Tetryon Beam Bank. I'm also using the https://sto.gamepedia.com/Nukara_Strikeforce_Technologies set which includes a hull\shield restoration\capacity and Drain Expertise boosting deflector, impulse engines, and a fairly heavy shield. Equipping 2/3 items grants +5% Bonus Energy Weapon Damage. I'm using the https://sto.gamepedia.com/Quantum_Phase_Catalysts#Quantum_Phase_Torpedo as my kinetic projectile and would be open to adopting the set's universal console to get the Drain Expertise bonus and the 2/3 set's bonus to Accuracy and the Quantum Phase Torpedo, but equally open to switching it out. My remaining slots are filled with crafted Tetryon Beam Arrays with a focus on [Dmg]. None of my gear is Mk XV but my weapons are split roughly 50:50 between Epic and VR. Upgrading will improve performance slightly, but if there's better options out there I'd prefer to switch now than upgrade then be forced to switch later - I've probably already left things far later than I should but I'm more of a casual player and don't want to be bothered by stuff.

Oh I'm presently also using https://sto.gamepedia.com/Console_-_Tactical_-_Tetryon_Pulse_Generators but have been advised that rather than upgrading those to Epic XIV I should have instead selected https://sto.gamepedia.com/Console_-_Tactical_-_Vulnerability_Locator or https://sto.gamepedia.com/Console_-_Tactical_-_Energetic_Protomatter_Matrix_Infuser depending on whether criticals or survivability is my preference. I'm leaning towards Protomatter survivability but as yet undecided.

In another thread someone recommended the https://sto.gamepedia.com/Krenim_Temporal_Manipulation set which includes a weak Omnidirectional Tetryon Beam Array, a shield capacity\crit boosting science console, and a warp core. Equipping 2/3 items grants +13.3% tetryon damage boost. While not a set item the https://sto.gamepedia.com/Console_-_Science_-_Emitter_Refocuser looks to mesh very nicely with its bonuses to Tetryon Damage, Drain Expertise, and Shield Restoration. And while it's not been mentioned might the https://sto.gamepedia.com/Console_-_Universal_-_Sticky_Web be worth considering if it's available at a reasonable price on the Exchange?

Okay that's rather a long post on background which may or may not be relevant in addressing the original question - what is the best kind of beam array to equip? At present I'm thinking the Elite Fleet Dranuur [energy] Beam Array [modifier]x3 [Proc] might be the best option available. As I understand it it does about 5% more damage, and offers the bonus shield\hull healing [Proc]. I could however be grossly mistaken as there's 6 different base tetryon types as far as I can see, not counting omni-directional arrays - which I believe are significantly weaker, and any unique weapons such as the Hyper-Dual Refracting Tetryon Beam Bank - yes I'm aware that's not a beam array, but I am somewhat partial to it!!!

Thoughts, recommendations? :)

Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • jeff#1284 jeff Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    I have just got to the point where I can seriously focus on a build. I have bought 8 Fleet advanced phaser beam arrays matched with fleet tac consoles stacked. Out of the box I'm getting almost 20,000 dps. When pattern alpha and beam overload are active the damage is enourmous, haven't actually logged it yet but last night I had 35,000+crits rolling like a slot machine on starbase 24.
    I see the benefits of fleet gear because of ease of access and they match well together. That said, like you I am looking to replay some stuff for some custom builds on my escorts.
    My cruiser btw is t6 arbiter, absolute beast. You can get huge amounts of hull and shield hp with proper skills and consoles.
  • brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,219 Arc User
    Try out a Tyken's Rift with your setup, preferably with a Gravimetric Scientist (Tyken's) in an active Space DOff slot.

    If you are in a cruiser, you likely only have a Lt. Science slot, so TR1. Drop it on the big guy in the enemy group and watch his energy weapons drop to useless power levels as his shields dribble away. Zippy little escorts just fly out of it, so don't waste it on them unless they are otherwise immobilized, (such as by one of the various vape abilities.)

    A Sci Boat with that build and a Rank III Tyken's will immobilize and render useless entire spawns. The only thing stopping this from being the DPS meta is that the warp core breaches chain from ship to ship, and the parser doesn't count the extra explosions when counting your damage.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,693 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    The most powerful beam array is the Terran Task Force Beam Array (TTF for short) Disruptor version at Tier 4 and Phaser at Tier 6 of the Terran Task Force Reputation. It comes out to about 150% the damage of a standard beam array in parses.

    Unfortunately, you can have only one of the TTF beam, so you need to go to other types from the matching base type for max damage.

    For Phaser, add in the Prolonged Engagement Phaser Beam Array (Event store), the Trilithium-Enhanced Omni-Directional Phaser_Beam_Array along with the console from that set, fill the rest with either Sensor-Linked Phasers for the Critical Severity boost they give to all weapons, or standard crafted, both of the later Re-Engineered to good mods ( [dmg] and [crtd] depending on build, but usually effectively around 3% final damage). Add in Phaser damage Universal consoles like Console - Universal - Ordnance Accelerator and Fleet [Phaser] consoles of choice, Locators are the go-to, but switching out two to Colony Protomater are nice if you need an extra bit of survivability.

    For Disruptor, the two big beam types are:
    https://sto.gamepedia.com/Spiral_Wave_Disruptor_weapons_(space) which have a built-in 2 damage modifiers (6% final damage) and 15% Category 1 damage (~1% final damage, dependent on build) represented by [Spiral] then Re-Engineer the [acc]x2 to either [dmg] or [crtd]
    Sensor-Linked Disruptor beams

    House Martok Skirmisher Configuration is a solid companion set. using anything from just the console to all three pieces. Edit: Use the console and the omni beam, but skip the torp in most cases. I was thinking the next set.

    Entoiled Technology Set has a very nice console, an energy torpedo that scales with Disruptor damage, and nice three-set bonus. Beam is meh, but is usually worthwhile if you go three-piece.

    Add in Fleet [Disruptor] consoles of choice, Locators are the go-to, but switching out two to Colony Protomater are nice if you need an extra bit of survivability.

    Hopefully, that's a good start. Definitely look at that 'Performance' category for the beam weapons to find out more buffs to them, as I left out a fair number that I can't easily recall without being in-game.
    Post edited by tom61sto on
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,693 Arc User
    Edit: edit monster ate the post with links, but you can find most things by searching STO wiki or looking at the https://sto.gamepedia.com/Set/Space_Equipment_(Universal) page

    The most powerful beam array is the Terran Task Force Beam Array (TTF for short) Disruptor version at Tier 4 and Phaser at Tier 6 of the Terran Task Force Reputation. It comes out to about 150% the damage of a standard beam array in parses.

    Unfortunately, you can have only one of the TTF beam, so you need to go to other types from the matching base type for max damage.

    For Phaser, add in the Prolonged Engagement Phaser Beam Array (Event store), the Trilithium-Enhanced Omni-Directional Phaser_Beam_Array along with the console from that set, fill the rest with either Sensor-Linked Phasers for the Critical Severity boost they give to all weapons, or standard crafted, both of the later Re-Engineered to good mods ( [dmg] and [crtd] depending on build, but usually effectively around 3% final damage). Add in Phaser damage Universal consoles like Console - Universal - Ordnance Accelerator and Fleet [Phaser] consoles of choice, Locators are the go-to, but switching out two to Colony Protomater are nice if you need an extra bit of survivability.

    For Disruptor, the two big beam types are:
    https://sto.gamepedia.com/Spiral_Wave_Disruptor_weapons_(space) which have a built-in 2 damage modifiers (6% final damage) and 15% Category 1 damage (~1% final damage, dependent on build) represented by [Spiral] then Re-Engineer the [acc]x2 to either [dmg] or [crtd]
    Sensor-Linked Disruptor beams

    House Martok Skirmisher Configuration is a solid companion set. using anything from just the console to all three pieces. Edit: Use the console and the omni beam, but skip the torp in most cases. I was thinking the next set.

    Entoiled Technology Set has a very nice console, an energy torpedo that scales with Disruptor damage, and nice three-set bonus. Beam is meh, but is usually worthwhile if you go three-piece.

    Add in Fleet [Disruptor] consoles of choice, Locators are the go-to, but switching out two to Colony Protomater are nice if you need an extra bit of survivability.

    Hopefully, that's a good start. Definitely look at that 'Performance' category for the beam weapons to find out more buffs to them, as I left out a fair number that I can't recall without being in-game.
  • lapprenticellapprenticel Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    How do you manage 20,000 dps? With Epic\VR Mk XIV weapons and consoles my status panel states I'm only:
    3,000 dps (6x ~500) when onplanet
    <7,000 (6x <1,260) when in orbit
    ~8,000 (6x <1,400) when in the match briefing stage.

    I don't know which screen you're getting your 20,000 from but if you're using 8x Mk XII Fleet Advance Phaser Beam Arrays and getting 0.7-5x the dps I get per weapon despite using with less upgraded weapons it's ... very TRIBBLE!
    jeff#1284 wrote: »
    I have just got to the point where I can seriously focus on a build. I have bought 8 Fleet advanced phaser beam arrays matched with fleet tac consoles stacked. Out of the box I'm getting almost 20,000 dps. When pattern alpha and beam overload are active the damage is enourmous, haven't actually logged it yet but last night I had 35,000+crits rolling like a slot machine on starbase 24.
    I see the benefits of fleet gear because of ease of access and they match well together. That said, like you I am looking to replay some stuff for some custom builds on my escorts.
    My cruiser btw is t6 arbiter, absolute beast. You can get huge amounts of hull and shield hp with proper skills and consoles.

  • jeff#1284 jeff Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    How do you manage 20,000 dps? With Epic\VR Mk XIV weapons and consoles my status panel states I'm only:
    3,000 dps (6x ~500) when onplanet
    <7,000 (6x <1,260) when in orbit
    ~8,000 (6x <1,400) when in the match briefing stage.

    I don't know which screen you're getting your 20,000 from but if you're using 8x Mk XII Fleet Advance Phaser Beam Arrays and getting 0.7-5x the dps I get per weapon despite using with less upgraded weapons it's ... very TRIBBLE!
    jeff#1284 wrote: »
    I have just got to the point where I can seriously focus on a build. I have bought 8 Fleet advanced phaser beam arrays matched with fleet tac consoles stacked. Out of the box I'm getting almost 20,000 dps. When pattern alpha and beam overload are active the damage is enourmous, haven't actually logged it yet but last night I had 35,000+crits rolling like a slot machine on starbase 24.
    I see the benefits of fleet gear because of ease of access and they match well together. That said, like you I am looking to replay some stuff for some custom builds on my escorts.
    My cruiser btw is t6 arbiter, absolute beast. You can get huge amounts of hull and shield hp with proper skills and consoles.

    I have 8 beam arrays, 4 30% phaser damage consoles, my captain skills to enhance them, and as I said, attack pattern alpha and beam overload III. When I hit an enemy with one pulse it dings anywhere between 15,000-35,000 routinely depending on range whether or not I've knocked down their shields etc.
  • vendoodvendood Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    How do you manage 20,000 dps? With Epic\VR Mk XIV weapons and consoles my status panel states I'm only:
    3,000 dps (6x ~500) when onplanet
    <7,000 (6x <1,260) when in orbit
    ~8,000 (6x <1,400) when in the match briefing stage.

    Tooltips aren't reliable for calculating practical DPS. You have BOff/Captain powers, criticals, multiple target hitting etc, power levels etc. to consider.

    People check their DPS using a combat parser of some sort. A quick review of the various ones available is here:
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  • aeieaeie Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    nixboox wrote: »
    Consoles also don't stack in a linear fashion so you should switch them up with consoles that particularly boost your damage but are entirely different than other consoles you're already using.
    While this is true for resist consoles, i do not see it being the case for damage consoles. If i have 4 standard tac consoles for disruptors, and change one of them to be a fleet version (a different console but same damage modifier), there is no change to damage.

    Maybe I have misunderstood what you wrote here, please clarify.

    On that note, I've always despised being forced to use one console type because using others actually lowers dps as the bonuses from other consoles are always less then others. Auto targeting module from rep gives only a 26.3% to disruptor compared to the Fleet vulnerability locators 39.4%. If the bonuses were more even, outside of what their secondary effects are, we'd see people using different tac consoles, which i think would be a good thing, but i am likely the minority here on that. For a more personal note, i think consoles should be completely unrestricted (no ship specific consoles) but all should be unique. The world this would open up, would make things interesting at least.

  • aeieaeie Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    nixboox wrote: »
    Consoles also don't stack in a linear fashion so you should switch them up with consoles that particularly boost your damage but are entirely different than other consoles you're already using.

    Yay, edit monster got me!

    The above is true for resist consoles. However I've not see this to be the case for TAC damage consoles. If i use 4 TAC disruptor consoles and change one of them to use the fleet version (same damage bonus but different console), the damage remains unchanged.

    Perhaps I've misunderstood your remark, please clarify.

    On another note. I wish consoles were more even in their bonuses so one type isn't preferred over others the way they currently are. For example using the Auto Targeting Tac console from rep only gives 26.3% to damage, compared to a reg/fleet Vulnerability Locator's 39.4%, so swapping one fleet for rep lowers damage. Wish it were not the case. Really wish they'd have made all consoles unrestricted but also all as unique. The world of possibilities it would open...

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  • aeieaeie Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    Therein lies the problem. The 39.4% from one consoles still gives a larger boost to a given weapon even with the diminishing returns.

    My example of running 4 tac fleet consoles sets my dps on my DBB to 2080 (or 1664dps) if i change to any other console as none have anywhere even close to the 39.4%, i loose damage regardless of the diminishing returns of using the same console. Using the example above of using the Auto Targeting module (26.3%) instead of 1 of the fleet modules above my damage on the same dual beam bank falls to 2046.5 (or 1637.2 dps).

    So while as you mention different consoles can be beneficial, and i have no argument with it, it just doesn't add up as most consoles simply do not give an equivalent bonus to make a difference, and generally results in an overall loss when it comes to TAC consoles.
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  • aeieaeie Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    +damage and % damage are going to modify differently. That's comparing apples to oranges with regards to increases. You'll have to use the same bonuses to have an equivalent comparison + with + damage or % with % damage.
  • ichaerus1ichaerus1 Member Posts: 986 Arc User
    nixboox wrote: »
    I can't imagine that tetryon is very good for anything in particular. You should stick to a primary weapon like phasers or disruptors - the NEW version of those that cross link to boost shield hardness or hull hit points are certainly a find. Consoles also don't stack in a linear fashion so you should switch them up with consoles that particularly boost your damage but are entirely different than other consoles you're already using. I have a Tholian ship that's outfitted with all of the tetryon weapons from the Tholian reputation along with the Tholian space set, the Krenim tetryon weapon suite and the tetryon weapon suite from the Competitive reputation...with five tetryon-boosting consoles the ship still doesn't do very much damage.

    PvP is where tetryon shines. A lot of the tetryon flavors do look good. I've just listed two instances where tetryon is good. Tetryon also has the longest ranged energy weapon in the game(at 12km max range), that suffers NO dropoff damage from range, even past 5km. Finally, tetryon has a large number of "nova attacks"(direct or aoe damage click effects), more than any other flavor. Depending on how fat your fingers are, you can hit all of them in extremely short order to blast through either a wave of targets, or through a player/boss's shields.

    Post your tetryon build, and odds are I can show you what's wrong with it, since you say that it "doesn't do much damage." Possibly your skill/trait/specialization choices as well. But do go on ahead and tell players to "fall in line and follow the meta" with disruptors or phasers. AP got a boost with the new T6 Nukara rep set DBB. Tetryon got the option for an execute mechanic with the Iconian reputation T6 set.

    The Nukara set DBB is the only energy weapon that can keep up with the Terran Task Force set energy weapons, because of its baked in effect(which isn't a % proc unlike other tholian energy weapons. It's always on). And equipping the other two pieces of the Nukara weapon set continue to make it better and better, with the 3 piece giving you a permanent Distributed Targeting effect when you use BFaW or Beam Overload. Add a Distributed Targeting buff going off while that happens. You don't get that with the Terran Task Force rep set. It's geared towards the torpedo for that set.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,693 Arc User
    nixboox wrote: »
    aeie wrote: »
    Therein lies the problem. The 39.4% from one consoles still gives a larger boost to a given weapon even with the diminishing returns.

    My example of running 4 tac fleet consoles sets my dps on my DBB to 2080 (or 1664dps) if i change to any other console as none have anywhere even close to the 39.4%, i loose damage regardless of the diminishing returns of using the same console. Using the example above of using the Auto Targeting module (26.3%) instead of 1 of the fleet modules above my damage on the same dual beam bank falls to 2046.5 (or 1637.2 dps).

    So while as you mention different consoles can be beneficial, and i have no argument with it, it just doesn't add up as most consoles simply do not give an equivalent bonus to make a difference, and generally results in an overall loss when it comes to TAC consoles.

    I don't think its a legitimate loss, however. What you're being told and what's actually happening are not the same. If you have a weapon that does 50 damage and you have a console that adds +10 to it you get a weapon that does 60 damage. But if you add another console to that which does +10, it gives you a weapon that does 65 damage. However, if you replace the second console with one that adds "20%" you get a weapon that does 66 damage. I'm just using small numbers here, but you can imagine that as the numbers get bigger so do the gains. What you're probably doing is adding a bunch of consoles that add to the same increasing algorithm instead of activating a different one.

    Remember, too, that your weapon, even if its boosted, has a chance to miss. So if you improve the accuracy and your weapon hits 14 times instead of 10 then you've increased your DPS way more than just boosting the power with consoles.

    Are you looking in non-Sector space where you have most of your powers available (like around ESD or DS9)? Looking at the numbers while on ground or in Sector Space will give wrong numbers, due to weirdness where each of those is effectively a separate character under the hood from your space ship in combat. Past Season 4, diminishing returns on Tactical consoles is limited to each giving the same amount of boost, so if one gives you 10 damage, another identical one will give you 10 as well which is a lower percentage of your final damage.
  • ichaerus1ichaerus1 Member Posts: 986 Arc User
    I realise best is a matter of perception but I figured I'd ask the question here and see what sort of suggestions folk give. I won't say price isn't an issue - it definitely is, but prior to going on a spending spree at K-13 and the Fleet Research Lab I was at the Fleet Credit cap. I have some dilithium to spare too so I'm open to reputation sets, or parts of sets, but I'm not really interested in trying my luck with obscure lockbox equipment. I can probably grit my teeth and run the same mission a couple of times in a row for mission sets, but I'm hoping there's a merchant somewhere selling what's recommended.

    At heart I remain an SFC player rather than an STO player. For those who never played that series it was supposed to be an incredibly complex Star Trek simulation - think 2D version of the space component of STO, and yet it's vastly simpler than STO. For the most part toggling something on e.g. overload, kept you in overload mode. I know STO doesn't work like that - you have to button mash like crazy, but I'd prefer to minimise that side of things and I want to avoid builds which rely on stacking bonuses via manipulating things. Obviously I can't ignore the Captain Specialization, Traits, Boff bonuses (however they work) and anything else that applies bonuses in the background, but once set they can at least be ignored. Since I'm still leveling various ships my loadout isn't fixed, though ultimately I expect I'll settle on a tactical leaning cruiser of some description, so there won't be a perfect solution just at present but if I get a decent loadout I can transfer it between ships and plod along until I finish leveling and settle on a preferred ship.

    My primary toon is tetryon based but I have toons using each of the various energy types and will eventually be looking for beam arrays for them too, but one thing at a time. :) I've no clue whether the best beam arrays are a generic type e.g. crafted\merchant, or unique and attained via a mission or rep set. I figure I can but ask and hope I get some useful responses.

    I'm presently using the https://sto.gamepedia.com/Nukara_Appropriated_Munitions set which includes a unique Tetryon Dual Beam Bank, a Drain Expertise universal console, and the awesome Web Mine Launcher. Equipping 2/3 items grants +9.5% Tetryon Damage, and +19 Starship Drain Expertise with 3/3 enhancing the Hyper-Dual Refracting Tetryon Beam Bank. I'm also using the https://sto.gamepedia.com/Nukara_Strikeforce_Technologies set which includes a hull\shield restoration\capacity and Drain Expertise boosting deflector, impulse engines, and a fairly heavy shield. Equipping 2/3 items grants +5% Bonus Energy Weapon Damage. I'm using the https://sto.gamepedia.com/Quantum_Phase_Catalysts#Quantum_Phase_Torpedo as my kinetic projectile and would be open to adopting the set's universal console to get the Drain Expertise bonus and the 2/3 set's bonus to Accuracy and the Quantum Phase Torpedo, but equally open to switching it out. My remaining slots are filled with crafted Tetryon Beam Arrays with a focus on [Dmg]. None of my gear is Mk XV but my weapons are split roughly 50:50 between Epic and VR. Upgrading will improve performance slightly, but if there's better options out there I'd prefer to switch now than upgrade then be forced to switch later - I've probably already left things far later than I should but I'm more of a casual player and don't want to be bothered by stuff.

    Oh I'm presently also using https://sto.gamepedia.com/Console_-_Tactical_-_Tetryon_Pulse_Generators but have been advised that rather than upgrading those to Epic XIV I should have instead selected https://sto.gamepedia.com/Console_-_Tactical_-_Vulnerability_Locator or https://sto.gamepedia.com/Console_-_Tactical_-_Energetic_Protomatter_Matrix_Infuser depending on whether criticals or survivability is my preference. I'm leaning towards Protomatter survivability but as yet undecided.

    In another thread someone recommended the https://sto.gamepedia.com/Krenim_Temporal_Manipulation set which includes a weak Omnidirectional Tetryon Beam Array, a shield capacity\crit boosting science console, and a warp core. Equipping 2/3 items grants +13.3% tetryon damage boost. While not a set item the https://sto.gamepedia.com/Console_-_Science_-_Emitter_Refocuser looks to mesh very nicely with its bonuses to Tetryon Damage, Drain Expertise, and Shield Restoration. And while it's not been mentioned might the https://sto.gamepedia.com/Console_-_Universal_-_Sticky_Web be worth considering if it's available at a reasonable price on the Exchange?

    Okay that's rather a long post on background which may or may not be relevant in addressing the original question - what is the best kind of beam array to equip? At present I'm thinking the Elite Fleet Dranuur [energy] Beam Array [modifier]x3 [Proc] might be the best option available. As I understand it it does about 5% more damage, and offers the bonus shield\hull healing [Proc]. I could however be grossly mistaken as there's 6 different base tetryon types as far as I can see, not counting omni-directional arrays - which I believe are significantly weaker, and any unique weapons such as the Hyper-Dual Refracting Tetryon Beam Bank - yes I'm aware that's not a beam array, but I am somewhat partial to it!!!

    Thoughts, recommendations? :)

    To get back to topic from my previous post, don't waste your dilithium on the fleet dranuur beams.

    Keep the Nukara set dual beam bank(it's the only energy weapon that can keep up with the Terran Task Force set weapon), and also look into the T6 Iconian reputation set, with the tetryon beam array from that. If you field the whole Iconian 3 piece set, you get a really wicked "execute" clicky. By execute, I mean it can be used as a finishing blow type of attack, which scales the lower your target's health is. If you plan on keeping the Nukara DBB, the best thing to do is to have as many energy weapons able to hit the same arc. Which means if you field energy weapons in the rear mounts, use only turrets or omni-beams. The more time you spend not facing your guns in the same area, the worse it is. And you can't broadside with the dual beam bank.

    If you use the deflector and shields from nukara rep, that's a 5% cat 2 boost to damage, and frees you up to use the competitive wargames engines for more mobility. More mobility will help you keep those front weapons on target better. 3 pieces of the Krenim Temporal Manipulation set also gives you a "nova" attack every so often, via a clicky. Nova attack is when you instantly or quickly send out a damaging effect, usually in AoE form. Nukara space parts set offers one if you field all 3 pieces(shields, deflector, engines), Nukara T5 reputation trait gives another. Three pieces of Undine weaponry set(both consoles and heavy turret for example, offers one if you use the tetryon heavy turret from the rep.) You can go ahead and keep the omnibeam from Krenim Temporal Manipulation set for that. The turret is better, though. And the turret won't eat your beam overload by accident.

    I don't know how many weapon slots you have for your ship, however. Don't go investing in the competitive wargames tetryon omnibeam though. It and the heavy turret from there are definitely not worth it. However, the heavy turret from T6 Undine rep is. And if you field both of the consoles from the reputation set, that's another 7.5% cat 2 damage boost you can enjoy. 3 pieces gives you another "nova" attack if you use the tetryon heavy turret from Undine T6. I can go ahead and present some ideas for possible DBB options.

    Resonating Tetryon Dual Beam Bank: Double proc chance at 5%(used to be 10% but got nerfed. Can be upgraded. Mods are random from upgrading). End reward from The New Link episode. Can be repeated for multiple copies, and a quick enough episode to finish.
    Destabilizing Tetryon Dual Beam Bank: Also known as Tetryon Burn, or Hirogen Tetryon. Instead of instant shield drain, the proc is a shield dot. Can be found from weapon packs(easiest are from Infinity Lockbox). Doesn't sacrifice a mod slot for the proc.
    Piercing Tetryon Dual Beam Bank: The tetryon that sometimes just punches through shields with a portion of its damage. Found from the episode "Installation 18."
    Phased Tetryon Dual Beam Bank: Also known as Tholian Tetryon. Sacrifices a mod to gain the phaser proc. Will not get boosted by phaser damage increases. From Tholian Lockbox weapon reward packs, or from Infinity Lockbox weapon packs. Has a good look though.
    Diffusive Tetryon Dual Beam Bank: Tzenkethi Tetryon. I don't own any weapons of this type currently, but from what it seems like, you can rip away shield resistance from target, giving it to yourself on proc. Lobi set adds a radiation proc to the weapons.
    Crafted Tetryon: You can come across the Pen weapon mod with this. If you use a 360 degree weapon in rear, whether turret or omnibeam, Snare mod is a good one to have. Great when using the Temporal reputation trait that gives a cat 2 dmg bonus to hitting anything with impaired movement.

    You mentioned the omni-directional beam arrays being significantly weaker. This is true, because you're getting a 360 degree firing arc with them. Still, the one from the episode "Butterfly" isn't bad. Helps with set bonus if you don't want to run the turret in the rear.

    Let's say you're running a 4/4 ship, like the Negh'tev or Vor'ral. Here's a possible loadout that can work.
    Fore weapons: Nukara set DBB, Iconian Rep T6 tetryon beam array, Resonating Tetryon DBBs x2
    Rear weapons: Iconian Reputation set torpedo, Nukara mines, Undine Rep T6 Heavy Turret(Tetryon, of course), Antichroniton Turret(tetryon turet from "Butterfly).

    If 5/3 ship, just move the torpedo to the fore. If 4/3, remove a DBB, if you want to keep the execute clicky from the Iconian reputation set.

    For consoles, Vulnerability consoles in tac slots(Exploiters or Locators. The choice is yours, really. You can go either way, especially if you use the science skill ultimate Probability Manipulation) except for the tactical console from Surface Tensions in the Solenae Sphere arc. Its use is for the set bonuses from the Undine reputation weaponry. Tholian Web Wall is a must, because of crowd control, extra damage from clicky, and boosts your tetryon damage. Can be equipped universally, and activated from cloak. Krenim episodic set console as well. Nukara Reputation console, Hydrodynamics Compensator console. Fill out your console loadout with something like Dynamic Power Redistribution Module, possibly the Protomatter Field Projector as well. Both will help greatly with survivability.

    WHOOOOO! Lots for you to read, OP. Test, find what you like, dump what you don't, continue to test. I'm sure once I'm better rested, I'll come up with some other advice.
  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,924 Arc User
    Thank you, Ichaerus. I like to run tetryons sometimes, so this is great information for me.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
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