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Tier 6 reputation "account-wide" discount isn't account-wide

The tier 6 reputation reward where you can purchase an account-wide 50% discount off reputation gear isn't account-wide. It works only on the character that purchases it.


  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    edited December 2018
    I wonder if they meant "Reputation Store" account....not STO account. It unlocked it on all 12 Rep Stores, right?
    They probably copied and pasted the Fleet Ship Module, Vanity Shields, etc...projects.
    They are pretty terrible explaining details in the game.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited December 2018
    where2r1 wrote: »
    I wonder if they meant "Reputation Store" account....not STO account. It unlocked it on all 12 Rep Stores, right?
    They probably copied and pasted the Fleet Ship Module, Vanity Shields, etc...projects.
    They are pretty terrible explaining details in the game.

    No to both assumptions in 1st line. It was clarified many times, and there are 12 projects like that, one who did 1 still have all others.
    However I think the discount does apply for me (unsure how it's like, it seems discounted for me though, and unsure the poster has the same "experience" (not knowledge, I mean situation etc) with reps as mine.)

    Though I didn't see an issue, still would like to read how it goes, some people paid hundreds of dilithium (and also 5 elite marks each time beside the 100 rep and (unsure) ~20k ec) for unlocking them all, some only raised for T6 for that purposes. And some meant only to sponsor other chars as they had many and thought it worth it only for that many.
  • fluxcapacitor#9257 fluxcapacitor Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    where2r1 wrote: »
    I wonder if they meant "Reputation Store" account....not STO account. It unlocked it on all 12 Rep Stores, right?
    They probably copied and pasted the Fleet Ship Module, Vanity Shields, etc...projects.
    They are pretty terrible explaining details in the game.

    No, buying the discount in one rep does not apply that discount to all other reps. You have to buy the discount in each rep.

    The phrase "account-wide" has a very specific meaning in the game - we all know what it means. Saying "account-wide" and then have it be a "store account" is just ridiculous wording.

    That wording wasn't just used in game, though. It was also used in the announcement, and in the announcement the meaning was very clear:
    Cryptic wrote:
    Account-Wide Reputation Gear Discount!

    Reduce the project costs for all future Reputation Gear projects for every character on your account [empasis added]
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,854 Community Moderator
    edited December 2018
    I think there needs to be some clarification in order here. First and foremost completing a discount project for one reputation will NOT effect the other reputations as each of the 12 reputations are completely independent from each other. For example completing the tier 6 Temporal rep discount project, will NOT unlock a discount on Lukari reputation. If you want the discount for one of the other reputations you will need to complete the discount for that specific reputation. This means if you want to discount all 12 of the currently existing reputations, you will need to complete 12 discount unlock projects, one for each reputation. Once you complete a discount project for something like the Temporal reputation, then all of your toons currently in existence, or that will exist in the future, will get a 50% discount on Temporal reputation items. This was also discussed in the live streams and comments Cryptic gave about the t6 reps just prior to release.

    As it stands right now, having to complete a project for each individual rep is working as intended.

    If the discount is not applying even after completing the project for the appropriate reputation, that's an actual bug and something that can be worked on and fixed.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    OK...makes sense to me, now. Thanks.
    (Not to say I am ever doing it. LOL!)
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • fluxcapacitor#9257 fluxcapacitor Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    If the discount is not applying even after completing the project for the appropriate reputation, that's an actual bug and something that can be worked on and fixed.

    You were completely not understanding the report. Perhaps I was unclear.

    The clear intention for the discount is that if I complete tier 6 on, say the Lukari rep on Character1 on my account, and then go ahead and purchase the account-wide discount, that Character2 and Character3 on that same account should now also enjoy the discount on Lukari items. This is not the case. There is not discount applied to other characters on the same account.

    In fact, the discount isn't even applying consistently within the same character. When I purchase the discount on Character1 for a particular reputation, in most reputations most items are discounted, but some are not. And which are not on different reputations is inconsistent.

    I didn't mean that if I complete the Lukari rep tier 6 and purchase the discount that I expected that discount to apply to all reputations. The expectation is that that discount will apply to all items on THAT reputation on ALL characters on the account. Hence the phrase "account wide" and hence the wording of the Cryptic Tier 6 rep announcement:
    Cryptic wrote:
    Account-Wide Reputation Gear Discount!
    Reduce the project costs for all future Reputation Gear projects for every character on your account
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,854 Community Moderator
    You were completely not understanding the report. Perhaps I was unclear.

    The clear intention for the discount is that if I complete tier 6 on, say the Lukari rep on Character1 on my account, and then go ahead and purchase the account-wide discount, that Character2 and Character3 on that same account should now also enjoy the discount on Lukari items. This is not the case. There is not discount applied to other characters on the same account.

    In fact, the discount isn't even applying consistently within the same character. When I purchase the discount on Character1 for a particular reputation, in most reputations most items are discounted, but some are not. And which are not on different reputations is inconsistent.

    I didn't mean that if I complete the Lukari rep tier 6 and purchase the discount that I expected that discount to apply to all reputations. The expectation is that that discount will apply to all items on THAT reputation on ALL characters on the account. Hence the phrase "account wide" and hence the wording of the Cryptic Tier 6 rep announcement:

    Fair enough, that's why I wanted to state some stuff above as I couldn't tell fully what way you were going with it and wanted to cover all bases. That's my bad for not fully understanding. Now that you've clarified and we're on the same page we can get down to business. There were a few issues with t6 reps before that they put in patch notes that were supposed to have been fixed. they could have had something else crop up between now and then. I do need a few more bits of information from you so that we can try to nail this down.

    For the discount projects, there are a couple of exceptions that don't get discounted with the project completion such as elite marks like the Lukari protomatter cans. Most everything else it should be applying to. Once you complete the discount project on our hypothetical Lukari rep on Character A, and then move to Character B it should apply upon opening the page at the very least. I did hear of a few sporadic reports where folks were saying once they completed a single project on Character B, such as one of the hourly projects, the discount kicked in and applied like it should. Not sure if that will work here or how much truth there is to those reports but that might work for you if you haven't tried it already.

    For the next big question, which items aren't getting the discount that are supposed to be? Also can you grab a few screenshots, even if they're crappy cell phone quality? Looking for one showing your reputations in question as having been tier 6. Looking for another showcasing some of the items not being discounted so we have something for comparison.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • fluxcapacitor#9257 fluxcapacitor Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    Once you complete the discount project on our hypothetical Lukari rep on Character A, and then move to Character B it should apply upon opening the page at the very least. I did hear of a few sporadic reports where folks were saying once they completed a single project on Character B, such as one of the hourly projects, the discount kicked in and applied like it should. Not sure if that will work here or how much truth there is to those reports but that might work for you if you haven't tried it already.

    Negative. This has no effect on any of my characters. I have performed multiple hourly and daily projects in the same rep on the characters that should be recipients of that rep's discount and it has no effect.
    For the next big question, which items aren't getting the discount that are supposed to be?

    There aren't any items on any character which are supposed to get the discount which are getting it. The discount has never worked for me on any other character other than the character actually completing the purchase account-wide discount project. As far as I can tell, the "account-wide" nature of the discount has just simply never been implemented.
    Also can you grab a few screenshots, even if they're crappy cell phone quality? Looking for one showing your reputations in question as having been tier 6. Looking for another showcasing some of the items not being discounted so we have something for comparison.

    Here are two screenshots. In this example it's actually a competitive rep item I am interested in. I purchased the discount on one character, and on that character when I hover over the mark cost you can see it is half what it normally is (188). On the second screenshot I hover over the same item's mark cost and it is normal price (375):
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,854 Community Moderator
    Negative. This has no effect on any of my characters. I have performed multiple hourly and daily projects in the same rep on the characters that should be recipients of that rep's discount and it has no effect.

    That one was a long shot but I figured it was worth mentioning at least. If it had worked then that would've been great.
    There aren't any items on any character which are supposed to get the discount which are getting it. The discount has never worked for me on any other character other than the character actually completing the purchase account-wide discount project. As far as I can tell, the "account-wide" nature of the discount has just simply never been implemented.

    The discount was definitely implemented because I've benefited from it on several of my own toons. For whatever reason there's just something weird going on behind the scenes on your toons, which of course will get fixed.
    Here are two screenshots. In this example it's actually a competitive rep item I am interested in. I purchased the discount on one character, and on that character when I hover over the mark cost you can see it is half what it normally is (188). On the second screenshot I hover over the same item's mark cost and it is normal price (375):

    Those screenshots give me what I needed to see and I will be alerting the devs to this one for you as well. If you want to, PM me your in game @handle and I will include it with this thread for them as well since they will probably want to check some backend stuff on your account.

    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • nightwchtrnightwchtr Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    This is also happening to me as well with my 3 characters. Some gear for my first character are discounted but not the 2nd and third in the same rep. This should be looked into ASAP because people have put in time and effort to completing this for it not to be working properly. Also if some items are not going to be discounted that should have been stated before hand or marked so we atleast know what we are getting.
  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    Discount shows for my characters... please note the discount does not apply to the "store" for each rep. it only applies to the rep projects you can slot and do. it also does not effect already slotted projects... so those won't change if your in mid process, either finish or cancel (lose all items used) and redo.

    edit: are those characters from different factions... fed & kdf? is it not going across? or only certain items not getting the discount?
  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    ok those items are from the competitive rep.... normally it's 750 marks for ship gear. the 375 IS the 50% off price. I don't know how you got it to give you a 2nd discount... maybe you had more than 1 toon with the discount project slotted... and so 1st toon completed it and gave ALL toons the half off. 2nd toon that completed it is only giving an additional 50% off but only for that 2nd toon that completed the discount rep project.
  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    Maybe it's related to not having reached Tier V on the secondary characters.

    I never had an issue with the account-wide discounts but all involved characters were Tier V at least.
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  • anodynesanodynes Member Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    tigeraries wrote: »
    ok those items are from the competitive rep.... normally it's 750 marks for ship gear. the 375 IS the 50% off price. I don't know how you got it to give you a 2nd discount... maybe you had more than 1 toon with the discount project slotted... and so 1st toon completed it and gave ALL toons the half off. 2nd toon that completed it is only giving an additional 50% off but only for that 2nd toon that completed the discount rep project.

    You get a discount on Competitive reputation gear of the different "flavors" (Innervated, Bolstered or Fortified) for any category (Shields, Deflectors, etc) in the Prevailing Regalia space set pieces for any others in that same category on just that character when you complete any one of them. That discount also applies to the different "flavors" of Secondary Deflector when any one of them is purchased, even though they aren't part of the set.

    So, for the examples given by fluxcapacitor above, his Character1 had already purchased at least one type of the Secondary Deflectors, gaining that discount for that character, and has apparently unlocked the account-wide discount for that reputation on that same character, which is doubling the discount for that character, but only applying the account-wide part to his Character2, thus causing the confusion.
    This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    anodynes wrote: »
    You get a discount on Competitive reputation gear of the different "flavors" (Innervated, Bolstered or Fortified) for any category (Shields, Deflectors, etc) in the Prevailing Regalia space set pieces for any others in that same category on just that character when you complete any one of them. That discount also applies to the different "flavors" of Secondary Deflector when any one of them is purchased, even though they aren't part of the set.

    So, for the examples given by fluxcapacitor above, his Character1 had already purchased at least one type of the Secondary Deflectors, gaining that discount for that character, and has apparently unlocked the account-wide discount for that reputation on that same character, which is doubling the discount for that character, but only applying the account-wide part to his Character2, thus causing the confusion.

    I dont see what "flavor"/type of ship gear has to do with the discount... I checked my toon who did the T6 discount claim and another L65 toon on same account. Both are showing the 50% off discount. For ALL flavors of ship gear.

    750 marks is the original base price for ship gear.

    375 IS the 50% off ship gear cost.

    The discount rep project shows up when you hit T6... it does not go away unless you claim it. So if you have a 2nd toon that hits T6... they too will see the rep project for discounts.

    I am pretty sure it is one of those rep projects that once slotted can NOT be cancelled.

    So he probably had more than 1 toon slot the rep project. Toon 1 finished and all toons on account now has 50% off... that is why they all see a price cost of 375 marks. But cause Toon 2 also had the discount project slotted... and the only way to get rid of it is to complete it... only Toon 2 will see an additional 50% off, bringing the mark cost down to 188.

    I can't test this on my toons since I slotted and completed all the discounts on 1 toon asap. But this is the only way I can think why he would see a mark cost of 188 for a 2ndary deflector when the base price is 750 marks and the discounted cost is 350.
  • anodynesanodynes Member Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    The 3 "flavors" of the ship equipment are the reason for the character-only discount for buying one of any "flavor." Read the description for a Secondary Deflector, Deflector, Impulse Engine, Warp Core or Shield project in Competitive reputation and it will straight up tell you that that character will unlock a discount on any other items of that category when they buy any one of them, it's even there in the screenshots that fluxcapacitor posted. It's definitely because there are 3 "flavors" of each, because no other reputation gives you a discount for any future projects when you buy one.
    This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    anodynes wrote: »
    The 3 "flavors" of the ship equipment are the reason for the character-only discount for buying one of any "flavor." Read the description for a Secondary Deflector, Deflector, Impulse Engine, Warp Core or Shield project in Competitive reputation and it will straight up tell you that that character will unlock a discount on any other items of that category when they buy any one of them, it's even there in the screenshots that fluxcapacitor posted. It's definitely because there are 3 "flavors" of each, because no other reputation gives you a discount for any future projects when you buy one.

    Ok I see in game what your talking about... for the Comp Rep... for ship gear if you buy 1 version of the Secondary Deflector, you also get a discount for the other secondary deflectors incase you want the different type. But this discount is per character. So some toons getting the lower price point of 188 is normal if they had bought 1 of the various ship gear... warp core, engines etc. The 2 pics are from different toons on the same account. So Working As Intended? I dont see the problem since the original discount is not account wide.
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