Every ship has strengths and weaknesses and exploring this fact has been a big part of my fun here.
I usually understand the current meta, but won't
necessarily equip to follow if it doesn't theme with the ships design.
The uniqueness of a ship usually makes up for its weaknesses and keeps my playtime brain more engaged than pure OP'd pew-pewing
(which I also like very much and make time for).
I love each of my ships because of this, even those others seem to dislike.
Except the
Scryer. It's middling, even for a 1st gen T6 and sit's there, $30 worth of space dust in my dry-dock.
I've sifted sci-based/drain/GW/etc advice and tried different focuses but
it still feels like the ship version of Picard in the blue uniform. I think I'm biased against it at this point.
- So, the question: Is there anyone here who loves the Scryer and if so, would you please share your insights?
Currently no build to share as it really is unused past ship mastery. I'm open to general advice as well as build experiences.
Thanks ahead for anyone taking the time to answer.
Thank you for answering, both of you.
The suggestions made only require minor fiddling and have me thinking past my bias, as I hoped
If you're not familiar with playing science heavy ships, it might actually more than minor middling, since you might need to look into traits and consoles and skill selection to really get the most out of it.
If you like the idea of dragging most of the enemies on the map in a small area and dealing AoE damage to it appeals to you, a ship like the Scryer is the way to go.
I fly it as a torp-exotic boat and use the build in cloak to get into position to outflank enemies then drop a massive exotic and kinetic damage attack on them.
Honestly it should perform just as well as most other science vessels and the cloak does have advantages in the opening stages of a fight. It's got a very close boff seating to the Pathfinder and that in itself is a pretty powerful science vessel.
It might not be as new as the recent stuff like the Crossfield etc but it's still perfectly viable.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I think it's a better understanding of Aux, though, that's making the big difference. At the time I didn't pay attention to aux levels at all. When coldnapalm and seriousdave mentioned hitting 160+ it rang bells immediately. It wasn't the ship that was middling, it was my understanding (back then) of the mechanics it used. I then mothballed her before learning any of this.
My run this morning was much more enjoyable. Some small tweaking to do still but other than that my opinion is changed on this ship.
That awesome news to hear!
Glad you managed to work out work what was the issue and you've now got a better understanding of the ship class as well!
In short, Aux power affects how powerful a lot of science abilities are when they are activated, so you want it as high as possible to give you maximum potential.
The reason a lot of people use torps for sci vessels is that they don't actually use any power to do their thing (only need weapon power above 0 to actually fire) and so that means you really need only worry about 3 of the 4 power levels. That gives you even more power to divert to the remaining 3, and most of that should go to Aux. Stick the slider to max for Aux and anything left goes to shields, or engines depending of how you feel you need it.
Any more help you need just shout!
To be clear: I don't feel like I'm having difficulties when teaming and am enjoying flying her solo, but wouldn't have a clue if I was the lead weight on a queue run or not, so this question occurred to me.
@lordsteve1 The torpedo boat idea seems very interesting and wasn't ignored. I'm thinking about a different project for that.