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Console - Tactical - Energetic / kinetic Protomatter Matrix Infuser

tutbbsexcalbbstutbbsexcalbbs Member Posts: 41 Arc User
edited December 2018 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
I've chosen not to use these consoles because they are so overly broken still and defiantly need a HUGE Nerf even after the Mega Nerf (thank you).

The 80% decrease in overall healing was a step in the right direction from 25% to 5% however the amount of heals still created passively is too high.

Most people's hulls are somewhere around 100K give or take (using it for easy math example)
5% of 100K is 5K.
5K X10 stacks = 50K per console as it seems to be stacking with more consoles however with large diminishing returns.

As a passive hull/shield heal Protomatter Matrix Infuser are still just too much. Examples are engineering team III. Each person will see different numbers based on skill tree, aux power, consoles chosen etc. But mot people I have polled see 13K to 15K hit points with a minimum of a 15 second cooldown. Hazard emitters about 15K to 20K. Toss in a Science team III 15K

Protomatter Matrix Infuser should not be close to all of these put together for the average player.

Passive healing for these consoles should not be more than any other console that offers a couple hundred hit points with a 60 to 120 second cool-down. Again based on your setup the average person I have polled does not see more than 350 hit points per sec for more than 10 sec a whopping 3,500 total unless they are using the very few consoles that heal for massive amounts. Again this is based on the people I have spoken with and the numbers I have parsed roughly show this to be true.

When all the math is put to the test even if you get larger numbers 5K total without stacking of any kind should be the max it can give per minute at 10 stacks as a passive. They already offer other bonuses for damage output so the heal is just overkill as a passive on this console.

Remember all the above math is based on the information I have received (NOT 100% accurate) and feedback from friends and some random people I have polled.. However setting your ship up to heal the highest amounts possible also typically means your unable to do any damage hence why we have (sci crowd control, eng healing, tact damage and when you put that all together = a team/fleet)

Guesstimate reference data below.

(edited to make it easier to tell it's the Protomatter Matrix Infuser consoles.)
Post edited by tutbbsexcalbbs on


  • tutbbsexcalbbstutbbsexcalbbs Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    In 1 second these consoles healed a person for OVER 84K in healing. I submitted in game proof with the ticket info below.

    [6:40] [System] [TicketCreated] Successfully submitted ticket ID #4,794,977.

    The heal on these consoles are just too high. The consoles already offer bonus damage than other consoles removing the heal all together at this point would be the smartest idea yet.

    This console is making people Gods. The person using this was flying a raider.

    When you add all listed in the ticket up and you consider it to be over 10 seconds time... That's over 840K in healing in 10 seconds. This can be cycled with roughly about 8 seconds or less down time depending on the build.

    Linked console info> https://sto.gamepedia.com/Fleet_Tactical_Consoles

    Please consider removing the heal at this point. As a passive heal it's just too high.

  • tunebreakertunebreaker Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    Wait, you're talking about Fleet colony tac consoles, right? If that's the case, why do you have the Science captain ability both as a title, as well as the only thing you mention by name in your post?

    Also, no, those consoles are not making people gods. What you saw was probably the person getting very lucky and having multiple consoles proc at the same time. However, RNG can also s---w you over in so various ways it's not even funny. Those things help me when I'm tanking, absolutely, but there's no way I can survive only on those, or even hope that they heal me exactly when I need them to. Furthermore, if you're chasing DPS, those consoles are in most cases,worse choice than Fleet Spire consoles that come with +CrtH stat, in addition to having equally high damage bonus

    Plus, if you reliably (trying to apply that word to a console that relies purely on RNG to activate makes me chuckle) want the chance for that heal to occur more often than every 15 seconds, you have to pick a weapons enhancement that doesn't benefit your ship at all (for example, Beam Overload on cannon vessel) - it's not too big of a big deal on some ships, but can be a major hindrance to others.
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,848 Community Moderator
    I don't see a bug here as much as I do a misunderstanding of some of the mechanics. I'm no dev but I like to think I have a good enough understanding of the game's mechanics to find bugs and such. If any of my info ends up being off I trust that any devs that do see this will correct me.

    For Co-Opt Energy Weapons, the way the power works is you get in the middle of a group and you throw the power when you need healing. For the next 15 seconds any foes within 5km that were hit by the cast eat a 100% weapons damage debuff and instead of damaging you will now heal you for 10% (used to be 5%) of the damage they would have normally dealt in that situation. So if you have a guy that would normally deal 10,000 points of damage, he will now heal you for 1,000 each time he hits you. That assumes only one guy getting hit. Now if we say you hit 5 guys with that power, that means instead of getting hit for 50,000 total points of damage, you're now getting 5,000 total points of healing as the number would scale based on the amount of guys hitting you. Likewise you're going to also get more healing out of it on higher levels of difficulty as the foes on those difficulties typically deal more damage. Let's assume you have a foe that would normally hit you for 100,000 points of damage that gets hit with the Co-Opt energy weapons. Instead of damaging you for that 100,000 points of healing, he's now going to heal you instead for 10,000 points of healing. Now similarly to before, stack that up to 5 guys hitting you. Instead of hitting you for the 500,000 points of damage they would normally hit you with combined, you're now getting 50,000 combined points of healing. That's just one hypothetical example of how it can quickly get into the insane levels of healing. Co-Opt Energy Weapons is based on what the foes you hit with it are doing NOT what you are doing.

    For the Energetic and Kinetic Protomatter Matrix Infusers, there should not be any interaction whatsoever with Co-Opt energy weapons at all. If there is an interaction going on then that's another issue entirely. If you have evidence of such interaction then I would ask you to please present that evidence here so it can be reviewed. With that said, the healing from the consoles is nice but it's not as great as you think it is. Being a person who almost exclusively plays as a tank, this is something myself and my crew put a good bit of testing into on tribble before it released. Between all of us I would say we put in at least 200 hours. Just because you activate the firing mode doesn't mean you're going to get the proc. You've got basically a 1 in 4 chance of actually getting the proc and assume you do get it, alot can happen in those 10 seconds. 10 seconds can mean the difference between life and death in game. Also I don't know of too many builds that have multiple firing modes that could be easily spammed to take multiple shots at that proc.

    As for healing, yes even a raider can be made nigh unkillable if the cards are played right. I personally tank in Aquarius sometimes just to mess with my fleetmates. When it comes to staying alive, it's not always the stats you have that matter as much as it is your ability to maintain them. In terms of healing, that 840k is high yes, but there are powers and abilities that can go even higher than that. Assuming you get the full benefit of the Kobali 4 piece heal, all procs per second, and maxed out procs each time, you can get over 6m healing in that time frame. If someone is getting 840k of healing that tells me more than one healing power is most likely at play and that would mean the person is extremely lucky with procs, so lucky in fact that I'm having that person pick my lottery numbers for this next drawing. Lastly with most fights you're not going to have time to builds those abilities up as high as possible. For each of those protomatter matrix infusers you slot you're giving up a vulnerability locator and thus losing out on crit. I don't know many people that are going to want to go full on pedal to the metal with those infusers like that, not even myself as a tank.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • tutbbsexcalbbstutbbsexcalbbs Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    To prevent any confusion these consoles are what I'm talking about.

    [Console - Tactical - Energetic Protomatter Matrix Infuser Mk XII]
    [Console - Tactical - Kinetic Protomatter Matrix Infuser Mk XII]
  • feliseanfelisean Member Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited December 2018
    those consoles are a 5% heal of your max hp every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. => 5 ticks over a 10 second duration.

    so if you have 100k hull, you get 5k hull every 2 seconds for 1 proc. as far as i know this could be modified by incoming heal buffs.

    you could get up to 10 procs at the same time, which would require 5(or 6) consoles and 2 trigger abilities (faw/bo + csv/crf).
    so in best case you could get for your 100k hull 50k every 2 seconds modified by incomming heal buffs which could be huge but doesnt happen that often at all
    and even than there is a 5 sec duration without any of those buffs running because the shared cooldown with itself from bo/csv/crf is 15 seconds.
    so yes, they are potentially pretty strong but you sacrifice a lot for it

    you might wanna figure out a way to deal with it, subnuke might be your friend ;)
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