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Featured TFO Reward not complete

azeda1azeda1 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
Bought the 10pack in zen store, did 4 missions and went to collect the reward. I recived the Beacon of Kahless and the 3 spec points but NO Dilithium or marks...what gives...??
This is on my Cardassian toon and i filled a ticket [11/30 9:14] [System] [TicketCreated] Successfully submitted ticket ID #4,793,818.

Pllease resolve this
Thanks in advance


  • azeda1azeda1 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    ok please disregard from this..problem is solved....I did not notice that the dill and marks was in a box, previously it has always auto opened but not this time apperantlly...found the box so all is well...
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    Though there still may be some other quirks in this regard of claiming this TFO event reward (spec points on 1st time - after inventory was full initially, not dilitium, though). Char was my Jemm.

    I tried to claim on 1st char (so, entitled to 3 specs points on that 1st char) - and it initially failed due to not having enough inventory space (got a relevant error then). So I deleted one or more item etc, and then claimed successfully, only this time I saw no spec points. (maybe I missed but I don't think so) - and the spec points weren't auto open as I had no further spec point to allocate since that claim. I was logged on steam so awkwardly took some screenshots but wasn't sure how to add those to "contact GM" box or which screenshots to take, so it could be I missed some crucial detail in those screenshot when finally uploaded*

    *Tried to send a ticket/approach GM and later updated my support case to include the steam screenshot I had.
    If I recall correctly, The contact GM ticket I had was: [TicketCreated] Successfully submitted ticket ID #4,793,705 (also shown in one of those screenshots) but I didn't have a time/date listed on my chat. (I may be back here to re-edit if the number is accidentally wrong - EDITED TO CORRECT THE NUMBER)

    To clarify I've got the Kehless' item and the dilitium and such. Just the spec points for 1st time were "errored", it seems.
    What I am yet to know is if the Kahless' item claim registered as an account wide claim done, since there was possibly a quirk in my case in registering the successful 1st claim (after a fail attempt due to an inventory being full) as a 1st claim for the account (and at all, BTW)
    Post edited by rndfluctuation#1470 on
  • azeda1azeda1 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    Have you looked in your overflowbag..? might be in there....
    And yes its an account unlock so if you claimed the spec points on one char the others cant get them..
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited December 2018
    First, thank you. It was a good suggestion and well intended help.
    However, I looked at the overflow bag (beside inventory) as well as the bank/account bank - after a friend's help suggestion before. It's not there.

    Sadly I didn't know your/my friends' advice when I took the screenshots so no screenshot fits for my overflow bag let alone my bank/account bank. So I might not have a proof and not get the 3 points.

    Note it is not auto opened so I didn't have the 3 points available at that time as well. And no I don't have tech instead by accident, AFAIK.

    In a more personal note regarding this issue, it's OK, just a kind off disappointing (missing a more appropriate word) but I would understand and accept it if it's not possible to get the specs points back due to a non sufficient proof (though I'd REALLY like ofc to get the point IF POSSIBLE and in any case to alert the devs of the possibility of loosing the points in some situations e.g. when claimed TFO event reward when there possibly was place but not enough place) and get the needed points for my Jemm other way just slightly later. Will work further on the other char (I do this event on two chars only, for some more dilitium by that "add") which has ATM 3 more needed event runs to finish.
    I'd still want to know I'll be able to claim the kehless' item account wide but will try to check that later.

    Regardless of the suggestion but on topic, note that more than 1 place is needed to claim that reward, and possibly more than two - I think I had between one and two place before the not enough place in inventory error appeared. MAYBE this one or two available (yet not enough) place issue was related to the cause

    (e.g. claim started, and then canceled in the middle while one item (spec box) got and deleted automatically by canceling? and then it stopped counting like a 1st claim so on next successful try it didn't drop for me? this is a SPECULATION I have no idea how this works)

    EDIT AFTER REPLY (and it's non critical) to not spam the topic further by me... :)
    Yes, I checked - (as said, I didn't get the 3 spec points at all, not as points, not as tech, not auto open, not in inv,bank,acc bank or overflow - even if not having a proof regarding bank/acc bank (though was in space) and overflow
    (due to not thinking of this place as a proof needed in time. I did take screenies of inv and system messages/error and regarding me dismissing one item to make one more place and later also regarding ticket number, as clarified before, I emphasize here again - I did get the dilitium and the kahless' item and marks and choice of marks)
    - I also see I CAN claim the kehless' items on other chars it seems; though I didn't try, I saw it enables me to do so. This added info, along the other info in this thread, may be hopefully/possibly usable for those who check my ticket, if any? :)
    - (since I am not so good in words despite using many - ) Will try to redirect the ticket readers to here, no idea if it's supposed to be so but will try.
    Post edited by rndfluctuation#1470 on
  • feliseanfelisean Member Posts: 688 Arc User
    yea it doesnt show up in the system msg or so that you recieved the box, that could be a bit confusing to search the inventory for that box ^^
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    Support staff helped me :) I've got the specs points back and told them thank you as they did a good hard work and I've got my points even if thought I might not get those eventually.

    Like I understood the staff do, I hope the report and info/investigation done/support staff's work in that regard will be of help in finding what's happened in general too so that for help others potentially with that topic / prevent or fix the cause.
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