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Installation 18 mission for new AGE of Discovery Characters

downdiggerdowndigger Member Posts: 52 Arc User
edited October 2018 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
I put in 4 maybe 5 Tickets to try and find out how to get the reward Nimbus Pirate Distress Call from the Installation 18 mission and I was emailed back several times.

This is a direct QUOTE from your STO Blog " We’ve taken out the “Wasteland,” ..." you can still find these missions in the galaxy at large, but they’re not part of the directed journal experience. We’ve taken out the “Wasteland,” “Spectres,” “Breen Invasion,” and “2800/Lost Dominon” mission groups in this fashion, so you can still play them, you just won’t be sent directly to them as part of the leveling process."

If you took them out how can we get to them?

the HAIL button called galaxy at large DOES NOT HAVE the mission Installation 18 available for my NEW Age of Discovery character nor do any of my other characters show it in that HAIL Mission journal area.

So now how do we get to it if it is not there?
This is what they told me

Since the Installation 18 mission is not showing in the galaxy at large on any of your characters, you will have to go directly to the NPC mission giver to obtain this mission. Please review our wiki for more information.


WELL GUESS WHAT I told them ...

OK YOU have me 1 million percent confused Subcommander Nadel is located at the
Romulan Flotilla so I Can NOT go there as a FED faction character to get the Installation 18 mission and ............
Franklin Drake is also apparently the mission giver for the Installation 18 mission
BUT as per your BLOG "Wasteland" IS removed from the episodes and IF you can find where I can pick up the Installation 18 mission and get the
[Nimbus Pirate Distress Call] Reward I will stop flooding your in box with where to get the damn thing - you don't seem to understand my NEW AGE OF DISCOVERY CHARACTER CAN NOT DO THIS MISSION and I can't find it on any of the pages in the
( Episodes - Available ) mission HAIL pages!!!


If those NPC mission givers will not grant the Installation 18, sadly, we do not have any other details where it can be located at this time. We only refer to the wiki and blog post since those are the only things that we can check some details as Customer Support. Unfortunately, we at Customer Support have limited resources and information regarding the in-game content changes. I suggest heading over to the forums page to seek assistance with the Moderators, Quality Assurance team and the Development team. SO here I am ASKING THE DEVS or any one else who IS in CHARGE of the game content or Coding or such HOW DO WE GET THE DAMN THING????? you guys SAY you can get the missions but your really CAN'T that' missleading and kind of a LIE to all of the players
Where it all began
Post edited by downdigger on


  • lillen80lillen80 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    Installation 18 works for 25c Fed captains and KDF and Romulans but I have never got the mission on my Discovery Captain
  • captinjacksparowcaptinjacksparow Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    Yeah, it's not working on my DSC captain either.

    Another issue with the Wasteland arc is it is unavailable for replay for all non-ROM factions. It doesn't show in the "available" tab like the Devidian, Dominion, and Breen arcs.
  • chernobogxchernobogx Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I'm not able to get Installation 18 on my DSC toon either. Others in my fleet are also reporting the problem. Customer support gave me the "sadly, we do not have any other details where it can be located at this time. We only refer to the wiki and blog post since those are the only things that we can check some details as Customer Support. Unfortunately, we at Customer Support have limited resources and information regarding the in-game content changes. I suggest heading over to the forums page to seek assistance with the Moderators, Quality Assurance team and the Development team." answer as well. Seriously, why even have a customer support team if they are going to be useless when an actual problem arises?
  • chrian#9670 chrian Member Posts: 622 Cryptic Developer
    Hello everyone, Thank you for your patience , I have confirmed that indeed Discovery characters are no longer obtaining installation 18 after completing a fistful of Gorn. I have filed the issue to the appropriate team to fix.
  • chernobogxchernobogx Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    Hello everyone, Thank you for your patience , I have confirmed that indeed Discovery characters are no longer obtaining installation 18 after completing a fistful of Gorn. I have filed the issue to the appropriate team to fix.

    Thank you very much :)
  • downdiggerdowndigger Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    chernogogx that's so we can get a sense of reporting a problem, but in reality it is mostly the same people in charge of the game content they do not have a huge staff less than 150 people work at CRYPTIC and most do double duty, some program some code some do art/graphics, and all of them do a good job don't get me wrong but if they want to keep a player base and have new players join they seriously have to sit down and FIX problems and stop making CONTENT that is not working period.

    Would any of them drive a car with 3 tires and No windows most likely no!

    Same goes for the STAR TREK on LINE game ... Keep driving the players away soon those same guys doing all those jobs, are again on the unemployment line CRYPTIC / PWE has a notorious revolving door of employees, and SOME not all are there to just collect a pay check and go home after there 8 or 10 hour work day, and don't really want to help YOU out they are just there to get OUR money and have there bosses in CHINA happy.

    It's all about the stock holders and the revenue income and not so much about costumer satisfaction.
    Licensing and paying for the wages , the power, the beer and pizza on Fridays, that's not coming out of anyone elses pockets but ours the dumb schmucks who keeping giving them our ca$h for no real value.

    Every other company out there has a policy of transparency and being accountable for and to the people who pay there wages that's us the consumer but Cryptic / PWE / CBS and any other affiliated company that has or had there involvement with STAR TREK hides behind the screens of the computers and points to the other guy and says " not my job-not my job " so we never get what we want or need from them.

    Gene Roddenberry ( Eugene Wesley Roddenberry )I would think he'd be ashamed to have his name associated with such shoddy attention to his fans
    Where it all began
  • chernobogxchernobogx Member Posts: 13 Arc User

    The previous two issues I have had were both handled and I have nothing but good things to say about the support people I worked with on those issues. I am, however, beyond appalled that they would actually reply to an issue with the statement that they only have the ability to check blog posts and forums. Actually telling your customer base that you are basically useless is beyond belief. A simple statement of " I can't fix this but I forwarded it up the chain" would seem to be a far more respectable way to respond to an issue that you aren't equipped to handle.
  • downdiggerdowndigger Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    We will see if the "filed the issue to the appropriate team to fix" part comes true! won't we.
    Where it all began
  • alyxvixen#3895 alyxvixen Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    I found a way of getting Installation 18 for AoD characters, but it requires you to have a friend with a Romulan character who has completed the Wasteland Arc. Team up with the character who then selects the mission for replay and then shares it. Though I have found out another issue in that Franklin Drake does NOT contact you after you talk with Horace Jones in Paradise City, Nimbus... but it does give you the Wasteland Accolade but you can't hail to get the reward... though I'm going to check when I get the Traelus Sat repair if I can talk to him then about Installation 18.
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    Hello everyone, Thank you for your patience , I have confirmed that indeed Discovery characters are no longer obtaining installation 18 after completing a fistful of Gorn. I have filed the issue to the appropriate team to fix.

    Thank you, can you please make a similar check for new romulus (3 optional quests not in the line are missing for some. DAILY collecting quests in phaos, atlai and hawel ruins)

    Example: Lal level 43 Delta Fed (with 0 rep, finished the NR line for exploration being ready to repeat quests if needed for reps but didn't mean to bug the char) and
    Seratha level 65 Delta KDF with T4 rep, otherwise as above noted.
    Both are from before AoD and finished the line with the TFO after AoD and before completing T5.

    The reason I have "!" on some quests there is because I set those for replay and those may be needed for future reps. As you could check, it's second time quests.
  • bluecoougarbluecoougar Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Communication History
    Customer via CSS Web 11/01/2018 11:50 AM
    No, this doesn't clarify. What is does do is indicate that the team of programmers and support staff don't give a damn when they change contend and try to improve they don't fully investigate the changes that they make for unintended errors. Then when they make an error it's oh well the STO community will just have to live with it until we can fix it.. In the mean time the Community of STO is left holding the bag. From the above comments the It is apparent that the Bug fixers and the GMs don't talk to each other.

    Response Chroma via Email 10/29/2018 08:27 AM

    Thank you for contacting us.

    I deeply apologize for the inconvenience you are currently experiencing with the Installation 18 mission. Please do not worry as our Development Team is already aware of this issue and are currently investigating it. Unfortunately, I cannot provide a specific time-frame on when this will be resolved. I kindly ask for your patience while our team are investigating on this issue.

    I hope that clarifies your concern. If you have other questions you'd like to ask in the future, feel free to contact us again.

    Game Master
    Perfect World Entertainment
    Customer 10/26/2018 02:29 PM
    I can't get installation 18 to show as available under Franklin Drake
  • mikeblackwolfmikeblackwolf Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    Issues like this are what is stopping me from purchasing a lifetime sub.
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    accidentally posted an update on the wrong topic (installation 18 instead of NR), sorry, please delete this post of mine here.
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