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It is now more difficult to find, join and play many queues, not easier



  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    I experienced almsot 1 leaver every que --.--
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    Once had a "lag" on login and somehow maybe accidentally something was pressed without me seeing or noticing it, and was added to a quoue. accidentally. only realized this while heard the whistle and having to decline. I wonder how many time such happens - for me it happened once after AoD. Really no idea what was pressed and how.

    I think there should be some time out at least until interface got fully loaded, visible and responding, (and after pressing any key ofc, if needed by login/map transfer) before allowing to join a public queue... I guess some seconds, maybe half a minute would be enough for most
  • angronsweangronswe Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    With the removal of estimated start time and how many people are queued up it is now much harder to play queues which do not draw from random. Yes I am aware those where never 100% accurate but I relayed on them to pick which queues to run. Especially for those of us that play any Elite or normal/advanced queues made up for 6+ captains. For those queues it is now impossible to see which are active and to choose to join in with them.

    For example when people are queued up for Bug Hunt Elite or Dranuur Beach Assault I can no longer see that and join in. Which means less queues being played and more time wasted trying to get into queues due to them failing to start.

    This change has all but killed the queue system for me as I have been unable to get into a single queue of my choice since this expansion. I used to be able to see what was active, pick a queue and drop right in. Now that doesn’t work and just like I feared from the Tribble testing I am sitting here wasting time picking queues and not getting them to start.

    In short due to the changes I can no longer quickly play the queues I enjoy playing. The devs have just made it more difficult to find and join many queues, not easier. Unless this is changed I will be running less queues not more.

    EDIT: Another way to look at is we used to be able to play sparsely played queues by being able to play them when other people are interested. Now when other people are interested and they are not part of random we cannot join in and so those sparsely played queues get played even less. The very opposite to what this feature is designed to do.

    I think we we have to wait a bit to see how big effect this has. The 2 first days when I came home from work I set the rep on all of my 17 alts and then I was out of play time. Can't imagine how long it takes for those with even more alts. I play this game 99% solo so I pug a lot. I did try to queue for the ground elites that you normaly can get into(Brotherhood of the sword, Bug hunt, Defend Rh'lhho station, Miner Instabilities and Nukara Prime) while I was doing some other stuff but after 30 min I gave up.

    If, when people have had enough time to max all rep and the queues you could normaly pug are still dead/super slow to get started. I will end up playing this game a lot less.
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