recently i have noticed that a lot of voice acting has been removed from the game. i am wondering if its a bug because the voice overs in-game gave it a lot of extra character and i think it would be a waste to just delete it all.
if its indeed removed is there an option where it could be reinstated again? if not its still a good game i just miss the depth a bit.
a faithful player
I'd suggest making a bug report in the appropriate forum (PC, Xbox or PS4) with more info (as in, who, where and when this happens) so that the devs can look into it.
where several lines from for example captain shon, koren. they only speak the first sentence and nothing else except in cut-scenes. ( i apologize for the grammar, English is not my first language)
It's fine, English isn't my first language either.
The Power Source, last mission in the Romulan Rep.
That is unfortunately wai, or have at least been working that way for as long as I have been playing. Having voice actors in the game is expensive business and in the earlier days we didn't see much of it outside of cut scenes. Simply judged too costly at the time.
You'll find this issue elsewhere too. Just replayed Step Between the Stars and it has the exact same issue unfortunately.
Also a lot of the early voices weren't actually voice actors but devs standing in, which is no longer a possibility due to the union agreement with the voice actors union. I can't remember if Shon and Koren are devs or proper voice actors, but they'd either have to give the two entirely new voices in the case of the former, or rehire the actors to get them to read the rest of the lines.
They'll probably get around to it eventually, but I'm not holding my breath while waiting as it's likely to be a while. They seem to work on one arc at the time, except where they can "shoehorn" in new characters, such as Georgie La Forge now being part of one or two of the Klingon mission instead of... whoever it was before, I've forgotten.
Addendum. Just did a bit of digging and as far as I can tell both Dave Rivas (Shon's voice) and Secunda Wood (Koren's voice) are "proper" voice actors but I can't tell if they're part of the union or not. But if they are it shouldn't be hard for the devs to rehire them, just a matter of budget and priorities.
So as long as the actual voicefile hasn't be been destoyed it should be a "simple" matter of reconnecting the voicefile to the in-game dialogue.