Good evening all. After returning to STO after a while away I've noticed that with lighting 2.0 on my bridge is very bloomy and everything is overly radiant. Also, the floor had a liquid like appearance for certain colors and textures. I have reduced the bloom but am unable to rid myself of the liquid appearance. Any one who has dealt with this able to offer any pointer?
Here is a picture of what I am referring to with lighting 2.0 on and off. (On a side-note I think the lighting in the game needs an overhaul overall. ESD is too dark in general as are many other places)
Lighting 2.0 off - Notice the ships floor and everything is not bad but the room is dark making it hard to see my Andorian tactical officer in the front
Lighting 2.0 on -
Here you can make out the details of my crew's uniform but the consoles are washed out even with bloom set to 16% blinding my crew and me when equipping some weapons
Lighting 2.0 Liquid effect on textures - Here when the light hits the floor of the bridge it looks like a metallic liquid rather than carpet or matte finished texture
Any assistance in finding the middle ground (if even possible) would be much appreciated.