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Tribble has been updated to ST.90.20180830a.4

  • Delta Recruit/Temporal Agent: Completion credit now automatically given for all removed KFR missions such as "Hide & Seek," "Stop the Signal," "City on the Edge of Never," and "Past Imperfect."
  • The requirements for completion of the Klingon War story arc now only include the missions that are in the revised Klingon War arc: Welcome to ESD, Stranded in Space, Diplomatic Orders, Researcher Rescue, Secret Orders, Doomsday Device.
  • "TFO: Romulan Imperial Minefield" and "The Galaxy at Large" skippable for Feds and TOS-Feds.
  • Resolved an issue where Surface Tension, Step Between Stars, Sphere of Influence could not be replayed.
  • Made the various missions in "Yesterday's War" group skippable
  • Added TFO unlock mission for Solanae Dyson Sphere.
  • Added the hand off mission to Nimbus.
  • Added the hand off mission to the Breen story arc.
  • Removed Breen Invasion arc from the mission journal for TOS Fed characters.


  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,249 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    • Made the various missions in "Yesterday's War" group skippable
    This is an AWESOME update, thank you! This alone makes me excited for AOD. Seriously! I have several Alts that need gear from newer missions, but can't play them because I'd first have to go through all these... Now what about all the Kobali/Delta mission? Can those be skippable too, please?

    Edit to add: I mean no insult. I really enjoyed the Yesterday's War and Delta storylines the first time I played them on my Main. And even the second or third times weren't bad. By the fourth time, not so much... Shame on me for having 22 characters, I know... but that was to be the blessing of the SKIP feature, to support us Altaholics, and it's been a missing boon for far too long. Glad it's being addressed! Thank you!!!

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    • Made the various missions in "Yesterday's War" group skippable
    This is an AWESOME update, thank you! This alone makes me excited for AOD. Seriously! I have several Alts that need gear from newer missions, but can't play them because I'd first have to go through all these... Now what about all the Kobali/Delta mission? Can those be skippable too, please?

    I thought by removing them from the mission journal, this is effectively making the Kobali prime section optional to do.

  • drogyn1701drogyn1701 Member Posts: 3,606 Media Corps
    Tribble has been updated to ST.90.20180830a.4

    • Made the various missions in "Yesterday's War" group skippable

    That's a great start, I would hope we can convince you to make Future Proof and New Frontiers skippable as well.
    The Foundry Roundtable live Saturdays at 7:30PM EST/4:30PM PST on twitch.tv/thefoundryroundtable
  • entnx01entnx01 Member Posts: 549 Arc User
    drogyn1701 wrote: »
    Tribble has been updated to ST.90.20180830a.4

    • Made the various missions in "Yesterday's War" group skippable

    That's a great start, I would hope we can convince you to make Future Proof and New Frontiers skippable as well.

    This. There's really no point in the "Skip" button if missions can't, you know, be skipped, especially for alts.
  • badgerpants999badgerpants999 Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Just a thing here, I ran through the tutorial (again) and I noticed several things. First, the cadets have been raiding armories from other centuries and timelines. One cadet, in the transporter room, had a 23rd century phaser rifle, from Kirks time. When I went to boost power to the ships weapons I noticed that the cadets were all using Kelvin Timeline rifles.

    Then, thankfully, Nog came to my rescue, except that he wasn't there. It would have been nice for him to at least warp into the system before telling me to fly to his position. Plus I really could have used the Chimera's help in killing that Neg'Var.

    Then it's Hello Khitomer, everything works OK and we get a nice little fight against the Borg. Then we kill the Borg and I'm told to fly to another system, I warp out but cannot contact Nog or StarFleet to complete the mission.

    If your revamping the mission journal to help newer players you might want to fix the bugs in the tutorial first!
    Post edited by badgerpants999 on
  • This content has been removed.
  • onesoul1982onesoul1982 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Just a few things that I've noticed. I'm unable to turn in patrol missions and I can't seem to locate Damar Kahn. The mission text for "Heading Out" says he is on ESD but the audio says SB 114. I've checked ESD and even flew to 114 and can't seem to find him.
  • anodynesanodynes Member Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    I made a new character on Tribble to test how this works for them. Skipped the tutorial and did Stranded in Space prior to this patch. Logged on today and did Diplomatic Orders. Custscene for landing the shuttle on Vulcan is shorter, starting with you already landed, I think, it was so close that the camera was looking through the shuttle, mostly. Still can't hail Starfleet to turn anything in. Go back to Quinn and he offers Researcher Rescue and... The Breen Invasion handoff? Seriously? To a level 4? I did it, anyway. Crossed the Quadrant boundary, then across 4 sectors at warp 5.56 to have it complete and no missions from the arc available, which is kind of a good thing, I suspect.

    This handoff is waaaaaaay too early. That arc will make no sense, even if you could do it, that early, and sending people on a snipe hunt for missions that they can't even do for (presumably) quite a few levels is just terrible. Save this handoff for later, maybe after the remaining missions from the Cardassian Struggle.
    • Made the various missions in "Yesterday's War" group skippable
    This is an AWESOME update, thank you! This alone makes me excited for AOD. Seriously! I have several Alts that need gear from newer missions, but can't play them because I'd first have to go through all these... Now what about all the Kobali/Delta mission? Can those be skippable too, please?

    I thought by removing them from the mission journal, this is effectively making the Kobali prime section optional to do.

    I still saw the Kobali Front in there, but that's just going to see Q'Nel, if I recall. Anything that's just "Go see this person" has always been unskippable. The Kobali Crisis wrappers do appear to be gone.
    drogyn1701 wrote: »
    Tribble has been updated to ST.90.20180830a.4

    • Made the various missions in "Yesterday's War" group skippable

    That's a great start, I would hope we can convince you to make Future Proof and New Frontiers skippable as well.

    My Jem'Hadar was able to skip at least up to the last mission available at the time in New Frontiers when I tested that just after ViL launched. Are they unskippable for some? Definitely would be great to be able to skip everything after Sunrise, which was also skippable back then, in Future Proof, though.

    Edited: After further play, the problem with not being put into the BoP in Doomsday Device is fixed. That thing is still made of glass at higher levels, though, for anyone replaying that mission, making it really easy to get blown up over and over. Maybe give it some Mk Infinity gear across the board?

    On the new character, I could only get to level 7 with the available missions in Klingon War, then was given the handoff for Romulan Imperial Minefield queue, which was, of course, not available because I was too low in level for it. Moving on, I picked up the general info handoff from Quinn that specifically mentions Drozana (presumably for the Spectres arc) and Nimbus, but going to Drozana gave me nothing, no way to start Spectres, and going to Nimbuis didn't even give me the option to enter Nimbus system, so nothing there.

    Heading Out, the first mission in the Romulan arc, was available, but it looks like it has been altered. Instead of going to Celes system (Starbase 114) to pick up Damar Kahn, you are directed to go to Sol system and pick up Damar Kane. Going to Sol, at least at level 7, gives no option to pick up Damar Kane, so that's another roadblock, and everything that that character can do at the time, save for patrols. I hope this gets sorted at some point because that mission is a "Go talk to this person" type, and, as mentioned above, those cannot be skipped, so all progression beyond that point is blocked.

    In reality, getting it sorted applies to regular Starfleet characters (not AoY or upcoming AoD Starfleet) as a whole. With so much of their leveling content missing right now, the stuff that's been moved off and what's left for them really needs to work, or they're going to hit a pretty nasty wall just trying to get to their next available missions.
    Post edited by anodynes on
    This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
  • icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    they should just make it easy one char per faction you play, per account, MUST COMPLETE all missions with no skip options. then it unlocks the rest on that account for that faction period. then we could just pick and choose . no more hassles or any of that stuff.
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

  • badgerpants999badgerpants999 Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    OK, I can hand in missions again, good. Now, Can you tell me why I'm beaming down alone to the Borg planet in the second mission of the tutorial? My first officer definitely WASN'T there.
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