(PLV Temporal Lapras situation room. Raven, please tell me those Vostroyans don't know about the Pokemon World, Pridelands, and mythical beings.)
I'm at the table with my mate, the family, and the Seoni/Wichita Alliance leaders. The holomap of the Prime reality glows with a blue light as various fleet movements and communications are tracked. Fortunately, the UFP doesn't know about the body double in place at Starfleet Command (I placed her there just after my defection.). I report, "Admiral, one of my drones is picking up Heartless signals and what appears to be a massive drone swarm in the Altamid system (prime). S31 is attempting to bring the Heartless here and it won't be good."
The Wichita leader says, "Sapph, thank you for the report. However, Erika and I will keep you away from Earth Spacedock and the UFP since S31's not dead yet. This information about the Heartless must not reach the Federation."
Me: "Ma'am. I'm also worried about another possible attempt on Amy's life so I'll have to stay in a support role behind the scenes as to not let S31 know my location."
Luperca: "Understandable. Raksha will retreat to the Indian jungle to protect Mowgli from S31 and secretly collect human books to teach him about Humanity. I will return to my ship to coordinate attacks on the organization."
The Seoni/Wichita Alliance leaders leave for their ships leaving me and my family in the room. I feed Amy and put her into her carrier. Jerome says, "Sapph, I've intercepted comms from the mirror universe. Something called the 'Vostroyan Empire' is abducting Mirror soldiers and selling them into slavery. It is believed to be working with Drake."
Me: "Jerome, order your fleet to enter defensive positions around the Pokeworld, Wichita Forest, and Pridelands. My royal fleet will defend the Pokeworld. I will use everything I have to stop the Vostroyans from enslaving our peoples."
Jerome: "Yes, dear." My mate orders the rest of his fleet to take defensive positions around the 3 locations. I rejoin my fleet at my homeworld to prepare for the attack. My drones send me data on the Vostroyans without them noticing. If they want the Pokeworld, they will pay for it with their own blood.
"Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgotten who you are … you are my son and the one true king." (Mufasa)
Regent Petrofski assembled his team of Imperial, Klingon and Romulan commanders for a council of war. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to plan our counter-offensive along the Romulan front. Our orders are to halt the enemy advance and then drive them back into their territory, suggestions?" asked Petrofski. "We could make our breakthrough here at the Catachan System, it would put us in a position to roll them up strategically" suggested Chancellor Martok (red). "The problem is if the enemy detect an attack towards Catachan, our narrow frontage presents a problem" countered Admiral Veel'Riz (red). "We need to draw their attention away" suggested Captain Dawson (red). "Where?, we don't know too much about the Valhalla Sector. It's uncharted and now we know why" asked Petrofski. "Here at the Imperial fortress world of Helreach, they're still holding their positions" suggested Martok. "We break the siege of Helsreach at the same time we hit Catachan, they will have to weaken one front to reinforce the other" replied Veel'Riz. "Which gives us two fronts to move through, a breakthrough at one can be contained but a breakthrough on two means the enemy has two problems to deal with" added Captain Dawson. "Breakthroughs that can be exploited rapidly" suggested Veel'Riz. Petrofski listened to the discussion as a plan came together, after listening to all points of the plan, he asked "Are you all in agreement?"
"We are" said Martok. "Excellent, Martok, your target is Catachan. Veel'Riz, you've got Helsreach. Joanna, cover the Klingon flanks, your job is to widen the breach" said Petrofski to the command staff. "Qapla!" said Martok. "Qapla!" chorused everyone afterwards. "Everyone prepare your forces" said Petrofski afterwards. Everyone left the meeting and for their ships, Petrofski now had to present the plan drawn up to Heath. To hide the Dragon's existence, Petrofski and his officers transferred to the I.S.S. Moskva kept the Dragon in a secret location. Battle Fleet Omega then left for the meeting with Heath. Heath was calling a council of War, all Alliance command officers were required to go.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"Predictable. So predictable," Thay said smiling.
"How so?" Vaylin asked.
"Tell someone not to do something, and they immediately do it just to spite you. Lazy calls it the 'Mirror mindset'."
"Indeed. So now that she's done what you thought, now what?"
Thay switched the monitor to a view of the quadrant.
"Those yellow symbols are the Orion ships."
"How did you get this information?"
"When she talked about slaves, I had Naynta grab several Orions and question them. She was very persuasive."
"I see. Continue."
"just watch."
One of the yellow symbols turned red.
"What does that mean?"
"A successful hunt. I gave that information to the Hirogen. I offered them a 200% bonus if they can clear the area of all Orion ships. They assured me that in seventy two hours there won't be an Orion ship in the quadrant."
Several more of them turned red.
"Isn't that excessive?"
"They choose to side with them, let them pay the price. Now what's our status?"
"The Dominion have cleared them out of Bajor's sector and Betazed is clear. Trill's liberation is expected in within the hour."
"Who's handling that?"
"Our Delta quadrant friends."
"Oh. Zoom in on that. I want to see."
Trill (red)
The slipstream gateway opened and the Voth ship and its companions emerged in orbit.
"Enemy ships in orbit below us. They are turning toward us. Their weapons are incapable of damaging us."
Only one order was given.
"Sanitize the area of their presence."
On the surface people watched in shock then glee as the sky glowed as the cascading wave of explosions cleared the ships from the sky.
ISS Los Lobos
"Oh I like them," Thay said smiling.
"They are quite effective. They want to know what they can do to help."
"Oh I have a very special mission for them."
"Thank you all for coming," The Empress. "This will a difficult campaign but ultimately a successful one."
She looked around the room.
"Now can't win this purely on military strength. We have to hit them where it really hurts, financially. We will fight this on those two fronts. But now, I will turn you over to Admiral Heath Thay. She will be coordinating our efforts."
"Thank you. Those swarm ships of theirs are effective, but we now know their weakness. Reports say that they are digging in planets on the planets they attacked. I say we let them. When you clear a planet, keep moving forward to the next one. Don't worry. We have a surprise for those on the ground. Expect retaliation, we've frozen their accounts, taken the Orions out of their slave trade. Now we take thing to next level."
I still can't figure out the logical reason for the pokemon cross over.... But whatever.
I.S.S. Hydra
Captain O'Brien (red) slapped the Andorian who questioned their orders to link up with the Romulan force. "You need time alone with your thoughts... Booth!"
Victoria sighed swinging her legs over the arm of the chair, "Attention al hands this is the Captain speaking: Command has ordered us to fight along side out vassals in the defence of Romulan space and push back the Federation interlopers and Criminal Syndicate who have dared to call themselves a legitimate power in this galaxy! Our galaxy! These terrorists have dared to bring the wrath of the empire down on themselves, they have sold our people into servitude! As a part of the overseers of the Aristocracy, we will show these traitors and xenos animals what happens when they decide to oppose the might of Terra! We are going to teach them that lesion by blowing up their little empire crippling their profits and taking their stuff! LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE!"
A.R.W. Pheonix
Admiral Veel'Riz (By the way I just realized I've been writing the characters name wrong all this time based on who I've been saying it in my head- mentally I keep saying it as if there's only one "e"- kind of funny), looked over his force once more and grimaced... This was going to be a difficult battle.
"All ships prepare for battle, get into formation and cloak."
The fleet approached their target, engaging head on before crushing resistance in an encirclement firing from various angles as the enemy tried to retreat only increasing their losses.
RSU Star Fortress Eternity, Sythis Nebula (Mirror Universe)
The calculations had been in error, the station was still stuck in Imperial space. Chevalier T'Nae stared up from her food at the fool from this latest rebellion who had quite brazenly demanded to speak a representative of the Star Union.... The idiot had tried taking several of the Imperial refugees hostage to demand their Iconian technology.... The troops had prompley seen that situation ended.
"Tell your puppet master, my leaders view the current political changes within the Empire as positive. Their citizens are for the first time in our shared history being uplifted by their own people... Further more the Star Union does not negotiate with slavers! Get this filth off of my station!"
T'Nae turned to her fleet commander as the Orion pirate was dragged from the room. "Have some of our ships follow them, I got a contact from some our Molindran friends that they have some of our people on whatever base they came from... Show them the consequences of that action."
Why do I still play and put money into STO?
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
"Regents and leaders of the Alliance, our first goal to liberate our worlds, suggestions please" said Heath. "Considering we don't know too much about the Valhalla Sector, we could force a retreat from the section of front between our fortress world of Helsreach and and the Rebel Klingon held system of Catachan" said Petrofski presenting the plan for a breakthrough offensive. "The House of Torg are allied to the petaQ, an attack here at Catachan combined with our Romulan allies relieving Helsreach would force the enemy to split their numbers in that sector in order to respond to both offensives, we take the war into their territory" said Martok. "I've deployed Admiral Veel'Riz (red) to break the siege at Helsreach, given the heavy fighting on the ground, I'll be taking only the best and toughest of my lads to reinforce, resupply and assist in in the defense of the main fortress. Reports are that all civilians have been evacuated to the citadel" said Petrofski.
"Why limited gain?" asked Jodi (red). "Lack of intelligence on that sector, it's uncharted" answered Petrofski. "Captain, please come in" ordered Heath via coms panel. The door opened and a female figure walked in, saluted and took her seat, "This is Captain Isabella Valdez of the I.S.S. Tikal, she's been exploring the Valhalla Sector over in the yellow reality for the last eight months" said Heath. "Thank you Emissary" answered Isabella (yellow), "I am providing the star charts from my exploration of the Valhalla Sector, Helsreach is a good entry point as is Catachan. This system here is the key" she said point to a system on the newly updated star map. "What system is that?" asked Heath. "Altimid, we had a close call with a swarm there in the yellow reality" answered Isabella. "Did you say swarm?" asked Thay. "They operate on a frequency broadcast from a command fighter, jam that frequency and you start a chain reaction" answered Isabella, "My ops officer, Mr Castille suggested using Betazed's planetary shield as a supersized resonance pulse generator" she said afterwards. "Good thinking" commented Heath to Thay.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"We do know of one of their installations," Thay continued. "Thanks to the Captain's data and our very cooperative Orion's, we know that they keep their prisoners to be sold here." She indicated the location on the map. "That's fairly deep into their territory," Petrofski commented. "Yes, isn't it?" Thay smiled. "Time to show this...ah..." She sneezed loudly several times. "I am so tired of that!" She ranted. "In any case, it's not going to be there for much longer. Our Delta friends are currently enroute there where they will rescue their prisoners, steal thier data, and reduce the place to dust." "We could use firepower like that on the front line," Petrofski suggested. "We're keeping them in reserve for special needs. Use them too much and they lose their effectiveness of the element of surprise."
It was over in under an hour. The Delta forces beamed the confused crews of the defense ships off and kept them in the pattern buffers for sorting later. The prisoners were apprehensive at first to trust their rescuers until they were shown that their captors were being rounded up as well. Approximately fifty eight minutes after they arrived in system, the combined weapons of the fleet reduced the installation to it's component atoms. As they left, the mined the area as a gift to whoever came to investigate.
She's a superb ship, I own one and she's fun to fly. She's a tank with lots of dakka on her (canon set up of course).
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"We know who we are dealing with, we need to know our enemy better than we know ourselves. Captain, how does she think?" asked Heath to Isabella (yellow). "She thinks she is in control, she's no mistress of war, I can tell you that. She's been emboldened by her earlier successes and that makes her even more dangerous, she's already made mistakes" answered Isabella, "keep letting her make mistakes" she said afterwards. "Never interrupt your enemy while she's making a mistake" paraphrased Solat. "Bonaparte, good call" commented Petrofski. "It is only logical" countered Solat. "Not one to argue logic with a Vulcan, I'd never win" joked Petrofski respectively. It caused some smiles, "That is a logical move" answered Solat in a dry tone. "You got me there" replied Petrofski. "Can the two front plan be altered to add a third front?" asked Solat. "Pair Imperial fleets up with Dominion fleets and strike here at Tallarn, a breakthrough here puts even more pressure on their front line" suggested Loriss as she pointed at the Tallarn front between Helsreach and Catachan.
"That would effectively split the enemy lines in half strategically, the enemy would have two choices, withdraw or be encircled strategically" replied Solat, "it is a logical strategy" she said afterwards.
Unknown Location (MU red)
"ALL IN!!!" yelled Isabella (red) as news of Altimid came in, "How did they know about Altimid?" asked Isabella as she beat one of her operatives to a pulp. "No answer" answered the operative. "Wrong answer" corrected Isabella as she threw him off a balcony. "More bad news, we've lost our Orion allies, the Hirogen are in this quadrant" reported an operative. "I know they say don't shoot the messenger, but in this case...." replied Isabella as she shot him, she then signaled her guards to throw the body over the balcony and walked off.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Xal'bak, Blue, Willam and three other Terrans had managed to trick the force fields of the brig with a short circuitt after ripping open a wall panel. Getting to the hangar bay had been a different matter. The Dragon and the rest of the S31 intel-ships had engaged several small Imperial forces and completely destroyed them preventing any message being sent.
Thus the ragtag team of unlikely escapees found themselves working together to reach their destination- crawling through the Jefferies tubes. Blue was pinching Willams shoulders as the Terran had an enginer in a stragle hold. "Let him go!" She hissed.
"He'll give away our position! and the stealth tech!"
"Just let-"
Willam rolled his eyes and let the unconsoisus body fall. "He'll live... now lets get out of here!"
U.S.S. Dragon, Brig
Drake turned the agent Necro, "Well where are the prisioners?"
"Bridge to Drake, we've got an unauthorizd launch from shuttlebay one, said shuttle has had its remote destruct removed and uh..."
"Spit it out!"
"It's your personal shuttle, Sir."
Why do I still play and put money into STO?
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
"Regent Petrofski, something appears to be on your mind" said Jodi (red). "Just working out how many troops I'll be taking with me to Helsreach, time it will take to muster the troops and equipment as well as getting supplies and reinforcements to the troops safely" answered Petrofski. "Explain the situation at Helreach" asked Thay. A 3D map of the battlefield came up, "This is the fortress city of Helsreach, it has never fallen to direct assault or siege throughout it's history. It was one of the few Terran fortresses to hold out even after the fall of the first empire, the city itself it covers the estuary of two deep rivers so the only ways across are these four bridges leading into the first line of defense. The first lines are composed of curtain walls with four fortified gatehouses leading into an open area of public parkland covered by a second higher and thicker curtain wall with fighting positions and heavy weapons emplacements" answered Petrofski briefing the Allied leaders. "What's defending the first wall in terms of weapons emplacements?" asked Loriss (red). "Light mortars and anti-personnel turrets, it's job is to slow down any attack so the defenders have time to get into position along the inner defenses" answered Petrofski.
"Carry on Mr Petrofski" said Thay. "The open parkland is a killing zone, it has nothing to give the enemy cover. Artillery can be placed to provide enfilade fire from the flanks in support of the infantry defending the walls, if the enemy gets through the second wall, then they have to fight their way through the narrow streets which limits their speed of advance. Current situation is that the defenders are pulling back here to the citadel, reports indicate that both bridges in have been prepared for destruction, I intend to land my troops into the citadel and deploy straight into battle. Landing craft come in and drop off troops, we then move the wounded and civilians onto the landing craft and back up to the fleet for evacuation, it would also allow for the rotation of troops in and out" explained Petrofski. "How many men will you need?" asked Thay. "I can make do with 25,000. The fortress defenses are a force multiplier" answered Petrofski. "Reports are of enemy ground forces indicate over 250,000 troops, you'll be outnumbered ten to one. You know that" replied Thay. "It's to buy the civilians and wounded as much time for evacuation as possible, getting our citizens out of harm's way is our first duty" answered Petrofski, "it also means less mouths to feed in the long run, I know it sounds callous but in a siege, the side that runs out of supplies first loses" he said afterwards
"Then your troops won't be alone, General Kurn (red) will join you with 20,000 warriors" said Martok (red). "The Dominion can send 15,000 Jem'Hadar to assist your forces" added Loriss. "My crew can provide ground medical support" said Isabella (yellow), "we're set up for disaster relief operations" she said afterwards. After the battle plan was agreed, all leaders went to their respective ships, Petrofski on hearing news of the appearance of the U.S.S. Dragon near Helsreach acted immediately and after meeting up with the I.S.S. Dragon with Battle Fleet Omega, set course for Helreach, along the front, Allied forces now moved into attack positions as crews, troops and pilots were briefed on the capabilities of the enemy and who they were facing, the I.S.S. Tikal was reassigned to Battle Fleet Omega. Aboard the Tikal, Captain Isabella Valdez (yellow) prepared herself and her crew for their first battle, "We're explorers not soldiers, our job is to set up field aid stations and hospitals to support our troops. We are here to save life but we may have to fight. We will fight but not take life, our weapons will be set to heavy stun" she said to her crew.
Aboard the Dragon, Petrofski put a secure call through to Naynta (red) and Pelagia (red), "Target has arrived, ready your forces."
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"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
The landing forces had arrived, Petrofski looked over the orbital battlefield and prepared to land. Along the whole Valhallan front, Imperial and Allied forces launched their offensives and began their advance. At Helsreach, the landings began as landing craft packed with troops descended down to the planet as the fleet provided protection, not a word was said as troops did their final checks on their equipment while being rocked by anti-air bursts. Ahead of the landing craft where the squadrons of all female volunteer fighter pilots who carried out strikes on enemy artillery and and anti-air positions, the enemy would soon know one squadron by a new name, "Nachthexen" (Night witches) for their fondness for night attacks on enemy positions and camps.
The citizens and defenders of Helsreach all cheered as the sky filled up with Imperial fighters and landing craft, soon the transports landed and offloaded their troops straight into the battle with Petrofski being the first to leave the landing ships followed his veterans. Soon the rest of the Allied troops were being landed and civilians and wounded evacuated. "General Grigorvich, I must congratulate you and your men on your defense" said Petrofski. "Thank you for the relief, I'll need your troops manning the walls alongside my troops" asked General Gregorvich. "General, state of enemy?" asked Petrofski. "We've bogged down their advance on our left, the troops in the centre are barely holding their positions and our right is on the verge of collapse, one strong push there could cut off the retreat routes into the citadel" reported Gregorvich. "Eraun (red), move your Jem'Hadar and reinforce our right" ordered Petrofski. "We are already dead, we go into battle to reclaim our lives. On me" said the Jem'Hadar elder. "Kurn (red), you've got our centre, reinforce and hold the line" ordered Petrofski. "Qapla" answered Kurn. "Captain, set up your aid stations in the citadel, make sure you are prepared to receive wounded" ordered Petrofski. "Sir" answered Isabella (yellow), "you all heard the Regent" she said to her crew afterwards.
"General Desaal, take your Bajoran division and hold the centre right" ordered Petrofski. "Sir" answered Desaal. "General Chard, take your division and hold our centre left" finished Petrofski. "Sir" answered Chard. "Regent, I'm handing command of the defense over to you" said General Gregorvich. "General, I'll need a second in command, since you know this battlefield, you're it" answered Petrofski. "Yes sir" replied Gregorvich. "Put me through to the troops" asked Petrofski afterwards. "You're through sir" answered a Helreach regiment corporal. "Defenders of Helsreach, for generations, this fortress has never fallen, we will not let it fall. The enemy outnumbers us five to one, good that means more enemy to kill because they will show us no mercy, we will fight to the death rather than be slaves, soldiers, what are our orders?" asked Petrofski. "We hold!!!" chorused the troops. "Will we surrender?" asked Petrofski. "No sir!!!" chorused the troops. "Good, that's what I like to hear. Let it be known that free men fought here so others may live" said Petrofski. The troops cheered as an envoy asked to speak with Helsreach's commander.
"My Empress does not wish to see you all die, if you surrender, you will be treated with mercy" said the Vostroyan envoy. "We will never be slaves" answered Petrofski. "Throw down your weapons!!" demanded the Vostroyan envoy. It was met by a phaser blast which dropped one of the envoy's guards, "come and get them" was the defenders' reply. Watching the proceedings from her command tent, Isabella (red) ordered a massive frontal assault on the reinforced fortress. Already the defenders had re-occupied the second wall and secured the gates through with forcefield generators and automatic defenses. The call went out of "here they come, all troops stand to" from the officers and NCOs to their troops. "Send a message to the Empress, the Vostroyan Empress is on the battlefield" ordered Petrofski. "Meassage sent, gold channel secured" ansdwered General Gregorvich. In the citadel, Isabella (yellow) and her crew were ready to treat any wounded that came through the door. In orbit, the I.S.S. Dragon and her escort fleet moved out of the system and intercepted the U.S.S. Dragon, in command was Captain Lenaris. "Target that deflector and fire, one quarter power on the lance" ordered Captain Lenaris. The lance fired and the beam knocked the deflector out of action, "ready strikes on their secondary command processors" was his next order. The lance fired again and struck the hull of the U.S.S. Dragon. "We have a shuttle on sensors" reported Lt. Cmdr Sydulla. "Transport that shuttle and it's occupants to the shuttle bay and ready security" ordered Lenaris. "Sir" answered Sydulla. The shuttle was beamed aboard and soon security had rifles leveled at the doors and window. The shuttle door opened and four occupants were pulled out at rifle point.
Post edited by theraven2378 on
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"Predictable" commented Petrofski as he watched the Vostroyans make their assault, "Artillery, target the troops in the flanks and rear. On my command, nock" he ordered afterwards as the artillery crew loaded their guns. "Draw" was the next order as Petrofski waited for the the right moment to open fire, "wait, and loose" he ordered. The artillery opened up and the flanking columns were smashed by the barrage, up and down the artillery, commands of "nock, draw, loose" rang out from the gun captains as barrage after barrage rained down on the 70,000 Vostroyan infantry. "Keep it up, infantry into line, I want one shot, one kill. All air crew scramble to your fighters" ordered Petrofski as the defenders prepared to meet the attack. "Wait until three of the bridges are fully occupied, open gatehouses A, B and C. Engineers, on my signal" ordered General Gregorvich. "Now" ordered Petrofski as the Vostroyans streamed across the three open bridges and into the parkland. Soon the bridges that had been left open went up in a column of debris as the Vostroyans instantly lost 25,000 troops in one go.
"The defenders lining the inner wall now fired down into the trapped Vostroyans below in the parkland as the artillery pounded away at the Vostroyan second wave forming up. After a day of fierce fighting, the Vostroyans trapped in the park surrendered and the battlefield resembled a scene from a nightmare, the defenders still standing proud as survivors from the Vostroyan infantry routed from the field. The cost was heavy with 45,000 dead, wounded or captured Vostroyans, 1300 Allied troops were wounded along with 120 dead. "Good job, all of you. the enemy are now down 45,000 troops" said Petrofski to the troops as they took the time to get some food down them, "Captain, good job. I know you and your crew are opposed to violence, you all did your part" he said Captain Isabella Valdez (yellow). "Thank you sir" answered Isabella (yellow). "You and your crew get some food down you, I've not seen you eat anything today" ordered Petrofski. "You heard the regent, anyone not on essential duty get some chow time" said Isabella to her crew. "Ma'am" chorused the Tikal crew. "Regent, what are medical regulations on the treatment of Prisoners of War?" asked Isabella. "As much as it annoys me, since they are in uniform, they are technically Prisoners of War. Treat them, maybe try and and get them to cooperate with us" answered Petrofski. "Sir" replied Isabella before she left to join her crew.
Across the battlefield, Empress Isabella Valdez (red) was not happy. "Please explain why the enemy countered my assault" asked Empress Valdez as her generals could not explain why without fear of retribution. "This Imperial is good, we were lured into a trap. Their artillery also tore our reserves to pieces before they even got into combat" reported General Constantius. "What of the troops who got through the gates?" asked Empress Valdez. "Wiped out, total losses are 45,000 troops out of the original 70,000" reported Constantius afterwards. Empress Valdez had all the divisional commanders dragged outside and shot in front of the Helsreach defenders. "She's more detrimental to her own side than she is to us, something we take advantage of" commented Gregorvich. "Make her mad, she'll make more mistakes" answered Petrofski smiling, "How are the Tallarn and Catachan offensives?" he asked afterwards. "Allied breakthrough at Catachan and Tallarn, a breach has been opened in the front. Should we send Empress Homicidal the good news?" replied Gregorvich. "She'll hate that, time to mess with her head" answered Petrofski. "I'll send her the good news, well depending on one's point of view" joked Gregorvich. In her command tent, Empress Valdez threw the PADD across the floor and ordered a withdrawal of all Vostroyan forces from Imperial territory.
She left with her staff and abandoned her army, across the Valhalla front, Vostroyan forces withdrew back into their territory and now were in full retreat. The Allies first objective had been achieved as Vostroyan troops abandoned by their leaders soon surrendered as the last of the drone troops were destroyed, over three million Vostroyans troops were captured and hundreds of ships lost. The U.S.S. Dragon and her fleet withdrew as the Vostroyans bolted as fast as they could.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
I.S.S. Dragon (During the Battle of Helsreach), (MU red)
"Primary shields down to 80%" reported Sydulla, "We're detecting a strange power signature aboard the U.S.S. Dragon" she reported next. "Target shield generators with the lance" ordered Lenaris. The I.S.S. Dragon fired and knocked out one shield generator as the U.S.S. Dragon prepared to fire it's main weapon at Helsreach. "Transporters, lock onto that signature and beam it off that ship" ordered Lenaris, as the U.S.S. Dragon exchanged broadsides with the I.S.S. Dragon, the eye of Terra was beamed off her just before it could fire causing a disruption to the U.S.S. Dragon's power grid. "Fire chroniton torpedoes, full broadside" ordered Lenaris as a volley from the U.S.S. Dragon hit the I.S.S. Dragon. The I.S.S. Dragon's torpedo broadsides hit the U.S.S. Dragon along the join between the saucer and stardrive section. After news of the rout of Vostroyan ground forces was confirmed, the enemy retreated along with the U.S.S. Dragon and her fleet. "I want to speak with the people on the shuttle we recovered" said Lenaris.
On Helsreach, Petrofski looked over the battlefield and asked General Gregorvich "How many men will you need to hold Helsreach?" "20,000 should cover defense, but I want them to be all from Helsreach. Troops who fight to defend their homes and families will always fight harder" answered Gregorvich. "Fair enough" replied Petrofski. "Regent, Helsreach owes the Alliance a great debt, this world stands with the Empress" answered Gregorvich. "General, thank you. I'll pass the Empress on the good news" replied Petrofski. Later on the ramparts of the second wall, Petrofski took in the quiet and watched as his troops assisted the people of Helreach in providing security and rebuilding the parts of the city destroyed during the siege. "This spot taken?" asked Captain Isabella Valdez (yellow). "Nope" answered Petrofski. "Tough day" replied Isabella. "You could say that" answered Petrofski. "Regent, let's drink to our glorious and honorable victory" said Kurn (red) opening a cask of blood wine. "Mind if I join you all?" asked Eraun (red). "Not at all, all of here have acted with honor in our victory" said Kurn pouring out the blood wine. "To victory" toasted Kurn afterwards as they all drank to their victory.
After a few hours, Petrofski and Kurn had to carry Isabella to her quarters aboard the landed I.S.S. Tikal. The next morning, she awoke with a hangover and sighed "remind me never to drink with a Klingon." "You had to be carried in, you were totally out of it" joked Larenis. "Blood wine, that does pack a punch" answered Isabella. "We ended up sitting with the troops, plenty of songs were sung" replied Larenis. "I'm saddened that people had to die for this victory" answered Isabella. "It's war, people die" replied Larenis. "That is the sad reality" answered Isabella. You interested in joining us for breakfast?" asked Larenis. "Let's go" answered Isabella after she put her tunic on and zipped it up. Aboard the I.S.S. Dragon, Blue (prime) was being questioned, the guards had been told to treat her well and consider her a Prisoner of War. That eased Blue's mind in knowing that she would be treated with respect and dignity. When Petrofski got aboard, he spoke with Blue himself.
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"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Intelligence from prisoners confirmed that slaves had been located, since the Tikal was the fastest ship, Petrofski and a small group of hand picked troops were aboard. When the Tikal entered orbit of Cammoragh, Petrofski and his group went in disguised as slave traders, when they entered one business, they were sickened but managed to contain their anger in order to keep their cover. Once the premises was scoped out, Petrofski and team identified who were slaves and who were customers and then left, later under the cover of darkness, they returned with three full assault teams and moved into attack position. "Group one, secure the business premises from ground level up. Group two provide security for prisoner evac and group three, we're going to clear the basement levels" said Petrofski to his groups before signaling the assault. The Imperial raiders blasted their way in moved in on their objectives.
Surprise was total, before the Vostroyans guards could level their weapons, they were stunned and beamed up to the Tikal for questioning as the assault groups went after the prisoners. In the basement levels, Petrofski's group found Imperial slaves and yelled through the doors for them to stand back as charges were put on the doors. The doors were blown open as troops cleared each cell and started moving the prisoners, "Group one has secured location, group two move for extraction" ordered Petrofski as he went into one cell. The prisoner refused to let anyone touch her as she through it was a trap. "What's your name?" asked Petrofski to the prisoner. "Elena" answered the prisoner. "Last name?" asked Petrofski. "Morellov" answered the prisoner. "Ms Morellov, my name is Mario Petrofksi, where are you from?" asked Petrofski introducing himself. "Tula" answered the prisoner. "It's nice to meet a fellow Russian, I'm from Moscow" replied Petrofski. "You might be with them" said the prisoner. "I'm with the Imperial military" replied Petrofski as he signaled one of his troops to bring a guard over, "They'll face trial for what they have done, you have my word. I need you to trust me, how many more Imperials are there here?" he asked afterwards. "200," answered the prisoner. "Petrofski to group leaders, 200 Imperials here. I want them all accounted for alive or deceased" ordered Petrofski to his troops, "Elena, you want to get even with the people who did this?" he asked afterwards handing the prisoner a phaser pistol.
"Get me out of here" said the prisoner as she got up and was thrown a spare set of overalls. "Can a couple of your men stand guard and tell them no peeking" asked the prisoner. "Hodges, Garsight, stand guard and no peeking" ordered Petrofski. "Sir" answered the two privates. Morellov soon emerged and started guiding Petrofski's men to the rest of the prisoners, "this all of them?" asked Petrofski. "Yes Regent" answered the prisoner. "Premises cleared, all enemy and customers have been detained. We can move the hostages out" reported one of the group commanders. "Let's move, hostages in the centre, troops, form a walking perimeter around them" ordered Petrofski. "Sir" chorused the troops as they marched the hostages out on foot. Once the Imperial troops and hostages were transported up to the Tikal, Delta forces were called in to make sure the premises was reduced to rubble. The Tikal left for Imperial lines and engaged the transwarp drive. In the Tikal's sickbay, the hostages were examined and told to rest as they were debriefed on what they saw. "Ms Morellov, thank you for trusting me. Let's get you all home" said Petrofski. "I know from experience how these people operate, we cannot leave our people to live as slaves" answered Morellov.
"We'll get our people back, no one gets left behind" replied Petrofski. "I'll hold you to that" answered Morellov, "thank you for getting us out, if we can repay you, we will" she said afterwards. "No need, you've been through hell and you all need to be with your families" replied Petrofski, "Elena, get some rest, that's an order" he said afterwards. "Sir" answered Morellov. The Tikal arrived at Helsreach after two days and the liberated Imperials were transferred to a military hospital on Helsreach. The Vostroyans captured were not treated kindly by the troops and they were given a kicking in front of the liberated who just spat at them and told the troops "we owe you for the rescue, the men who got us out will always be considered friends to us." The captured Vostroyans were then unceremoniously thrown into cells for transport to a secure prison colony for processing. Petrofski then sent word to Heath that 200 Imperials had been rescued. In her stronghold, Isabella (red) soon found that the defeat on the Valhalla front had encouraged dissent towards her leadership. In a broadcast, she put a 1 million Imperial credit bounty on Heath being brought to her alive and 500,000 for Heath's head.
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"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Shades orders were clear: Eliminate Issabella Valdez by any means. If the news of what happened to the rebels defences on her last assignment a month and half ago were insufficient to send enough of a message perhaps the head of the false empress would.
She'd used several criminal contacts formally associated with the Petrofski family to find the location of one of the major auction sites where Valdez had made one of her broadcasts. Now the assassin's ship sat in space passing undetected into the asteroid field. Within transporter range of large space rock refuted into a criminal stronghold. The assassin's had been using visual observation to look for entry points- wary of potential S31 warning systems.
While her ship prepared to broadcast to the Romulan and terran forces- or deploy a tricolbat warhead, Shade plus 7 other shadows were current docking from a civilian freighter. Although they would be finishing their drinks on the risan luxury liner first...
Emma felt a tap on her shoulder turning to see a Vulcan shed last seen bleeding out.
"Its been a long time, the locals approached us with a proposition and have several kegs I want returned."
Emma eyed the Union Tnae realizing kegs referee to captives. " Perhaps we could help each other, work together and we may be able to cut our losses at the bidding in half."
"Quite agreeable, Miss...?"
"King; Jessica king." Shade said taking a final sip. --------- Emma whispered to the other operatives as they passed the security checkpoint. "I can't believe batting my eyes like that worked ... don t you just love missions where you can wear silks?
Why do I still play and put money into STO?
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
Allied forces had crossed the lines and now the Allies moved into Vostroyan space, most Vostroyan ships saw sense and retreated after seeing the I.S.S. Dragon tear apart a Keldon with the lance. For Empress Valdez (red), the military situation was only getting worse as whole Vostroyan fleets and units deserted her and hoping to save their own skins, surrendered unconditionally without a shot even being fired. With her finances gone due to slaves being liberated by Allied raids, she put in a personal command code knowing that she was now a target, she activated a hologram of herself at the auction and swapped the Section 31 crews of the Intel ships and U.S.S. Dragon with her most loyal followers, she took control of the Section 31 fleet after leaving the Section 31 crews for the Imperials to find. Drake was one of them as he was locked into a network of slave pens, the auction started, the Section 31 crews were the prize.
"Leave nothing for the enemy" ordered Isabella as all computer terminals were wiped and encrypted and all slaves still in Vostroyan hands put to death by plasmathrower and then vaporized in a broadcast to Heath. "How does it feel to have your soldiers denied a burial?" asked Isabella (red) to Heath smiling and laughing at the pain she was causing to the soldier's families. "You will be hunted down" said Heath. "Take us beyond the barrier" ordered Isabella to her helm officer. With their leader on the run, the Vostroyans submitted their unconditional surrender to the Allies, Isabella however decided to fight on alone. When the Imperial troops found out, calls for revenge rang out as the troops declared that Empress Valdez was now a marked target. "Time to clear up some loose ends, are my children on Terra?" asked Isabella aboard the U.S.S. Dragon. "They are" answered her first officer and consort. "Leave them in the orphanage, they deserve no love" ordered Isabella. "Why is that?" asked her first officer. "THEY'RE HALF BREEDS, half breeds are abominations. They are Terran/Bajoran mongrels" answered Isabella. "And what happened to their father?" asked her first officer. "He had an accident involving an airlock once I got bored of him" answered Isabella laughing.
Aboard the I.S.S. Dragon, Petrofski informed Heath that Empress Valdez's children were on Terra in an orphanage, "It appears she abandoned them after they were born. She also murdered their father, his body was found floating in space three years ago. Anyone who abandons their own children and kills their father for selfish means has no empathy, we know that she does not value life unless there's money involved." "Her fleet can be tracked by it's quantum signature, make sure your ships' sensors are fined tuned to find it" advised Heath. "She'll want to hide and keep a low profile, luckily she cannot leave this reality, we crippled her fleet's deflectors during the battle over Helsreach" replied Petrofski. "Does she have the people to repair those deflectors?" asked Heath. "Her engineers were the first to leave her, guess seeing 25,000 of her troops disappear in an instance put the point across that she bit off more than she could chew" answered Petrofski. "Regent, thank you for the update, you and your troops get some rest, that's an order" replied Heath, "Los Lobos out" she said afterwards and the screen went blank.
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"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
The broadcast went out across all areas. It opened with the Empress sitting on her throne, legs crossed and hands in her lap.
"Hello. I first want to thank our forces and our allies for their efforts. Let this be the beginning of greater things to come for all of us. To the Vostroyans, welcome to the Empire. You will be treated fairly. Soldiers will be treated as prisoners of war, and eventually returned. Non-combatants will not be harmed. Now as for the former so called 'empress'; She had the audacity to put a bounty on my head. To be honest, I was insulted by the paltry amount she offered. Then again, what can you expect from such an imposter with delusions of grandeur. Now, Let me show you how a REAL Empress places a bounty." The camera pulled back to show a square container sitting next to her. It's was a meter and a half on each side. She gestured and the lid opened revealing that it was filled with bricks of gold pressed latinum. "This, dear Empress, is the bounty that I now place on you. I will give this to the person or persons that brings you to me, alive. Oh, and for the record, there is a loyal officer that does look like her. Going after her to try and claim this would be a very fatal mistake. With that, I wish you all a good day. Long live the Empire."
"Listen up, we're on occupation duty so best behavior around civilians, we will not behave like the Cardassians in the prime universe or like our forefathers. Anyone caught ignoring the rules of engagement will be be jailed" said Petrofski to his troops. "Sir" chorused the troops. "Good, next item on the agenda is hunting down the former Empress. Our people were enslaved and abused, the rest murdered in cold blood, we're going to avenge those who were killed in a cowardly manner by finding the people responsible and bringing them in alive for judgement. I'm looking for volunteers" said Petrofski. "Count us in" said Morellov speaking for her group. "Count us in" said the troops. "We'll help hunt that petaQ" said Kurn (red). "We're coming too" said Eraun (red). "The Ask'kaar will join you" said Pelagia (red). "As will my fleet" added Nanyta Lot (red). "Battle Fleet Omega is with you" said Captain Dawson (red). "The Romulans will join you" said Veel'Riz (red). "We're coming too, you'll need our star charts and advanced sensors" finished Captain Isabella Valdez (yellow).
"Thank you, all of you" said Petrofski. Everyone left the room and Petrofski smiled and thought "payback time" before going to the mess. In the mess, the troops were singing and keeping spirits up as the officers all were sat around a table having a drink plotting how best to put an end to the false empress. "We could teach her the lesson of poor old Crassus" suggested Petrofski. "I've heard the story, ironically he was done in by gold considering he was the richest man in Rome" said Pelagia. "Executed by the Parthians by having molten gold poured down his throat and then his head was cut off and used as a prop in a play" replied Petrofski. "Got to hand it to the Parthians" answered Pelagia smiling. "I suspect the Empress won't allow it" replied Petrofski. "A bit excessive don't you think" said Isabella (yellow). "Not after what she did to our troops" answered Naynta. "And an eye for an eye makes the world a blind place" replied Isabella. "Ladies, you both have differing opinions, how about you both agree to disagree" said Petrofski. "I see Mrs Petrofski has been teaching you diplomacy" joked Nanyta. "She's scary, why are pregnant women so terrifying?" replied Petrofski, "but I love her to bits" he said afterwards. "How's your little girl?" asked Naynta. "Pel's fine" answered Petrofski pulling a family photo out of his jacket. "Your daughter's Bajoran but you and your wife are Terran" said Isabella. "She's our foster daughter, her entire family were lost during the rebellion. Me and my wife took her in and are raising her like a daughter" explained Petrofski. "There's hope for you yet" said Isabella which caused smiles.
"It's an honorable thing" commented Kurn. "Gives you a reason to fight" said Naynta. "We all do our part to protect our loved ones" answered Petrofski. "Agreed" said the other officers as they observed the troops. "Let's inform the Empress, we'll need her backing to go after the false Empress" said Nanyta. "Good idea" answered Petrofski. Morellov came over to the table and a seat was pulled out for her. "Regent, you once said to me that there was no debt to repay" said Morellov. "I meant every word" replied Petrofski. "You and your lads saved our lives and brought us home to freedom, we owe you for that" answered Morellov. "Welcome aboard" replied Petrofski. Across the room, some of the troops went over to the Ask'kaar officers and Private Greaves asked "Are Ask'kaar women always this beautiful?" "They'd eat you alive mate" said Hodges to Greaves. "It's true" answered one Ask'kaar officer. "Dawson, how's things between you and that raven haired Betazoid beauty from the yellow Empire?" asked Garsight. "Not saying a word" answered Rick Dawson (red). "You're a lucky man" replied Garsight as Oreada (yellow) walked in. "Evening boys, evening ladies" said Oreada as she sat next to Orderly Dawson. "Where's that son of mine?" asked Captain Dawson (red) to Petrofski when she came to the table. "He's with his girlfriend" answered Petrofski pointing Captain Dawson over to her son. "I better introduce myself" replied Captain Dawson.
What was heard was Medic Dawson sighing, "not cool mom." "I'm going to talk to Lanara, wish me luck" said Luke Dawson (red). "Lukas Dawson, you will be a gentleman" said Captain Dawson. "My brother has a thing for Trills" said Medic Dawson to Oreada. "It's the spots that does it" said Garsight. "Aye, let's hope he does not blow it" commented Greaves. "He's going to blow it" said Oreada smiling. "He won't, they are into each other" said Garsight observing proceedings. "Lads, I may be some time" answered Luke right as Lanara whispered something in his ear which caused a smile. "Be a gentleman" reminded Captain Dawson to her son. "I will" answered Luke. "She'll eat him alive" commented Medic Dawson. "Oh yum yum" joked Lanara. It caused a chorus of laughs, "Rick, my quarters tonight?" asked Oreada to Medic Dawson. "I'll see you all in the morning" said Medic Dawson before he left the mess hall with Oreada. Luke left with Lanara as Captain Dawson returned to the officer's table. "Kids" sighed Captain Dawson. "As a battle scarred veteran of three boys, it only gets worse" said Isabella. "How old?" asked Captain Dawson. "Nine, Twelve and Fourteen" answered Isabella showing the officers the photo of her family, "my husband is an officer in the Bajoran Militia over on Bajor yellow" she said afterwards. "My two boys are 18" replied Captain Dawson, "Rick is my son biologically and Luke is my step-son, my husband works on Terra as a construction consultant" she said afterwards.
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"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
(DNS Dragon's Lair pre Vahallan front) *Raven, this beast is a heavily modified Jupiter carrier. It carries elite Callisto frigates and Scorpions as strikecraft. The Dragon's Lair also has Vaadwaur transporter pads for easy access.* King Kerry Freeman
I'm in my ship's CIC with my fellow dragons. Apparently, these slavers are operating their foul markets in the so called "mirror universe". We Draconians abhor slavery since Draconia is a refuge for the endangered. I order my helmsman to set a course for Vostroyan territory to free the slaves and capture the slavers. I have something special for the latter. We arrive in one of the systems marked by one of my allies. My tactical officer launches a drone into the planet's atmosphere to give us a floor plan of the slave market so I can determine the best way to bring both the slaves and slavers into my ship without causing suspicion. A visual feed from the drone comes into my ship's sensors. There are slave pens filled with every single person in various degrees of suffering. I activate my ship's intercom system and announce, "My subjects, this is your King. We shall liberate these slaves from these inhumane conditions and put these miserable excuses of beings feet first into lava pools. I WILL NOT ALLOW SLAVERY TO THRIVE UNDER MY WATCH!"
The answer I get is a series of cheers from my crew as I order my ground forces to split up into 3 teams. Team A will secure the business from the surface level upwards. Team B will free the slaves and stun the slavers for transport to the ship while Team C frees the slaves in the underground pens. I will personally lead them in this mission since I won't do anything my crew won't do. My teams and I go to the transporters to enter the market without raising the alarm.
Surprise is complete as the first team downs the Vostroyan guards and secures the premises for the others. Team B and I free the slaves and stun the slavers for transport to the Dragon's Lair. The 3rd team orders the slaves in the pens to stand back as demo charges are set up to blow open the doors. The slaves are scared at first, but I assure them that they will be given refuge in my Kingdom. My teams and I leave with our captured slavers and freed slaves. We transport to the ship. I order my medic to treat the slaves and give them new clothes as I deal with the slavers. My security officer takes them to the lava pools for me to render judgement on them. The slavers laugh in my face, but I silence them with a glare that is deathly cold as a dragon's ice breath. I say, "You enslaved poor innocents to a life of pain, but I shall subject you to a greater pain of true Hellfire!" My officers and I slowly dip them into the lava and pull them out to repeat the process until they're dead. I order my helmsman to warp to Draconia to give these newly freed slaves a home.
"Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgotten who you are … you are my son and the one true king." (Mufasa)
It works well within the context of the Mirror Universe, Isabella Valdez (red) will have that song played to her as she's brought into Heath. Beware the rains of Castamere
Post edited by theraven2378 on
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
My phone deleted my post when I tried to edit it- does nayone know if it can be restored I realy don't want to rewrite it for the third time.
The edit monster does that.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Ask @thay8472. Rome is a good base culture for mirror. Which era (Early to mid republic, late republic, early empire, mid to late empire or Byzantine)?
Roman culture changes when Constantine the Great took power after his victory over Maxentius at Milvian Bridge in 312 AD, it becomes a christian based culture (something still around today), from the mid 4th to 5th centuries AD, the Romans start bringing in Barbarian tribes within the empire though the Goths and Vandals would later go on to sack Rome for the first time since 390 BC when Rome was sacked by Brennus and his Gauls.
The Romans are creative in that they take ideas of culture, technology and military tactics of the peoples they met and adapted them to suit their needs.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
I'm not rewriting the WHOLE thing yet again!, so here's a condensed version
Traitor Asteroid base (Mirror universe)
As the captives on stage began to get vaporized T'Nae and Shade locked eyes for a moment before their teams leapt into action amid the fleeing crowd, The Marines and Assassins each flipped their tables to provide cover as they began passing out concealed weapons. "I thought we'd be able to have a few glasses before we got to work!" Said the Black-Balde, as he took out one of the concealed pistols. Emma bolted to the hallway rushing up stairs feigning a terrified scream as she nearly collided with two guardsmen outside a ornate door.
Acting as though she was a mere civilian acting impulse she placed her hands on the shoulders of one of the guards before snapping his neck with an audible crunch.
"What the- Did you actually just-!" Emma's leg slipped from the slit in her gown kicking the weapon in the remaining guards hands into the air which she promptly caught, turned around and fired into the traitor. Entering the room as she heard the sounds of the continuing combat below, Emma bolted towards the console seeing it was doing a self delete, Copying what she could to her tricorder from Isabella's office she finished up by driving one of her daggers deep into the desk after tying an imperial flag around the handle- the message would be clear: there was no hiding from the hand of the empress. She then sent an all clear to the rebel fleet hoping to draw them back.
The assassins then stood beamed out looking at the small Romulan task force from the view ports of the Enteri'Is.
"Should we purse the Romulans Shade?"
"No, let them go."
They left the location intact sending an all clear to traitors fleet, despite having the transponder codes to the USS Dragon (Drake had ben duped it seemed), none of them could say this felt like a victory- 27 (5 of them Union citizens) out of a possible 200 captives rescued was nothing to celebrate.
Why do I still play and put money into STO?
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
I'm at the table with my mate, the family, and the Seoni/Wichita Alliance leaders. The holomap of the Prime reality glows with a blue light as various fleet movements and communications are tracked. Fortunately, the UFP doesn't know about the body double in place at Starfleet Command (I placed her there just after my defection.). I report, "Admiral, one of my drones is picking up Heartless signals and what appears to be a massive drone swarm in the Altamid system (prime). S31 is attempting to bring the Heartless here and it won't be good."
The Wichita leader says, "Sapph, thank you for the report. However, Erika and I will keep you away from Earth Spacedock and the UFP since S31's not dead yet. This information about the Heartless must not reach the Federation."
Me: "Ma'am. I'm also worried about another possible attempt on Amy's life so I'll have to stay in a support role behind the scenes as to not let S31 know my location."
Luperca: "Understandable. Raksha will retreat to the Indian jungle to protect Mowgli from S31 and secretly collect human books to teach him about Humanity. I will return to my ship to coordinate attacks on the organization."
The Seoni/Wichita Alliance leaders leave for their ships leaving me and my family in the room. I feed Amy and put her into her carrier. Jerome says, "Sapph, I've intercepted comms from the mirror universe. Something called the 'Vostroyan Empire' is abducting Mirror soldiers and selling them into slavery. It is believed to be working with Drake."
Me: "Jerome, order your fleet to enter defensive positions around the Pokeworld, Wichita Forest, and Pridelands. My royal fleet will defend the Pokeworld. I will use everything I have to stop the Vostroyans from enslaving our peoples."
Jerome: "Yes, dear." My mate orders the rest of his fleet to take defensive positions around the 3 locations. I rejoin my fleet at my homeworld to prepare for the attack. My drones send me data on the Vostroyans without them noticing. If they want the Pokeworld, they will pay for it with their own blood.
"Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgotten who you are … you are my son and the one true king." (Mufasa)
Regent Petrofski assembled his team of Imperial, Klingon and Romulan commanders for a council of war. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to plan our counter-offensive along the Romulan front. Our orders are to halt the enemy advance and then drive them back into their territory, suggestions?" asked Petrofski. "We could make our breakthrough here at the Catachan System, it would put us in a position to roll them up strategically" suggested Chancellor Martok (red). "The problem is if the enemy detect an attack towards Catachan, our narrow frontage presents a problem" countered Admiral Veel'Riz (red). "We need to draw their attention away" suggested Captain Dawson (red). "Where?, we don't know too much about the Valhalla Sector. It's uncharted and now we know why" asked Petrofski. "Here at the Imperial fortress world of Helreach, they're still holding their positions" suggested Martok. "We break the siege of Helsreach at the same time we hit Catachan, they will have to weaken one front to reinforce the other" replied Veel'Riz. "Which gives us two fronts to move through, a breakthrough at one can be contained but a breakthrough on two means the enemy has two problems to deal with" added Captain Dawson. "Breakthroughs that can be exploited rapidly" suggested Veel'Riz. Petrofski listened to the discussion as a plan came together, after listening to all points of the plan, he asked "Are you all in agreement?"
"We are" said Martok. "Excellent, Martok, your target is Catachan. Veel'Riz, you've got Helsreach. Joanna, cover the Klingon flanks, your job is to widen the breach" said Petrofski to the command staff. "Qapla!" said Martok. "Qapla!" chorused everyone afterwards. "Everyone prepare your forces" said Petrofski afterwards. Everyone left the meeting and for their ships, Petrofski now had to present the plan drawn up to Heath. To hide the Dragon's existence, Petrofski and his officers transferred to the I.S.S. Moskva kept the Dragon in a secret location. Battle Fleet Omega then left for the meeting with Heath. Heath was calling a council of War, all Alliance command officers were required to go.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"Predictable. So predictable," Thay said smiling.
"How so?" Vaylin asked.
"Tell someone not to do something, and they immediately do it just to spite you. Lazy calls it the 'Mirror mindset'."
"Indeed. So now that she's done what you thought, now what?"
Thay switched the monitor to a view of the quadrant.
"Those yellow symbols are the Orion ships."
"How did you get this information?"
"When she talked about slaves, I had Naynta grab several Orions and question them. She was very persuasive."
"I see. Continue."
"just watch."
One of the yellow symbols turned red.
"What does that mean?"
"A successful hunt. I gave that information to the Hirogen. I offered them a 200% bonus if they can clear the area of all Orion ships. They assured me that in seventy two hours there won't be an Orion ship in the quadrant."
Several more of them turned red.
"Isn't that excessive?"
"They choose to side with them, let them pay the price. Now what's our status?"
"The Dominion have cleared them out of Bajor's sector and Betazed is clear. Trill's liberation is expected in within the hour."
"Who's handling that?"
"Our Delta quadrant friends."
"Oh. Zoom in on that. I want to see."
Trill (red)
The slipstream gateway opened and the Voth ship and its companions emerged in orbit.
"Enemy ships in orbit below us. They are turning toward us. Their weapons are incapable of damaging us."
Only one order was given.
"Sanitize the area of their presence."
On the surface people watched in shock then glee as the sky glowed as the cascading wave of explosions cleared the ships from the sky.
ISS Los Lobos
"Oh I like them," Thay said smiling.
"They are quite effective. They want to know what they can do to help."
"Oh I have a very special mission for them."
"Thank you all for coming," The Empress. "This will a difficult campaign but ultimately a successful one."
She looked around the room.
"Now can't win this purely on military strength. We have to hit them where it really hurts, financially. We will fight this on those two fronts. But now, I will turn you over to Admiral Heath Thay. She will be coordinating our efforts."
"Thank you. Those swarm ships of theirs are effective, but we now know their weakness. Reports say that they are digging in planets on the planets they attacked. I say we let them. When you clear a planet, keep moving forward to the next one. Don't worry. We have a surprise for those on the ground. Expect retaliation, we've frozen their accounts, taken the Orions out of their slave trade. Now we take thing to next level."
Victoria sighed swinging her legs over the arm of the chair, "Attention al hands this is the Captain speaking: Command has ordered us to fight along side out vassals in the defence of Romulan space and push back the Federation interlopers and Criminal Syndicate who have dared to call themselves a legitimate power in this galaxy! Our galaxy! These terrorists have dared to bring the wrath of the empire down on themselves, they have sold our people into servitude! As a part of the overseers of the Aristocracy, we will show these traitors and xenos animals what happens when they decide to oppose the might of Terra! We are going to teach them that lesion by blowing up their little empire crippling their profits and taking their stuff! LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE!"
Admiral Veel'Riz (By the way I just realized I've been writing the characters name wrong all this time based on who I've been saying it in my head- mentally I keep saying it as if there's only one "e"- kind of funny), looked over his force once more and grimaced... This was going to be a difficult battle.
"All ships prepare for battle, get into formation and cloak."
The fleet approached their target, engaging head on before crushing resistance in an encirclement firing from various angles as the enemy tried to retreat only increasing their losses.
"Tell your puppet master, my leaders view the current political changes within the Empire as positive. Their citizens are for the first time in our shared history being uplifted by their own people... Further more the Star Union does not negotiate with slavers! Get this filth off of my station!"
T'Nae turned to her fleet commander as the Orion pirate was dragged from the room. "Have some of our ships follow them, I got a contact from some our Molindran friends that they have some of our people on whatever base they came from... Show them the consequences of that action."
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
"Regents and leaders of the Alliance, our first goal to liberate our worlds, suggestions please" said Heath. "Considering we don't know too much about the Valhalla Sector, we could force a retreat from the section of front between our fortress world of Helsreach and and the Rebel Klingon held system of Catachan" said Petrofski presenting the plan for a breakthrough offensive. "The House of Torg are allied to the petaQ, an attack here at Catachan combined with our Romulan allies relieving Helsreach would force the enemy to split their numbers in that sector in order to respond to both offensives, we take the war into their territory" said Martok. "I've deployed Admiral Veel'Riz (red) to break the siege at Helsreach, given the heavy fighting on the ground, I'll be taking only the best and toughest of my lads to reinforce, resupply and assist in in the defense of the main fortress. Reports are that all civilians have been evacuated to the citadel" said Petrofski.
"Why limited gain?" asked Jodi (red). "Lack of intelligence on that sector, it's uncharted" answered Petrofski. "Captain, please come in" ordered Heath via coms panel. The door opened and a female figure walked in, saluted and took her seat, "This is Captain Isabella Valdez of the I.S.S. Tikal, she's been exploring the Valhalla Sector over in the yellow reality for the last eight months" said Heath. "Thank you Emissary" answered Isabella (yellow), "I am providing the star charts from my exploration of the Valhalla Sector, Helsreach is a good entry point as is Catachan. This system here is the key" she said point to a system on the newly updated star map. "What system is that?" asked Heath. "Altimid, we had a close call with a swarm there in the yellow reality" answered Isabella. "Did you say swarm?" asked Thay. "They operate on a frequency broadcast from a command fighter, jam that frequency and you start a chain reaction" answered Isabella, "My ops officer, Mr Castille suggested using Betazed's planetary shield as a supersized resonance pulse generator" she said afterwards. "Good thinking" commented Heath to Thay.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
The "swarm buster"
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
I'm thinking one of these!
My choice
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
ISS los Lobos
"We do know of one of their installations," Thay continued. "Thanks to the Captain's data and our very cooperative Orion's, we know that they keep their prisoners to be sold here."
She indicated the location on the map.
"That's fairly deep into their territory," Petrofski commented.
"Yes, isn't it?" Thay smiled. "Time to show this...ah..."
She sneezed loudly several times.
"I am so tired of that!" She ranted. "In any case, it's not going to be there for much longer. Our Delta friends are currently enroute there where they will rescue their prisoners, steal thier data, and reduce the place to dust."
"We could use firepower like that on the front line," Petrofski suggested.
"We're keeping them in reserve for special needs. Use them too much and they lose their effectiveness of the element of surprise."
It was over in under an hour.
The Delta forces beamed the confused crews of the defense ships off and kept them in the pattern buffers for sorting later.
The prisoners were apprehensive at first to trust their rescuers until they were shown that their captors were being rounded up as well.
Approximately fifty eight minutes after they arrived in system, the combined weapons of the fleet reduced the installation to it's component atoms. As they left, the mined the area as a gift to whoever came to investigate.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"We know who we are dealing with, we need to know our enemy better than we know ourselves. Captain, how does she think?" asked Heath to Isabella (yellow). "She thinks she is in control, she's no mistress of war, I can tell you that. She's been emboldened by her earlier successes and that makes her even more dangerous, she's already made mistakes" answered Isabella, "keep letting her make mistakes" she said afterwards. "Never interrupt your enemy while she's making a mistake" paraphrased Solat. "Bonaparte, good call" commented Petrofski. "It is only logical" countered Solat. "Not one to argue logic with a Vulcan, I'd never win" joked Petrofski respectively. It caused some smiles, "That is a logical move" answered Solat in a dry tone. "You got me there" replied Petrofski. "Can the two front plan be altered to add a third front?" asked Solat. "Pair Imperial fleets up with Dominion fleets and strike here at Tallarn, a breakthrough here puts even more pressure on their front line" suggested Loriss as she pointed at the Tallarn front between Helsreach and Catachan.
"That would effectively split the enemy lines in half strategically, the enemy would have two choices, withdraw or be encircled strategically" replied Solat, "it is a logical strategy" she said afterwards.
Unknown Location (MU red)
"ALL IN!!!" yelled Isabella (red) as news of Altimid came in, "How did they know about Altimid?" asked Isabella as she beat one of her operatives to a pulp. "No answer" answered the operative. "Wrong answer" corrected Isabella as she threw him off a balcony. "More bad news, we've lost our Orion allies, the Hirogen are in this quadrant" reported an operative. "I know they say don't shoot the messenger, but in this case...." replied Isabella as she shot him, she then signaled her guards to throw the body over the balcony and walked off.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Thus the ragtag team of unlikely escapees found themselves working together to reach their destination- crawling through the Jefferies tubes. Blue was pinching Willams shoulders as the Terran had an enginer in a stragle hold. "Let him go!" She hissed.
"He'll give away our position! and the stealth tech!"
"Just let-"
Willam rolled his eyes and let the unconsoisus body fall. "He'll live... now lets get out of here!"
Drake turned the agent Necro, "Well where are the prisioners?"
"Bridge to Drake, we've got an unauthorizd launch from shuttlebay one, said shuttle has had its remote destruct removed and uh..."
"Spit it out!"
"It's your personal shuttle, Sir."
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
"Regent Petrofski, something appears to be on your mind" said Jodi (red). "Just working out how many troops I'll be taking with me to Helsreach, time it will take to muster the troops and equipment as well as getting supplies and reinforcements to the troops safely" answered Petrofski. "Explain the situation at Helreach" asked Thay. A 3D map of the battlefield came up, "This is the fortress city of Helsreach, it has never fallen to direct assault or siege throughout it's history. It was one of the few Terran fortresses to hold out even after the fall of the first empire, the city itself it covers the estuary of two deep rivers so the only ways across are these four bridges leading into the first line of defense. The first lines are composed of curtain walls with four fortified gatehouses leading into an open area of public parkland covered by a second higher and thicker curtain wall with fighting positions and heavy weapons emplacements" answered Petrofski briefing the Allied leaders. "What's defending the first wall in terms of weapons emplacements?" asked Loriss (red). "Light mortars and anti-personnel turrets, it's job is to slow down any attack so the defenders have time to get into position along the inner defenses" answered Petrofski.
"Carry on Mr Petrofski" said Thay. "The open parkland is a killing zone, it has nothing to give the enemy cover. Artillery can be placed to provide enfilade fire from the flanks in support of the infantry defending the walls, if the enemy gets through the second wall, then they have to fight their way through the narrow streets which limits their speed of advance. Current situation is that the defenders are pulling back here to the citadel, reports indicate that both bridges in have been prepared for destruction, I intend to land my troops into the citadel and deploy straight into battle. Landing craft come in and drop off troops, we then move the wounded and civilians onto the landing craft and back up to the fleet for evacuation, it would also allow for the rotation of troops in and out" explained Petrofski. "How many men will you need?" asked Thay. "I can make do with 25,000. The fortress defenses are a force multiplier" answered Petrofski. "Reports are of enemy ground forces indicate over 250,000 troops, you'll be outnumbered ten to one. You know that" replied Thay. "It's to buy the civilians and wounded as much time for evacuation as possible, getting our citizens out of harm's way is our first duty" answered Petrofski, "it also means less mouths to feed in the long run, I know it sounds callous but in a siege, the side that runs out of supplies first loses" he said afterwards
"Then your troops won't be alone, General Kurn (red) will join you with 20,000 warriors" said Martok (red). "The Dominion can send 15,000 Jem'Hadar to assist your forces" added Loriss. "My crew can provide ground medical support" said Isabella (yellow), "we're set up for disaster relief operations" she said afterwards. After the battle plan was agreed, all leaders went to their respective ships, Petrofski on hearing news of the appearance of the U.S.S. Dragon near Helsreach acted immediately and after meeting up with the I.S.S. Dragon with Battle Fleet Omega, set course for Helreach, along the front, Allied forces now moved into attack positions as crews, troops and pilots were briefed on the capabilities of the enemy and who they were facing, the I.S.S. Tikal was reassigned to Battle Fleet Omega. Aboard the Tikal, Captain Isabella Valdez (yellow) prepared herself and her crew for their first battle, "We're explorers not soldiers, our job is to set up field aid stations and hospitals to support our troops. We are here to save life but we may have to fight. We will fight but not take life, our weapons will be set to heavy stun" she said to her crew.
Aboard the Dragon, Petrofski put a secure call through to Naynta (red) and Pelagia (red), "Target has arrived, ready your forces."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
The landing forces had arrived, Petrofski looked over the orbital battlefield and prepared to land. Along the whole Valhallan front, Imperial and Allied forces launched their offensives and began their advance. At Helsreach, the landings began as landing craft packed with troops descended down to the planet as the fleet provided protection, not a word was said as troops did their final checks on their equipment while being rocked by anti-air bursts. Ahead of the landing craft where the squadrons of all female volunteer fighter pilots who carried out strikes on enemy artillery and and anti-air positions, the enemy would soon know one squadron by a new name, "Nachthexen" (Night witches) for their fondness for night attacks on enemy positions and camps.
The citizens and defenders of Helsreach all cheered as the sky filled up with Imperial fighters and landing craft, soon the transports landed and offloaded their troops straight into the battle with Petrofski being the first to leave the landing ships followed his veterans. Soon the rest of the Allied troops were being landed and civilians and wounded evacuated. "General Grigorvich, I must congratulate you and your men on your defense" said Petrofski. "Thank you for the relief, I'll need your troops manning the walls alongside my troops" asked General Gregorvich. "General, state of enemy?" asked Petrofski. "We've bogged down their advance on our left, the troops in the centre are barely holding their positions and our right is on the verge of collapse, one strong push there could cut off the retreat routes into the citadel" reported Gregorvich. "Eraun (red), move your Jem'Hadar and reinforce our right" ordered Petrofski. "We are already dead, we go into battle to reclaim our lives. On me" said the Jem'Hadar elder. "Kurn (red), you've got our centre, reinforce and hold the line" ordered Petrofski. "Qapla" answered Kurn. "Captain, set up your aid stations in the citadel, make sure you are prepared to receive wounded" ordered Petrofski. "Sir" answered Isabella (yellow), "you all heard the Regent" she said to her crew afterwards.
"General Desaal, take your Bajoran division and hold the centre right" ordered Petrofski. "Sir" answered Desaal. "General Chard, take your division and hold our centre left" finished Petrofski. "Sir" answered Chard. "Regent, I'm handing command of the defense over to you" said General Gregorvich. "General, I'll need a second in command, since you know this battlefield, you're it" answered Petrofski. "Yes sir" replied Gregorvich. "Put me through to the troops" asked Petrofski afterwards. "You're through sir" answered a Helreach regiment corporal. "Defenders of Helsreach, for generations, this fortress has never fallen, we will not let it fall. The enemy outnumbers us five to one, good that means more enemy to kill because they will show us no mercy, we will fight to the death rather than be slaves, soldiers, what are our orders?" asked Petrofski. "We hold!!!" chorused the troops. "Will we surrender?" asked Petrofski. "No sir!!!" chorused the troops. "Good, that's what I like to hear. Let it be known that free men fought here so others may live" said Petrofski. The troops cheered as an envoy asked to speak with Helsreach's commander.
"My Empress does not wish to see you all die, if you surrender, you will be treated with mercy" said the Vostroyan envoy. "We will never be slaves" answered Petrofski. "Throw down your weapons!!" demanded the Vostroyan envoy. It was met by a phaser blast which dropped one of the envoy's guards, "come and get them" was the defenders' reply. Watching the proceedings from her command tent, Isabella (red) ordered a massive frontal assault on the reinforced fortress. Already the defenders had re-occupied the second wall and secured the gates through with forcefield generators and automatic defenses. The call went out of "here they come, all troops stand to" from the officers and NCOs to their troops. "Send a message to the Empress, the Vostroyan Empress is on the battlefield" ordered Petrofski. "Meassage sent, gold channel secured" ansdwered General Gregorvich. In the citadel, Isabella (yellow) and her crew were ready to treat any wounded that came through the door. In orbit, the I.S.S. Dragon and her escort fleet moved out of the system and intercepted the U.S.S. Dragon, in command was Captain Lenaris. "Target that deflector and fire, one quarter power on the lance" ordered Captain Lenaris. The lance fired and the beam knocked the deflector out of action, "ready strikes on their secondary command processors" was his next order. The lance fired again and struck the hull of the U.S.S. Dragon. "We have a shuttle on sensors" reported Lt. Cmdr Sydulla. "Transport that shuttle and it's occupants to the shuttle bay and ready security" ordered Lenaris. "Sir" answered Sydulla. The shuttle was beamed aboard and soon security had rifles leveled at the doors and window. The shuttle door opened and four occupants were pulled out at rifle point.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"Predictable" commented Petrofski as he watched the Vostroyans make their assault, "Artillery, target the troops in the flanks and rear. On my command, nock" he ordered afterwards as the artillery crew loaded their guns. "Draw" was the next order as Petrofski waited for the the right moment to open fire, "wait, and loose" he ordered. The artillery opened up and the flanking columns were smashed by the barrage, up and down the artillery, commands of "nock, draw, loose" rang out from the gun captains as barrage after barrage rained down on the 70,000 Vostroyan infantry. "Keep it up, infantry into line, I want one shot, one kill. All air crew scramble to your fighters" ordered Petrofski as the defenders prepared to meet the attack. "Wait until three of the bridges are fully occupied, open gatehouses A, B and C. Engineers, on my signal" ordered General Gregorvich. "Now" ordered Petrofski as the Vostroyans streamed across the three open bridges and into the parkland. Soon the bridges that had been left open went up in a column of debris as the Vostroyans instantly lost 25,000 troops in one go.
"The defenders lining the inner wall now fired down into the trapped Vostroyans below in the parkland as the artillery pounded away at the Vostroyan second wave forming up. After a day of fierce fighting, the Vostroyans trapped in the park surrendered and the battlefield resembled a scene from a nightmare, the defenders still standing proud as survivors from the Vostroyan infantry routed from the field. The cost was heavy with 45,000 dead, wounded or captured Vostroyans, 1300 Allied troops were wounded along with 120 dead. "Good job, all of you. the enemy are now down 45,000 troops" said Petrofski to the troops as they took the time to get some food down them, "Captain, good job. I know you and your crew are opposed to violence, you all did your part" he said Captain Isabella Valdez (yellow). "Thank you sir" answered Isabella (yellow). "You and your crew get some food down you, I've not seen you eat anything today" ordered Petrofski. "You heard the regent, anyone not on essential duty get some chow time" said Isabella to her crew. "Ma'am" chorused the Tikal crew. "Regent, what are medical regulations on the treatment of Prisoners of War?" asked Isabella. "As much as it annoys me, since they are in uniform, they are technically Prisoners of War. Treat them, maybe try and and get them to cooperate with us" answered Petrofski. "Sir" replied Isabella before she left to join her crew.
Across the battlefield, Empress Isabella Valdez (red) was not happy. "Please explain why the enemy countered my assault" asked Empress Valdez as her generals could not explain why without fear of retribution. "This Imperial is good, we were lured into a trap. Their artillery also tore our reserves to pieces before they even got into combat" reported General Constantius. "What of the troops who got through the gates?" asked Empress Valdez. "Wiped out, total losses are 45,000 troops out of the original 70,000" reported Constantius afterwards. Empress Valdez had all the divisional commanders dragged outside and shot in front of the Helsreach defenders. "She's more detrimental to her own side than she is to us, something we take advantage of" commented Gregorvich. "Make her mad, she'll make more mistakes" answered Petrofski smiling, "How are the Tallarn and Catachan offensives?" he asked afterwards. "Allied breakthrough at Catachan and Tallarn, a breach has been opened in the front. Should we send Empress Homicidal the good news?" replied Gregorvich. "She'll hate that, time to mess with her head" answered Petrofski. "I'll send her the good news, well depending on one's point of view" joked Gregorvich. In her command tent, Empress Valdez threw the PADD across the floor and ordered a withdrawal of all Vostroyan forces from Imperial territory.
She left with her staff and abandoned her army, across the Valhalla front, Vostroyan forces withdrew back into their territory and now were in full retreat. The Allies first objective had been achieved as Vostroyan troops abandoned by their leaders soon surrendered as the last of the drone troops were destroyed, over three million Vostroyans troops were captured and hundreds of ships lost. The U.S.S. Dragon and her fleet withdrew as the Vostroyans bolted as fast as they could.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"Primary shields down to 80%" reported Sydulla, "We're detecting a strange power signature aboard the U.S.S. Dragon" she reported next. "Target shield generators with the lance" ordered Lenaris. The I.S.S. Dragon fired and knocked out one shield generator as the U.S.S. Dragon prepared to fire it's main weapon at Helsreach. "Transporters, lock onto that signature and beam it off that ship" ordered Lenaris, as the U.S.S. Dragon exchanged broadsides with the I.S.S. Dragon, the eye of Terra was beamed off her just before it could fire causing a disruption to the U.S.S. Dragon's power grid. "Fire chroniton torpedoes, full broadside" ordered Lenaris as a volley from the U.S.S. Dragon hit the I.S.S. Dragon. The I.S.S. Dragon's torpedo broadsides hit the U.S.S. Dragon along the join between the saucer and stardrive section. After news of the rout of Vostroyan ground forces was confirmed, the enemy retreated along with the U.S.S. Dragon and her fleet. "I want to speak with the people on the shuttle we recovered" said Lenaris.
On Helsreach, Petrofski looked over the battlefield and asked General Gregorvich "How many men will you need to hold Helsreach?" "20,000 should cover defense, but I want them to be all from Helsreach. Troops who fight to defend their homes and families will always fight harder" answered Gregorvich. "Fair enough" replied Petrofski. "Regent, Helsreach owes the Alliance a great debt, this world stands with the Empress" answered Gregorvich. "General, thank you. I'll pass the Empress on the good news" replied Petrofski. Later on the ramparts of the second wall, Petrofski took in the quiet and watched as his troops assisted the people of Helreach in providing security and rebuilding the parts of the city destroyed during the siege. "This spot taken?" asked Captain Isabella Valdez (yellow). "Nope" answered Petrofski. "Tough day" replied Isabella. "You could say that" answered Petrofski. "Regent, let's drink to our glorious and honorable victory" said Kurn (red) opening a cask of blood wine. "Mind if I join you all?" asked Eraun (red). "Not at all, all of here have acted with honor in our victory" said Kurn pouring out the blood wine. "To victory" toasted Kurn afterwards as they all drank to their victory.
After a few hours, Petrofski and Kurn had to carry Isabella to her quarters aboard the landed I.S.S. Tikal. The next morning, she awoke with a hangover and sighed "remind me never to drink with a Klingon." "You had to be carried in, you were totally out of it" joked Larenis. "Blood wine, that does pack a punch" answered Isabella. "We ended up sitting with the troops, plenty of songs were sung" replied Larenis. "I'm saddened that people had to die for this victory" answered Isabella. "It's war, people die" replied Larenis. "That is the sad reality" answered Isabella. You interested in joining us for breakfast?" asked Larenis. "Let's go" answered Isabella after she put her tunic on and zipped it up. Aboard the I.S.S. Dragon, Blue (prime) was being questioned, the guards had been told to treat her well and consider her a Prisoner of War. That eased Blue's mind in knowing that she would be treated with respect and dignity. When Petrofski got aboard, he spoke with Blue himself.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Intelligence from prisoners confirmed that slaves had been located, since the Tikal was the fastest ship, Petrofski and a small group of hand picked troops were aboard. When the Tikal entered orbit of Cammoragh, Petrofski and his group went in disguised as slave traders, when they entered one business, they were sickened but managed to contain their anger in order to keep their cover. Once the premises was scoped out, Petrofski and team identified who were slaves and who were customers and then left, later under the cover of darkness, they returned with three full assault teams and moved into attack position. "Group one, secure the business premises from ground level up. Group two provide security for prisoner evac and group three, we're going to clear the basement levels" said Petrofski to his groups before signaling the assault. The Imperial raiders blasted their way in moved in on their objectives.
Surprise was total, before the Vostroyans guards could level their weapons, they were stunned and beamed up to the Tikal for questioning as the assault groups went after the prisoners. In the basement levels, Petrofski's group found Imperial slaves and yelled through the doors for them to stand back as charges were put on the doors. The doors were blown open as troops cleared each cell and started moving the prisoners, "Group one has secured location, group two move for extraction" ordered Petrofski as he went into one cell. The prisoner refused to let anyone touch her as she through it was a trap. "What's your name?" asked Petrofski to the prisoner. "Elena" answered the prisoner. "Last name?" asked Petrofski. "Morellov" answered the prisoner. "Ms Morellov, my name is Mario Petrofksi, where are you from?" asked Petrofski introducing himself. "Tula" answered the prisoner. "It's nice to meet a fellow Russian, I'm from Moscow" replied Petrofski. "You might be with them" said the prisoner. "I'm with the Imperial military" replied Petrofski as he signaled one of his troops to bring a guard over, "They'll face trial for what they have done, you have my word. I need you to trust me, how many more Imperials are there here?" he asked afterwards. "200," answered the prisoner. "Petrofski to group leaders, 200 Imperials here. I want them all accounted for alive or deceased" ordered Petrofski to his troops, "Elena, you want to get even with the people who did this?" he asked afterwards handing the prisoner a phaser pistol.
"Get me out of here" said the prisoner as she got up and was thrown a spare set of overalls. "Can a couple of your men stand guard and tell them no peeking" asked the prisoner. "Hodges, Garsight, stand guard and no peeking" ordered Petrofski. "Sir" answered the two privates. Morellov soon emerged and started guiding Petrofski's men to the rest of the prisoners, "this all of them?" asked Petrofski. "Yes Regent" answered the prisoner. "Premises cleared, all enemy and customers have been detained. We can move the hostages out" reported one of the group commanders. "Let's move, hostages in the centre, troops, form a walking perimeter around them" ordered Petrofski. "Sir" chorused the troops as they marched the hostages out on foot. Once the Imperial troops and hostages were transported up to the Tikal, Delta forces were called in to make sure the premises was reduced to rubble. The Tikal left for Imperial lines and engaged the transwarp drive. In the Tikal's sickbay, the hostages were examined and told to rest as they were debriefed on what they saw. "Ms Morellov, thank you for trusting me. Let's get you all home" said Petrofski. "I know from experience how these people operate, we cannot leave our people to live as slaves" answered Morellov.
"We'll get our people back, no one gets left behind" replied Petrofski. "I'll hold you to that" answered Morellov, "thank you for getting us out, if we can repay you, we will" she said afterwards. "No need, you've been through hell and you all need to be with your families" replied Petrofski, "Elena, get some rest, that's an order" he said afterwards. "Sir" answered Morellov. The Tikal arrived at Helsreach after two days and the liberated Imperials were transferred to a military hospital on Helsreach. The Vostroyans captured were not treated kindly by the troops and they were given a kicking in front of the liberated who just spat at them and told the troops "we owe you for the rescue, the men who got us out will always be considered friends to us." The captured Vostroyans were then unceremoniously thrown into cells for transport to a secure prison colony for processing. Petrofski then sent word to Heath that 200 Imperials had been rescued. In her stronghold, Isabella (red) soon found that the defeat on the Valhalla front had encouraged dissent towards her leadership. In a broadcast, she put a 1 million Imperial credit bounty on Heath being brought to her alive and 500,000 for Heath's head.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Captain Killy I coming to STO for next years anniversery!
Shades orders were clear: Eliminate Issabella Valdez by any means. If the news of what happened to the rebels defences on her last assignment a month and half ago were insufficient to send enough of a message perhaps the head of the false empress would.
She'd used several criminal contacts formally associated with the Petrofski family to find the location of one of the major auction sites where Valdez had made one of her broadcasts. Now the assassin's ship sat in space passing undetected into the asteroid field. Within transporter range of large space rock refuted into a criminal stronghold. The assassin's had been using visual observation to look for entry points- wary of potential S31 warning systems.
While her ship prepared to broadcast to the Romulan and terran forces- or deploy a tricolbat warhead, Shade plus 7 other shadows were current docking from a civilian freighter. Although they would be finishing their drinks on the risan luxury liner first...
Emma felt a tap on her shoulder turning to see a Vulcan shed last seen bleeding out.
"Its been a long time, the locals approached us with a proposition and have several kegs I want returned."
Emma eyed the Union Tnae realizing kegs referee to captives. " Perhaps we could help each other, work together and we may be able to cut our losses at the bidding in half."
"Quite agreeable, Miss...?"
"King; Jessica king." Shade said taking a final sip.
Emma whispered to the other operatives as they passed the security checkpoint.
"I can't believe batting my eyes like that worked ... don t you just love missions where you can wear silks?
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
Allied forces had crossed the lines and now the Allies moved into Vostroyan space, most Vostroyan ships saw sense and retreated after seeing the I.S.S. Dragon tear apart a Keldon with the lance. For Empress Valdez (red), the military situation was only getting worse as whole Vostroyan fleets and units deserted her and hoping to save their own skins, surrendered unconditionally without a shot even being fired. With her finances gone due to slaves being liberated by Allied raids, she put in a personal command code knowing that she was now a target, she activated a hologram of herself at the auction and swapped the Section 31 crews of the Intel ships and U.S.S. Dragon with her most loyal followers, she took control of the Section 31 fleet after leaving the Section 31 crews for the Imperials to find. Drake was one of them as he was locked into a network of slave pens, the auction started, the Section 31 crews were the prize.
"Leave nothing for the enemy" ordered Isabella as all computer terminals were wiped and encrypted and all slaves still in Vostroyan hands put to death by plasmathrower and then vaporized in a broadcast to Heath. "How does it feel to have your soldiers denied a burial?" asked Isabella (red) to Heath smiling and laughing at the pain she was causing to the soldier's families. "You will be hunted down" said Heath. "Take us beyond the barrier" ordered Isabella to her helm officer. With their leader on the run, the Vostroyans submitted their unconditional surrender to the Allies, Isabella however decided to fight on alone. When the Imperial troops found out, calls for revenge rang out as the troops declared that Empress Valdez was now a marked target. "Time to clear up some loose ends, are my children on Terra?" asked Isabella aboard the U.S.S. Dragon. "They are" answered her first officer and consort. "Leave them in the orphanage, they deserve no love" ordered Isabella. "Why is that?" asked her first officer. "THEY'RE HALF BREEDS, half breeds are abominations. They are Terran/Bajoran mongrels" answered Isabella. "And what happened to their father?" asked her first officer. "He had an accident involving an airlock once I got bored of him" answered Isabella laughing.
Aboard the I.S.S. Dragon, Petrofski informed Heath that Empress Valdez's children were on Terra in an orphanage, "It appears she abandoned them after they were born. She also murdered their father, his body was found floating in space three years ago. Anyone who abandons their own children and kills their father for selfish means has no empathy, we know that she does not value life unless there's money involved." "Her fleet can be tracked by it's quantum signature, make sure your ships' sensors are fined tuned to find it" advised Heath. "She'll want to hide and keep a low profile, luckily she cannot leave this reality, we crippled her fleet's deflectors during the battle over Helsreach" replied Petrofski. "Does she have the people to repair those deflectors?" asked Heath. "Her engineers were the first to leave her, guess seeing 25,000 of her troops disappear in an instance put the point across that she bit off more than she could chew" answered Petrofski. "Regent, thank you for the update, you and your troops get some rest, that's an order" replied Heath, "Los Lobos out" she said afterwards and the screen went blank.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
It opened with the Empress sitting on her throne, legs crossed and hands in her lap.
"Hello. I first want to thank our forces and our allies for their efforts. Let this be the beginning of greater things to come for all of us.
To the Vostroyans, welcome to the Empire. You will be treated fairly. Soldiers will be treated as prisoners of war, and eventually returned. Non-combatants will not be harmed.
Now as for the former so called 'empress'; She had the audacity to put a bounty on my head. To be honest, I was insulted by the paltry amount she offered. Then again, what can you expect from such an imposter with delusions of grandeur. Now, Let me show you how a REAL Empress places a bounty."
The camera pulled back to show a square container sitting next to her.
It's was a meter and a half on each side. She gestured and the lid opened revealing that it was filled with bricks of gold pressed latinum.
"This, dear Empress, is the bounty that I now place on you. I will give this to the person or persons that brings you to me, alive.
Oh, and for the record, there is a loyal officer that does look like her. Going after her to try and claim this would be a very fatal mistake.
With that, I wish you all a good day.
Long live the Empire."
"Listen up, we're on occupation duty so best behavior around civilians, we will not behave like the Cardassians in the prime universe or like our forefathers. Anyone caught ignoring the rules of engagement will be be jailed" said Petrofski to his troops. "Sir" chorused the troops. "Good, next item on the agenda is hunting down the former Empress. Our people were enslaved and abused, the rest murdered in cold blood, we're going to avenge those who were killed in a cowardly manner by finding the people responsible and bringing them in alive for judgement. I'm looking for volunteers" said Petrofski. "Count us in" said Morellov speaking for her group. "Count us in" said the troops. "We'll help hunt that petaQ" said Kurn (red). "We're coming too" said Eraun (red). "The Ask'kaar will join you" said Pelagia (red). "As will my fleet" added Nanyta Lot (red). "Battle Fleet Omega is with you" said Captain Dawson (red). "The Romulans will join you" said Veel'Riz (red). "We're coming too, you'll need our star charts and advanced sensors" finished Captain Isabella Valdez (yellow).
"Thank you, all of you" said Petrofski. Everyone left the room and Petrofski smiled and thought "payback time" before going to the mess. In the mess, the troops were singing and keeping spirits up as the officers all were sat around a table having a drink plotting how best to put an end to the false empress. "We could teach her the lesson of poor old Crassus" suggested Petrofski. "I've heard the story, ironically he was done in by gold considering he was the richest man in Rome" said Pelagia. "Executed by the Parthians by having molten gold poured down his throat and then his head was cut off and used as a prop in a play" replied Petrofski. "Got to hand it to the Parthians" answered Pelagia smiling. "I suspect the Empress won't allow it" replied Petrofski. "A bit excessive don't you think" said Isabella (yellow). "Not after what she did to our troops" answered Naynta. "And an eye for an eye makes the world a blind place" replied Isabella. "Ladies, you both have differing opinions, how about you both agree to disagree" said Petrofski. "I see Mrs Petrofski has been teaching you diplomacy" joked Nanyta. "She's scary, why are pregnant women so terrifying?" replied Petrofski, "but I love her to bits" he said afterwards. "How's your little girl?" asked Naynta. "Pel's fine" answered Petrofski pulling a family photo out of his jacket. "Your daughter's Bajoran but you and your wife are Terran" said Isabella. "She's our foster daughter, her entire family were lost during the rebellion. Me and my wife took her in and are raising her like a daughter" explained Petrofski. "There's hope for you yet" said Isabella which caused smiles.
"It's an honorable thing" commented Kurn. "Gives you a reason to fight" said Naynta. "We all do our part to protect our loved ones" answered Petrofski. "Agreed" said the other officers as they observed the troops. "Let's inform the Empress, we'll need her backing to go after the false Empress" said Nanyta. "Good idea" answered Petrofski. Morellov came over to the table and a seat was pulled out for her. "Regent, you once said to me that there was no debt to repay" said Morellov. "I meant every word" replied Petrofski. "You and your lads saved our lives and brought us home to freedom, we owe you for that" answered Morellov. "Welcome aboard" replied Petrofski. Across the room, some of the troops went over to the Ask'kaar officers and Private Greaves asked "Are Ask'kaar women always this beautiful?" "They'd eat you alive mate" said Hodges to Greaves. "It's true" answered one Ask'kaar officer. "Dawson, how's things between you and that raven haired Betazoid beauty from the yellow Empire?" asked Garsight. "Not saying a word" answered Rick Dawson (red). "You're a lucky man" replied Garsight as Oreada (yellow) walked in. "Evening boys, evening ladies" said Oreada as she sat next to Orderly Dawson. "Where's that son of mine?" asked Captain Dawson (red) to Petrofski when she came to the table. "He's with his girlfriend" answered Petrofski pointing Captain Dawson over to her son. "I better introduce myself" replied Captain Dawson.
What was heard was Medic Dawson sighing, "not cool mom." "I'm going to talk to Lanara, wish me luck" said Luke Dawson (red). "Lukas Dawson, you will be a gentleman" said Captain Dawson. "My brother has a thing for Trills" said Medic Dawson to Oreada. "It's the spots that does it" said Garsight. "Aye, let's hope he does not blow it" commented Greaves. "He's going to blow it" said Oreada smiling. "He won't, they are into each other" said Garsight observing proceedings. "Lads, I may be some time" answered Luke right as Lanara whispered something in his ear which caused a smile. "Be a gentleman" reminded Captain Dawson to her son. "I will" answered Luke. "She'll eat him alive" commented Medic Dawson. "Oh yum yum" joked Lanara. It caused a chorus of laughs, "Rick, my quarters tonight?" asked Oreada to Medic Dawson. "I'll see you all in the morning" said Medic Dawson before he left the mess hall with Oreada. Luke left with Lanara as Captain Dawson returned to the officer's table. "Kids" sighed Captain Dawson. "As a battle scarred veteran of three boys, it only gets worse" said Isabella. "How old?" asked Captain Dawson. "Nine, Twelve and Fourteen" answered Isabella showing the officers the photo of her family, "my husband is an officer in the Bajoran Militia over on Bajor yellow" she said afterwards. "My two boys are 18" replied Captain Dawson, "Rick is my son biologically and Luke is my step-son, my husband works on Terra as a construction consultant" she said afterwards.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
King Kerry Freeman
I'm in my ship's CIC with my fellow dragons. Apparently, these slavers are operating their foul markets in the so called "mirror universe". We Draconians abhor slavery since Draconia is a refuge for the endangered. I order my helmsman to set a course for Vostroyan territory to free the slaves and capture the slavers. I have something special for the latter. We arrive in one of the systems marked by one of my allies. My tactical officer launches a drone into the planet's atmosphere to give us a floor plan of the slave market so I can determine the best way to bring both the slaves and slavers into my ship without causing suspicion. A visual feed from the drone comes into my ship's sensors. There are slave pens filled with every single person in various degrees of suffering. I activate my ship's intercom system and announce, "My subjects, this is your King. We shall liberate these slaves from these inhumane conditions and put these miserable excuses of beings feet first into lava pools. I WILL NOT ALLOW SLAVERY TO THRIVE UNDER MY WATCH!"
The answer I get is a series of cheers from my crew as I order my ground forces to split up into 3 teams. Team A will secure the business from the surface level upwards. Team B will free the slaves and stun the slavers for transport to the ship while Team C frees the slaves in the underground pens. I will personally lead them in this mission since I won't do anything my crew won't do. My teams and I go to the transporters to enter the market without raising the alarm.
Surprise is complete as the first team downs the Vostroyan guards and secures the premises for the others. Team B and I free the slaves and stun the slavers for transport to the Dragon's Lair. The 3rd team orders the slaves in the pens to stand back as demo charges are set up to blow open the doors. The slaves are scared at first, but I assure them that they will be given refuge in my Kingdom. My teams and I leave with our captured slavers and freed slaves. We transport to the ship. I order my medic to treat the slaves and give them new clothes as I deal with the slavers. My security officer takes them to the lava pools for me to render judgement on them. The slavers laugh in my face, but I silence them with a glare that is deathly cold as a dragon's ice breath. I say, "You enslaved poor innocents to a life of pain, but I shall subject you to a greater pain of true Hellfire!" My officers and I slowly dip them into the lava and pull them out to repeat the process until they're dead. I order my helmsman to warp to Draconia to give these newly freed slaves a home.
"Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgotten who you are … you are my son and the one true king." (Mufasa)
Anyone who watches Game of Thrones or has read the books knows how much fear this song puts into the enemies of House Lannister, this is the story of the origin of the song.
It works well within the context of the Mirror Universe, Isabella Valdez (red) will have that song played to her as she's brought into Heath. Beware the rains of Castamere
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
The edit monster does that.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Another thing. Raven, may I incorporate Roman culture and mythology into the Mirror Tale saga when writing a Mirror character?
"Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgotten who you are … you are my son and the one true king." (Mufasa)
Roman culture changes when Constantine the Great took power after his victory over Maxentius at Milvian Bridge in 312 AD, it becomes a christian based culture (something still around today), from the mid 4th to 5th centuries AD, the Romans start bringing in Barbarian tribes within the empire though the Goths and Vandals would later go on to sack Rome for the first time since 390 BC when Rome was sacked by Brennus and his Gauls.
The Romans are creative in that they take ideas of culture, technology and military tactics of the peoples they met and adapted them to suit their needs.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
As the captives on stage began to get vaporized T'Nae and Shade locked eyes for a moment before their teams leapt into action amid the fleeing crowd, The Marines and Assassins each flipped their tables to provide cover as they began passing out concealed weapons. "I thought we'd be able to have a few glasses before we got to work!" Said the Black-Balde, as he took out one of the concealed pistols. Emma bolted to the hallway rushing up stairs feigning a terrified scream as she nearly collided with two guardsmen outside a ornate door.
Acting as though she was a mere civilian acting impulse she placed her hands on the shoulders of one of the guards before snapping his neck with an audible crunch.
"What the- Did you actually just-!" Emma's leg slipped from the slit in her gown kicking the weapon in the remaining guards hands into the air which she promptly caught, turned around and fired into the traitor. Entering the room as she heard the sounds of the continuing combat below, Emma bolted towards the console seeing it was doing a self delete, Copying what she could to her tricorder from Isabella's office she finished up by driving one of her daggers deep into the desk after tying an imperial flag around the handle- the message would be clear: there was no hiding from the hand of the empress. She then sent an all clear to the rebel fleet hoping to draw them back.
The assassins then stood beamed out looking at the small Romulan task force from the view ports of the Enteri'Is.
"Should we purse the Romulans Shade?"
"No, let them go."
They left the location intact sending an all clear to traitors fleet, despite having the transponder codes to the USS Dragon (Drake had ben duped it seemed), none of them could say this felt like a victory- 27 (5 of them Union citizens) out of a possible 200 captives rescued was nothing to celebrate.
The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek