It seems to be time for the faction walls to drop with fleets/armadas. Based on the story, all of our factions are currently allies. The Jem'Hadar and Romulan factions have full access to their ally's ships. There really is no reason for player created fleets & armadas to be divided. It actually hurts the game because players are being restricted, which is shocking considering how flexible this game is. After 8 years it might be time to revisit fleets and drop those faction walls.
It is time....
That's not entirely true. The game is definitely Fed focused, but KDF would benefit from something like this. They would have access to resources from Fed players. Speaking of my fleet specifically, our KDF fleets would be able to complete holdings quicker because our Fed members would be able to help them, and vice-versa.
Why not? Is that just an assumption? I know from experience my members currently transfer resources between toons and across factions to help where needed. Rather than having to do that extra work, just contribute from the character directly because you're already in that fleet, or, even better, if you're in another fleet just use built in Armada features for contribution. At least a KDF fleet would be able to join a Fed Armada.
I fail to see how giving more characters access to contribute to more holdings is a negative.