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Faeht, command ships and a couple more bugs.

torharrytorharry Member Posts: 22 Arc User
"Faeht Intel Warbird" (Romulan):
- The "Intelligence" green-blue windows, and "Type 4" windows are unavailable.
While they can both be previewed, neither will stick once selected.
The other three window options are locked to the three Faeht wing configurations;
1) Alpha forces Type 1 windows.
2) Beta forces Type 2 windows.
3) Gamma forces Type 3 windows.

"Command Battlecruiser", only the three KDF versions:
- On initial release the the "radar-disc" would animate (circle). A few patches later it became static.
Federation and Romulan versions spin just fine.

*Both issues with the initial intelligence and command ship sets has been present since shortly after their release.
Both the intelligence and command ship sets went through a bunch of patches due to abilities possibly causing lag. Once they were "lag fixed" these visual bugs had become the norm.

"Dyson Science Destroyer" (KDF only):
- Right/starboard nacelle has clipping issues when going into Tactical Mode. This is barely noticeable on the Nov version of nacelles. But the other three (MoQ, Ta'Sub & Chontay) has half the glowing bits sticking through on the right nacelle, when they should be covered up like the left one.

Recent bug at the KDF Starbase:
- Transporter pad activation zone has become off center at the KDF Starbase. So much off center that standing on the pad does not activate the transporter options. And often there are two npc-s working the transporter control at the same time.

Probably originally a bug, but I preferred it that way;
"Console - Universal - Plasma Wave" (from the Na'kuhl boxes):
- On release this console would cause the wings on my Dreadnought Warbird to flare up as if I was firing a Thalaron Pulse (from the console three-piece bonus gained off the Tier 5 Dreadnoughts). Someone went out of their way to remove this effect soon after. Wish someone would go out of their way to put it back in...(I get it, I get it. Need something to sell the old stuff. But the console is plasma. Plasma!)



  • torharrytorharry Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    Small addendum;
    The Kdf starbase transporter bug is a Tier 5 problem. Tier 0 does not have it. (Don't know about the other tiers).
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