On Xbox One the T6 Cross Faction Allied Escort Bundle is missing from the c-store
a couple of friends bought the bundle from the c-store and I have not bought any of the ships from the bundle which all show up in the ships area and they say they can be bought at a discount if bought in the bundle but the bundle does not show in the discount packs area or in the ships area of the c-store.
wanted to add that it seemed to have disappeared from the c-store just as the T6 Cross Faction Flight-Deck Assault Cruiser Bundle appeared in the c-store, almost as if it was placed over top of the T6 Cross Faction Allied Escort Bundle instead of beside it.
i had that problem when i wanted to buy the enterprise D/TNG pack that came with the t4 refit t5u retrofit & t6 Dread it just disapeared off my store i found out that we got the t5u for free for being a lifetime member/veteren ship req. it gave the choice of that or the t5u defiant i chose the enterprise D as i wanted the seperation console. and i already owned all the defiants and bajor/ds9 ship's from buying the federation pack and ds9 pack. i do notice that when they add a new featured ship some of the other discount packs just disapeer..
I finally sent in a support ticket since it does not seem to get any response in the forum no matter were is gets posted as I have posted in a couple thread. the response I got from support was "...Upon reviewing the information you have provided us, it seems to be a result of a possible unreported gameplay bug..." so I guess we never reported it even though I started this thread on march 20 over 3 months ago. I guess they just never check the x1 bug threads or choose not to let us know they are looking in to it. I seen in a different post that someone on the pc couldn't find the miracle worker bundle and it was responded to pretty quickly about it being a visual bug and they were looking into fixing it, guess console players are not important enough for a simple response like that for us also.
> @awesomeweasel said: >guess console players are not important enough for a simple response like that for us also.
It's blatantly obvious we are second class citizens to them and they simply couldn't care less about the console version of their own game. Sad, really.
another ship sale and still this has not been fixed, if this TRIBBLE was happening on the pc it probably would have been fixed within days of it being reported.
I have contacted support (I contacted them about 2 months back and again a couple days ago) on this problem 2x now and both times they claim it is an unreported bug that will get looked into.
it seem like if a bug is reported on the PC they get response from both the forum community manager and in some cases even a dev, but when it comes to consoles you can hear the crickets since we never seem to get any kind of response making most of feel like they do not even look in the console bug forum.
a simular problem to this on the pc was with the miracle worker bundle not showing up in the c-store, the bug was both responded to and fixed within a few days, this problem on the console has been around for well over 6 months and reported with not even a we will look into it response. I first noticed the problem just as the T6 Cross Faction Flight-Deck Assault Cruiser Bundle appeared in the c-store, almost as if it was placed over top of the T6 Cross Faction Allied Escort Bundle instead of beside it.
there has been bugs that were reported when the game launched on the consoles that have neither been fixed or even acknowledged they know about it and are looking into it.
kind of sad how this was posted on March 20/18 there is another ship sale and myself and others have emailed support about this issue and we have yet have have any one from crypic even respond to any of the threads made about this topic.
I have contacted support 2x about this myself and both times they told me it was and unreported bug.
>guess console players are not important enough for a simple response like that for us also.
It's blatantly obvious we are second class citizens to them and they simply couldn't care less about the console version of their own game. Sad, really.
I have contacted support (I contacted them about 2 months back and again a couple days ago) on this problem 2x now and both times they claim it is an unreported bug that will get looked into.
it seem like if a bug is reported on the PC they get response from both the forum community manager and in some cases even a dev, but when it comes to consoles you can hear the crickets since we never seem to get any kind of response making most of feel like they do not even look in the console bug forum.
a simular problem to this on the pc was with the miracle worker bundle not showing up in the c-store, the bug was both responded to and fixed within a few days, this problem on the console has been around for well over 6 months and reported with not even a we will look into it response. I first noticed the problem just as the T6 Cross Faction Flight-Deck Assault Cruiser Bundle appeared in the c-store, almost as if it was placed over top of the T6 Cross Faction Allied Escort Bundle instead of beside it.
there has been bugs that were reported when the game launched on the consoles that have neither been fixed or even acknowledged they know about it and are looking into it.
I have contacted support 2x about this myself and both times they told me it was and unreported bug.