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Official Feedback Thread for Storm Clouds Gather

coldsnappedcoldsnapped Member Posts: 520 Cryptic Developer
Please use this thread to post feedback for the new episode Storm Clouds Gather

Storm Clouds Gather is the first episode available to all Captains level 60 and above.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • voyagerwaskingvoyagerwasking Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    issues i had in storm clouds gather
    at the end of the ground portion after i restored the systems when i had to defend the area for x amount of time. my whole bridge crew was stuck below for whatever reason they didnt follow me up. when you kill mobs they didnt disappear for some time
  • sfc#5932 sfc Member Posts: 992 Bug Hunter
    edited May 2018
    Cannot enter map from DS9 space or ground map. Please reconsider this by adding begin nodes similar to missions like Second Wave.

    As a Jem'Hadar, my faction leader should be Odo. Instead, J'mpok hails me for my briefing report. Please fix.

    The hangar security shield is flickering way too rapidly. Seizure inducing rapid. One of the Hur'q ground abilities is also just as bad.

    BOFFs do not follow you to the Defend Processing Center objective. Broken soundscapes during this portion (flickering sound)
  • shurato2099shurato2099 Member Posts: 588 Arc User
    Unable to complete the mission as the space battle is unable to resolve at the "defeat remaining Hur'q" stage. Either one is remaining in a weird place on the map or the count is broken.
  • relicthiefrelicthief Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    Was knocked off a platform into the burning rubble at ore processing during the Frenzy portion, ended up stuck in an invisible wall you put there and fell through the floor causing me to have to beam up and start over from the very beginning of the mission.
    Ancient Alien.
  • jordan3550jordan3550 Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    > @shurato2099 said:
    > Unable to complete the mission as the space battle is unable to resolve at the "defeat remaining Hur'q" stage. Either one is remaining in a weird place on the map or the count is broken.

    I have experienced the same issue I think it took me 3-4 attempted for it to actually complete fully
  • ncc1701z5ncc1701z5 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    in "frenzy" I can't get upstairs to fix the power relays there are no stairs leading up to the glowing console.

    Edit: okay one of the consoles told me several times "you can't use this right now" but then it magically worked, well this is what we have tribble for! :)
    "Saving the galaxy's our business"

    Admiral Wilkens: "I bend our rules so folks don't have to live in fear strictly obeying someone else's".

  • isthisscienceisthisscience Member Posts: 863 Arc User
    You can talk to the miner before the objectives to talk to the refugees come up. If you've already spoken to him it seems to autocomplete. What species is he anyway?

    I like Kira commenting that she thought Odo would come to her directly. But then she has an off-screen thing with him. I really hope we do get far more time seeing the characters interact with each other. A lot of the time when we get VO they just talk to us. The best moments of DR were things like Neelix and the Doctor, or Tuvok and Seven, talking together. I wish I could have seen Kira and Odo's reunion (although I get it, they wanted a private moment). After ViL I really hope we get to see some of these characters interacting with the Voyager or TNG cast too.

    The pylon scene was a little dull, it seemed unimportant and I'd have just gone outside the room and dropped the forcefield to suck them out into space. It might have been more interesting if it was in a more familiar location.

    The space portion just felt like a rehash of S&C, sans Bajor. A little early for yet another fight-Hur'q-around-DS9 sequence. And when DS9's weapons come back on line, why don't they help you with defeating the remaining Hur'q? (and why are DS9's weapons so lackluster compared to what we saw on TV?)
    at the end of the ground portion after i restored the systems when i had to defend the area for x amount of time. my whole bridge crew was stuck below for whatever reason they didnt follow me up. when you kill mobs they didnt disappear for some time

    I had that too, although just on the lower one and I could get some through eventually - but it was more fiddly than the pathing error in Survivor (please fix that one too!).
    Cannot enter map from DS9 space or ground map. Please reconsider this by adding begin nodes similar to missions like Second Wave.

    For Renegade's regret also. It's weird to have "go to DS9" when I'm standing in Ops.
    As a Jem'Hadar, my faction leader should be Odo. Instead, J'mpok hails me for my briefing report. Please fix.

    Yeah, I was worried it was deliberate by assigning you your allied faction. I hope not because why are they giving me orders already when Jmpok keeps saying he doesn't want to fight.

  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,573 Arc User
    issues i had in storm clouds gather
    at the end of the ground portion after i restored the systems when i had to defend the area for x amount of time. my whole bridge crew was stuck below for whatever reason they didnt follow me up. when you kill mobs they didnt disappear for some time


    V.O. missing for Adm Quinn, Martok, and Kumarkke as well as explosions in cut-scenes. Kai Kira and Bashir V.O. too quiet.

    Boff's didn't follow up the levels in the Hangar Bay during stand-offs.

    Otherwise, alot of talking, (yes, yes, yet ANOTHER conference) and a decent battle.
    Great visual of damaged DS9 upon warp-in.
    Loved how you captured Garak's mannerisms and quirks so perfectly (THOSE EYES!!!!!). Best part of the Episode!
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • jabofneurospinejabofneurospine Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    After the meeting taking the turbolift to the next area failed to progress the objective. Had to restart from the beginning.

    Also this. I'm on my third try so far. (got through on try 3, the next episode didn't trigger though, so I guess that's as far as I get)
    Unable to complete the mission as the space battle is unable to resolve at the "defeat remaining Hur'q" stage. Either one is remaining in a weird place on the map or the count is broken.

    On a more positive note, all of the canon characters really seemed like themselves. A couple of them look a bit off, but they're close enough and they all sound and act right. The overall progression of the mission seems good as well, there's a lot of running around talking, but there's usually something of interest being said. I imagine it'll get a bit tedious once I've run it a dozen times, but I can't think of a mission that wouldn't. I'm also really liking the use of null pointer flood on the vanguard warships in the mission, really helps with the swarmers. Maybe I'll make use of that myself once the mission releases on holodeck.

    As a whole, I'd say it's a good mission. Just a bit buggy at the moment.
  • shurato2099shurato2099 Member Posts: 588 Arc User
    Agreement with the canon characters, they were spot on. Quark, Kira, and Bashir could have been a little louder. Garak's animation blew me away, though, you guys totally captured him between his head motions, his smile, and those wide eyes.
  • tasshenatasshena Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    Nog especially could be a little louder, being in quarks.
    relicthief wrote: »
    Was knocked off a platform into the burning rubble at ore processing during the Frenzy portion, ended up stuck in an invisible wall you put there and fell through the floor causing me to have to beam up and start over from the very beginning of the mission.

    When I was on the top level of the ore processing place, my boffs got knocked down to th8e next level below and never came back, along with my generators and turrets. I was behind cover shield in the corner, and got knocked up into a clipping point clear until I redeployed the shield again, well ABOVE the top level.
  • isthisscienceisthisscience Member Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    Small correction on my previous note about refugees. It actually seems like the Ennis refugee is duplicates across two locations.

    Edit: Also, you can see from the windows that all three pylons are intact, despite the plot mentioning the still damaged pylon from the battle. I know you've only just got the new exterior model done so I hardly expect you to roll out a bust version right now, but logging it anyway.
    Post edited by isthisscience on
  • tasshenatasshena Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    Correction on my previous note as well. I:t might not be that the boffs were knocked back, it might be that they just never went up there, because they're suddenly stopping and not responding even to "go exactly to this position now". They totally ignore it.
  • phoenix841phoenix841 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    How do you hail the mission on non-dominion characters?
    The Hail button is disabled on my TOS Fed, and Renegade's Regret is bugged and can't be completed (can't talk to Neth Parr).
    I tried skipping RR, but it doesn't unlock the Gamma Quadrant storyline.
    LTS Since Beta (Jan 2010).
  • misterperseusmisterperseus Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    Quarks conversation, first and third screens had voiced content the second was silent.

    The miner refugee wasn't one of the targets for Frenzy though I could interact with him.

    Had the same problem with Boffs not climbing the stairs in the fight in the pylon.
  • phoenix841phoenix841 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    Agreement with the canon characters, they were spot on. Quark, Kira, and Bashir could have been a little louder. Garak's animation blew me away, though, you guys totally captured him between his head motions, his smile, and those wide eyes.

    Absolutely. Garak was spot on. Even his head motions and facial expressions were so like him. Honestly, I think he was the best one. Quark voice, while sounded like him, lacked emotion. That's not devs fault though, voice acting is hard.

    Anyway, I hope we have more of Garak. He always was my favorite DS9 character. :smile:
    LTS Since Beta (Jan 2010).
  • malebissemalebisse Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    jordan3550 wrote: »
    > @shurato2099 said:
    > Unable to complete the mission as the space battle is unable to resolve at the "defeat remaining Hur'q" stage. Either one is remaining in a weird place on the map or the count is broken.

    I have experienced the same issue I think it took me 3-4 attempted for it to actually complete fully

    I too experienced this issue. All of the enemy were killed and none were in the map, but could not progress. I was able to leave the map and restart and complete this portion of the mission.

    Another issue that I found was that in the early portion of the mission while running around DS9 and speaking to all of the characters, many of the Voice overs were not playing at all or in the case of speaking with Dr. Bashir, the first VO played, the second did not, but the third VO did play.
  • malebissemalebisse Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    jordan3550 wrote: »
    > @shurato2099 said:
    > Unable to complete the mission as the space battle is unable to resolve at the "defeat remaining Hur'q" stage. Either one is remaining in a weird place on the map or the count is broken.

    I have experienced the same issue I think it took me 3-4 attempted for it to actually complete fully

    I too experienced this issue. All of the enemy were killed and none were in the map, but could not progress. I was able to leave the map and restart and complete this portion of the mission.

    Another issue that I found was that in the early portion of the mission while running around DS9 and speaking to all of the characters, many of the Voice overs were not playing at all or in the case of speaking with Dr. Bashir, the first VO played, the second did not, but the third VO did play.
  • docbrown#0652 docbrown Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    Deep Space Nine feels too crowded and there are problems with the lighting. I also noticed there was quite a bit of lag associated with Deep Space Nine as well.

    Post edited by docbrown#0652 on
  • eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    I can't get past "Talk To Your Faction Leader" (which would be Odo in my case). There is no contact icon and no progression.
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
  • badgerpants999badgerpants999 Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    issues i had in storm clouds gather
    at the end of the ground portion after i restored the systems when i had to defend the area for x amount of time. my whole bridge crew was stuck below for whatever reason they didnt follow me up. when you kill mobs they didnt disappear for some time

    I had that problem as well. It started just after I got into that area. My Boffs were stuck on the other side of the door to the room and couldn't get in as the door would not open until AFTER I'd killed all the Hurk, then went to the door and it opened when I approached it. Then 3 of my Bofs wouldn't follow me across the first bridge that extended from the pillar. I died in the battle at the top and respawned only to have 2 boffs stuck on the walkway. It seems the spawned inside the railings and couldn't get out. Please fix these pathing issues as the Hurk are a pain to fight n confined areas at the best of times. Being stuck solo in a multiplayer mission just makes it suck harder!
  • docbrown#0652 docbrown Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    I can't get past "Talk To Your Faction Leader" (which would be Odo in my case). There is no contact icon and no progression.

    You have to click "Being Storm Cloud Gather" tab right before you enter Deep Space 9.
  • kehlekrkehlekr Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    I can not seem to play "Storm Clouds Gather" as a Romulan allied to the Klingon. The ission on my Mission Journal is grayed out and goes to "Armistice", Even the skip button is grayed.
    Also something needs to be done for the BOFFs getting stuck behind doors or the extended walkways.
  • eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    Got a new issue: My Jham'Hadar away team is stuck on the lower floor and I can only interact with one of the two consoles on the upper floor and therefore the mission will not proceed. :(
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
  • themadrigogsthemadrigogs Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    In this mission you meet and help save "Ennis refugees," but unless I'm missing something, there can't be any Ennis refugees until after Armistice, the next mission in the chain.
  • pupundrum#1174 pupundrum Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    in the mission "Storm Clouds Gather"
    when going around to take to the fraction leaders i noticed in the Romulan suite also the omega suite, there is overlay problems. some banners go thru consoles and consoles not aligned with the original map.

    Also, at this point why haven't the major governments and the alliance set up ambassadorial suites on the promenade. you have a few locations (basic shops for ground equipment) that are not really used by players (I'm sure you can check how many players use these shops to confirm if they are used or not) , and you use them for the ambassadorial suites for some factions as it is for this mission. why not make it permanent for the game. this will allow you to only have to add a reversative in that area for the mission.

    this will also allow player to get missions form that ambassador on DS9 without always having to return to home world.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,241 Community Moderator
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