"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
OHHHHH I like the sound of THAT!!
but can it use duct tape?, does it force fed vegans meatlof after duct taping them to a flagpole?, does it wear smexy red spandex?, does it have a nice behind?, can it sing the song "Crazy" in falsetto? can it eat 20 chimichangas while making 100 pancakes in a French maid costume?
OH Btw? I'm running for president so vote
Deadpool/ Voices in Deadpools head in 2020
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
I did live in so-cal and earthquakes same way, except unlike a volcanoe that usually gives a warning of eruption , earthquakes just happen all of a sudden you go from YAY such a beautifull day to having the earth goe crazy under your feet watch your house dissolve into rubble around you in mere seconds.
Why people choose to live in these areas is beyond me, Leilani Estates is a classic example.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
idk man but like in so-cal you learn to live with it, I mean most Californians if a quake of like mag 3.0-4.0 hits its no big deal, but with earthquakes it can happen anywhere at anytime, and theres no where to go when it happens your there for the duration, atleast a lot of homes in so-cal are earthquake resistant to some degree, though there is nothing thats lava resistant.
with a volcano people know its there but move near it anyways, if you know something IS dangerous and you can choose not to live there than why.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
It's actually possible to divert lava flows. just pile rocks or pieces of concrete in the way. of course this simply redirects the lava, but if it goes AROUND your house instead of THROUGH the house, you still have a house.
Also it is totally possible to build lava-resistant homes. The low cost option is to use several feet of concrete. Alternatively you can use something more durable like Basalt blocks. The key here is to use materials that need prolonged contact with lava in order to melt. Yes, your house may temporarily get too hot to live in, but it won't simply burst into flames.
Of course that style of housing is often described as a "bunker", and is rather expensive, so people tend to use it sparingly. Also, for it to work properly you can't have windows on the side exposed to lava.
Another approach would be to build a stone fence around your house. Still expensive, and it needs to have gates that actually seal though. Also it'd have to be a rather high fence, since lava going over the fence means it failed to get the job done. Which means that you can't see outside....
I suppose you could just build a 12 foot high stone platform and have your house on top of the platform...
My character Tsin'xing
Hawaii is the only place on Earth where you can watch new land being formed, it's a place I would love to visit just to see the volcano doing it's thing. In the case of homes, it's where you put them and bringing up Leilani Estates, it's in a very unstable area of the big island.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
This is crazy footage
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
My character Tsin'xing
With Hawaii, it's a constant new growth of land. It's awe inspiring yet you respect the power of the Volcano
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Then a new rift opened, and lava started flowing where it hadn't been seen since the Big Island cooled enough for plants to grow. What was once a "safe" place is now being burned by the planet itself. It's not like they knew that was going to happen, though; it seemed before that as if this location would be relatively safe until long after the Big Island had moved off the undersea vent that spawns all the islands in that chain, and the next one had begun to build. Appearances were deceiving, is all.
Just goes to show that nature has her way of reclaiming what is hers and there is nothing we humans can do about that apart from respect nature.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
My character Tsin'xing
That is beautiful to look at but at the same time, it's something you respect
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
there are more negatives that come with these types of people who fool around with nature and when they finally cry for help they may not find it or if they do it is taking resources from other places. It is like some people have forgotten what happened to Kalapana or they know and don't care because it didn't happen to them so they thought it won't happen to them again.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Nature will always win, we humans are insignificant when compared to the power of mother nature. If Pele wants to reclaim that land, she will do. Kalapana is a classic example of man vs volcano and the volcano won.
For those in the eruption zone, please evacuate and don't think you are stronger than nature and remain. You are only putting yourself at risk.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Usually because it's cheap, especially in areas with overall high property values. California and Hawaii both have sky high property costs, but if you literally live on top of a lava fissure or a fault line, suddenly home ownership is in reach of mere mortals. In the last census, median family income in Leilani is about half of Hawaii's overall, and while they were still there, those were much nicer houses than you could afford in most states on the same income (and even moreso compared to what the income could afford in more stable parts of Hawaii). They were almost too good to be true, and the whole reason is that home ownership in Leilani was halfway between month-to-month rental and a trip to the casino.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Awe inspiring and terrifying at the same time
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
this thing is far from done.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Just an update
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius