For what it's worth, I don't believe the client is actually downloading anything, but it keeps checking for a new patch when it shouldn't. It seems the client doesn't know that you have "On-demand patching" turned off, so it keeps checking for patches every time you load a new map.
Hey, they also seem to have scalsd NPC resists from 400% to 800% thus finally killing off power drain builds. They really went all out throwing bugs into the game this month. But hey, prepare for ragnarok when the expansion hits. Without fail, every single expansion brings bugs so bad they sometimes have to do updates daily for 3-4 days after they hit.
I noticed this too when I went to play the new FE. I exited and the launcher ran a small patch. Since then the issue hasn't occured
On-demand patching cannot be disabled
For what it's worth, I don't believe the client is actually downloading anything, but it keeps checking for a new patch when it shouldn't. It seems the client doesn't know that you have "On-demand patching" turned off, so it keeps checking for patches every time you load a new map.
i feel 90% r not getting fixed (at last for a very logn time)
and no1 knows if they r working on it