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New ground Battlezone

I really would like to see them add a new ground battlezone as the dyson one is good, (part from ALL the countless bugs with it) but Would like a new one, but man they cant TRIBBLE it up like they did with the Tzenkehi one. :)


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    seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    I think after the massive failure of the last BZ (Tzenkethi) I think they're weary of creating any new ones. Even that one would have been a success if they actually put any effort into making it function properly.

    Sad part is, functional BZ's are popular.. a new Ground BZ is a really good idea.
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    szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    IMO, the Tzenkethi BZ had some very promising concepts and ideas. But there were three major issues that killed it off:

    - zone recapture happens too fast and without much of a warning
    - unresolved bugs, like people not getting rewarded for completing the zone or recaptures happening even when players arrived in time to stop it
    - the "time invested / reward" ratio was too low to bother

    I still don't understand why they would invest so much effort into creating a new innovative battlezone and then completely abandon it for good a few weeks later.

    Yes a new ground BZ would be a welcome addition to the game. But I wish they would first fix the two existing ones. Both the Defera Invasion zone and the Voth BZ are riddled with bugs. And with ViL expansion coming up they probably won't get fixed anytime soon.
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    chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    well i know VIL is bringing a new battlezone, and if what ive heard is correct meant to be PVP orientated, not 100% sure yet but there is somat new coming. just wish they'd fix the issues we have
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    chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    what id also like them to do is a overhaul to the dyson sphere it self including the battle zones and the rest bring it up to date with the current game and with the introduction of MKXV means they too easy now!
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    nimbullnimbull Member Posts: 1,564 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    I think they should stop putting out new stuff and focus on fixing existing stuff. It sounds like they're shooting themselves in the foot by letting existing content fall in to disrepair and discouraging themselves from creating new content outside of lock boxes and ship packs. Eventually the whole house of cards that is STO will collapse from lack of proper upkeep. Then all the new packs and lock boxes won't help it then.
    Green people don't have to be.... little.
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    narasil2narasil2 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    The Dyson ground zone was still going strong years after implimentation. That is until they screwed it up with the 4/3 patch and haven't fixed it yet.

    something like that would go over well, you just have to balance reward with time/difficulty.
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    jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    I would prefer if they fix the current BZs.

    - The Voth Battlezone is currently buggy, but at least in the STO Reddit forum there was acknowledgement from a Cryptic Dev that they are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve it.

    - The Tzenkethi BZ has basically been dead on arrival. Unfortunately, Devs have remained silent on this BZ...
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    postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    If they hadn't approached the kethi' BZ with the somewhat arrogant assumption that it would always be full and locked the spawn/recapture rate to that it would be fairly popular because as mentioned above it did have some interesting mechanics like the asteroid shoving. That recap rate led to it being nigh on impossible to complete, assuming it didnt simply bug out at least.

    Good idea spoiled by poor or rushed execution, little to no QA testing period to spot the glaring hiccups and no attempt to sort any of the mess means we'll probably not see much in the way of fixes for it.

    Hopefully the upcoming expansion isn't marred by this apparent cycle of work used at STO.
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    duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,950 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    I think after the massive failure of the last BZ (Tzenkethi) I think they're weary of creating any new ones.

    Victory is Life is coming with a new type of battlezone (sector). ;)

    Lessons have probably been learned from the TBZ but I don't think we can say whether they've affected the overall likelihood of getting more content in similar veins (be they adventure zones, classic battlezones, or this new thing.)
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    postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Forgot about that.

    Can't wait for it to bug out and prevent folk from getting into story missions.
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    szim wrote: »
    IMO, the Tzenkethi BZ had some very promising concepts and ideas. But there were three major issues that killed it off:

    - zone recapture happens too fast and without much of a warning
    - unresolved bugs, like people not getting rewarded for completing the zone or recaptures happening even when players arrived in time to stop it
    Right. Quite frankly I don't see any reason why BZ's need a zone recapture mechanic anyway.
    - the "time invested / reward" ratio was too low to bother
    That's the general problem with 99% of STO's content, caused by the fact that everything and the kitchen sink rewards the same thing. With a proper reward scheme there would be no such thing as a reward/time ratio.
    I still don't understand why they would invest so much effort into creating a new innovative battlezone and then completely abandon it for good a few weeks later.
    What's so innovative about it? The mechanics are the same as all the other BZs. Hold area, use machines, push object. And then three bosses.

    Anyway, abandoning gameplay content (unless players are successful enough to attract the nerfhammer) is pretty much Cryptic's standard procedure. They can do that because the gameplay isn't tied to the revenue generating systems much.
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    postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Oddly though cryptics other title of neverwinter has content to do at max level outside queues, granted it's largely dailies that often require running off to another zone or killing a bajillion and one mobs but its stuff to actually do with a much better campaign system underneath that tries to encourage continuation after you've hit the top end.

    The STO side of the office is overly reliant on the players buying ships to rerun the same tired STF's. Old content in a new ship is still old content.
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    evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,950 Arc User
    I'd be more interested in a new space adventure zone, never liked the Dyson Sphere one because it's not actually in space but I love the concept. Ground combat I hate in this game.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
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    chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    I agree i dont really enjoy ground, mainy due to graphics, but just want more to do, with a new battlezone do it like capture points (somat like that) then the 3 bosses, then the final invasion fleet, but a really really Tought boss in the middle of it all, somat that requires alot of team work and dps make it a real danger, and i agree change the reward structure, the more you put into the adventure zone, the more u get out of it.
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    starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    jaguarskx wrote: »
    I would prefer if they fix the current BZs.

    - The Voth Battlezone is currently buggy, but at least in the STO Reddit forum there was acknowledgement from a Cryptic Dev that they are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve it.

    - The Tzenkethi BZ has basically been dead on arrival. Unfortunately, Devs have remained silent on this BZ...

    It felt like the feeling that athletes get when they do insane marathons the day that I finally received my last piece of equipment from the Tzenkethi Reputation. No person should undergo the pain and misery of the Tzenkethi BZ.
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    dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    They should have alternated between ground and space BZs. The Tzenkethi alien models just scream for a ground BZ. Much more impressive than their ships. While the Voth BZ had its issues and boss tag cheats, it was interesting to have a small away team. The Tzenkethi space BZ is a horrible buggy mess Cryptic will never fix (assuming they even know how to fix it)
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    postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    Can just picture the promo video for a kethi ground BZ using the skippy theme tune and background montage of the outback while the hostiles leapt about ridiculously far while melee swinging with their arms from beyond their reach.

    Final boss could have been a massive drop bear!!!
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    chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    They should have alternated between ground and space BZs. The Tzenkethi alien models just scream for a ground BZ. Much more impressive than their ships. While the Voth BZ had its issues and boss tag cheats, it was interesting to have a small away team. The Tzenkethi space BZ is a horrible buggy mess Cryptic will never fix (assuming they even know how to fix it)

    See when they did that whole Blog about the Tzenkethi and went into huge detail about the troops and the command structure and how they use the power packs of their fallen fellows etc..... it was extremly interesting and i was a lil hyped about them and the new battlezone i thought we were getting for them, then they announced the space one instead, dont get me wrong i was looking forward to, do love me some space pew pew, but then the mess they gave us instead.
    Can only hope that they will go back to them and give us one.
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    trennantrennan Member Posts: 2,839 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    Personally, I'd welcome a new ground BZ, at least they're, somewhat, engaging.

    Space combat here is so boring. Literally, the following is how you perform space combat anywhere ingame:

    1) Enter combat area.
    2) Make sure auto-fire is on.
    3) Set weight on turn key.
    4) Walk away.
    5) Come to collect reward, and to make sure you haven't idled out.
    6) Rinse and repeat.

    As far as the STF's. Yeah, I don't think there is anything they could do to save them at this point. The best thing I can think of. Kick the choice mark reward entirely. Then restructure them to where they only give reputation appropriate rewards. Fleet marks, those will only be able to be gotten from events, and the fleet queues. This won't exactly save them. It will however break the routine of:

    1) Red Alert
    2) Red Alert
    3) Red Alert
    4) ISA
    5) CCA
    6) Rinse and repeat.

    The next thing they should do, is let the fleet system die where it is. The game was just better before they introduced it. All it did was serve to make the game easier. Fleets have done nothing for the game expect, to set it on the downward spiral of super easy mode that we have now. Plus, letting the fleet system die, also means they now have more resources that they can dedicate to improving the rest of the game.

    Then after all this. Rework what we do have to make it more difficult overall. To at least pretend like they're trying to present a challenge to the players. The main probably with all of this, is that everything scales to level. Which means the space and ground BZ, as well as STFs always hover around an average of level 55. With ViL, that might jump up to level 60ish. But, I don't foresee this making an overall difference is how easy the game is.

    But I'm the odd one here. I never let the wool of, "Oh, new shinnies!" be draw over my eyes. I've kept my eyes focused on the overall game play. Which... well... it's in a pretty sorry state at the moment.

    YAY! For forgetting to proof read and having to edit.
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    potasssiumpotasssium Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
    I like ground combat just fine, with an Eng Captain, 2 Eng Boggs, Turrets, Mortars, Drones. Then 2 Science Boffs with various AOE abilities and healing.

    Give a Boff or 2 Timely intervention. Sprinkle in some Overwhelm emitters on other Boffs. Maybe some bombing strike. Then run into melee under all the fire with a Battleth & Shotgun.
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    tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    hmmm thought I posted it last night... forum bug or mod deleted it? Last night, launcher has announced new Gamma Quad Battlezone. link goes to page not found thou.
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    postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Noticed that myself.

    Is this a sign of things to come when the blogpost bugs out?

    Wonder if they are going to tweak this early warning announce thing to include flash sales rather than arrive too late for most to see then have them linger around like a bad smell afterwards.
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    lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    > @szim said:
    > IMO, the Tzenkethi BZ had some very promising concepts and ideas. But there were three major issues that killed it off:
    > - zone recapture happens too fast and without much of a warning
    > - unresolved bugs, like people not getting rewarded for completing the zone or recaptures happening even when players arrived in time to stop it
    > - the "time invested / reward" ratio was too low to bother
    > I still don't understand why they would invest so much effort into creating a new innovative battlezone and then completely abandon it for good a few weeks later.
    > Yes a new ground BZ would be a welcome addition to the game. But I wish they would first fix the two existing ones. Both the Defera Invasion zone and the Voth BZ are riddled with bugs. And with ViL expansion coming up they probably won't get fixed anytime soon.

    Those all feel fixable.
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    postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Very fixable but given how long its been left unfixed how many would venture to the asscrack of the alpha quadrant to find out?

    In fact most of the bugs are things that should never have come up since this was not the first space BZ put into the game so these teething problems cropping up indicates either more of a laziness in the QA control staff or an unrealistic deadline.
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