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AKF'ers Once Again Exploiting FC Event

leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,558 Arc User
I've just completed an FC Event on the XB version where 4 players ALL AFK'D!!! This is an exploit that needs closing! I know the event is supposed to be a bit of fun, but it encourages players to try AFK'ing PvE queues, which they then go and complain about the penalty after! If players can't be bothered to make the effort that other players do, they should not receive the reward. There is no excuse!
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.


  • killer1986chriskiller1986chris Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    I haven't done it before and was not going to get toy rockets and holo emitters for all 22 of my chars by playing that 88 times. Seeing as how it's "competitive" and doesn't affect a team don't worry about it.
  • sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 6,172 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    He has a valid concern this has also happened to me, at least one person does not do what is supposed to be done when I have run the event. There should be an AFK penalty for not doing what the event calls one to do. Thanks.
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,558 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    I haven't done it before and was not going to get toy rockets and holo emitters for all 22 of my chars by playing that 88 times. Seeing as how it's "competitive" and doesn't affect a team don't worry about it.

    You're missing the point. It's encouraging AFK'ing that's the problem and it's an exploit. The Engines are Account unlock regardless, but it's getting Marks, Dil, XP etc for ZERO effort by just standing there, that's why it is an exploit and needs to be addressed. It's supposed to be a competition, but awards the same marks, which is 'Irish' :lol: People complain about having to make the effort to run it on multiple toons....but yet will just stand there AFK'ing, which takes the same amount of time!?
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • anodynesanodynes Member Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    They're quite aware that people are doing this. People even openly talk about it on the forums. They obviously don't care to change it when faced with this.

    If they wanted to discourage this behavior in this event, or to a lesser degree, any of the 3-week events, they could, and I would immediately suggest disabling the ability to slot Admiralty or Duty Officer assignments on any mission map as a start. It wouldn't end the AFKing, but would at least remove the "double-dipping" of getting the reward for doing nothing and getting extra rewards for other tasks done in place of doing these events. People would still tab out and watch videos or whatever, but they wouldn't get extra rewards for their distractions.
    This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    You know why people AFK the FC event? Because they gain absolutely nothing by doing otherwise.
    The mark reward is set in stone, the rocket travel distance is RNG as hell and you gain absolutely nothing by getting first, second or third place. Which in term isn't as bad considering the huge RNG factor.

    As someone else said in another thread:
    yakodym wrote: »

    This is why. An all-purple model not only loosing to inferior models, but also getting the same distance as an all-grey model? Why even bother...

    The only thing I did today was nonstop popping subspace party amplifiers and when someone else started spamming balloons it became a lot more entertaining than the activity that we were supposed to do.

    There's no exploit, no bug but simply very shoddy game design and blaming the players for it just ensures that cryptic continues this way.
  • ilithynilithyn Member Posts: 903 Arc User
    Calm your TRIBBLE man. Who does the AFKers hurt? No one. You don't get penalized for their behavior, the queue takes the exact same amount of time whether they are doing anything or not and as stated above participation have jack all influence on the result.
    And it doesn't encourage AFKing anywhere else as in most queues participation level does indeed influence outcome.

    This isn't an exploit, it's wai. If you have an issue with this behavior tough luck, or make a private queue and gather only friends you know will participate.
    Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end of it.
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,046 Arc User
    I've had to call one out, everyone has to take part
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,558 Arc User
      ilithyn wrote: »
      Calm your **** man. Who does the AFKers hurt? No one. You don't get penalized for their behavior, the queue takes the exact same amount of time whether they are doing anything or not and as stated above participation have jack all influence on the result.
      And it doesn't encourage AFKing anywhere else as in most queues participation level does indeed influence outcome.

      This isn't an exploit, it's wai. If you have an issue with this behavior tough luck, or make a private queue and gather only friends you know will participate.

      Why should I? At least I am acting in a mature way. I point out that this does encourage AFK'ing and it is an ongoing concern, especially as people continually complain about the lack of queue's popping. This behaviour just ascertains another reason why people may be avoiding queues. It is exploiting the lack of AFK penalty that is in most other queues, and in other Events. The penalty wasn't in Mirror Invasion until the last year or so, and now, there was very little attempt to afk that that I saw.
      "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
    • tobywitczaktobywitczak Member Posts: 208 Arc User
      edited April 2018
      I am not AFKing but I am filling out all my Admiralty Assignments and Duty Officer Assignments, then if there is time left go hunt for parts. But like was said before there is no little point for trying as this entire event is so RNG heavy there is little point in playing it ligit. For example one run after I got just one piece and then upgraded everything to purple and then still lost to someone running blues.

      On a scale of 1-10 of things to fix, this is a Meh...
      But if you wanted a list of things to make this more interactive.
      Ditch the 1 minute wait at the beginning.
      The time limit should expire if they have all the parts
      The method to Improve the parts should be the Partial Collection Puzzle as that requires some skill to pull off.

      Besides we all know that the real reason for this event is that we are all too lazy to look on youtube Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride, but hey if it’s in game and we don’t have to do much.... cool....
    • anodynesanodynes Member Posts: 1,999 Arc User
      People were still AFKing Mirror Event last time, so I don't think there was any change to it.

      The problem with the AFK penalty as it is being put into this event is that it wouldn't work, like at all. Every bit of evidence points to the system checking for a certain amount of damage dealt, or at least abilities used. Not everyone gets the surprise spider spawn, and that's the only time that you would deal any damage in this queue. There's also no need to use any abilities in it, ever.

      The minigame to improve parts actually discourages you from getting more Junk, because you can only do the game so many times in a minute. That's why they picked the only minigame that can be that short. Replacing it with any of the others would just further discourage collecting more Junk, because you wouldn't be able to do even the 10ish that you can do now.

      I actually like this event, and go out and try to collect the best parts possible, but there's no simple fix to get people to participate. The thing would have to be remade from something lighthearted to something that requires combat or ability use in some way, and that would just ruin the celebration of the event.

      The thing is not "so RNG heavy" either. It's a mix of deterministic and random elements, even including whether or not you get good parts while scavenging. I won't go into detail on that here, but there is a reason that I often have the best quality of parts on my rocket, even with everyone else in the event participating. The kind of critical failure that causes a rocket with all purple parts to explode in the range of those with no parts is extremely rare. In about 200 runs these past 2 years, that's happened to me maybe 2 times, so around 1% per player, and maybe 5% per queue, assuming that everyone participated. The real influence of the RNG is in parts adjustment, and that still tends to reward players who did more gathering, since they get more chances.
      This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
    • killer1986chriskiller1986chris Member Posts: 382 Arc User
      What dil? I never had dil show up for me.
    • anodynesanodynes Member Posts: 1,999 Arc User
      There was 480 dilithium as part of the reward for each run.
      This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
    • killer1986chriskiller1986chris Member Posts: 382 Arc User
      That's nothing to write home about, I get more from admiralty missions.
    • anodynesanodynes Member Posts: 1,999 Arc User
      Quite true, but many have said in here that they are using that time to set Admiralty and duty officer assignments, so they're getting a bonus of 480 dilithium,120 marks (if it's the first thing that you do for that reputation that day) and the hologram (which can be converted into yet another 100 marks once you have finished the project) on top of all of the rewards from those other things that they would have been doing anyway.
      This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
    • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
      edited April 2018
      AFK was in this game long before First Contact Day ever showed up. I don't see what the excitement is all about. This is a TRIBBLE reward with some additional Marks and Dil thrown in for good measure. The Bozeman engine is okay - if I want to stop shooting in the middle of a firefight and drag race everyone to death.

      I also do not see how AFKing an Event coresponds to people learning to AFK STFs. Sounds a bit hysterical, actually. The bold print didn't help The Cause, either. AFK happens in an STF because someone does not do enough damage. Which means no reward and a two hour lock out from that STF for that character. There are threads all the time about someone was "unfairly" penalized for being AFK when they were not.

      One of the things I dislike about this playerbase is all the jokers telling me how I have to play STO. And when I choose to walk the Path of Common Sense, they rush right to here to complain loudly and round up sycophants. Where is all that diversity and tolerance they are constantly crowing about? As long as what I might do does not cause a direct reduction in either your reward or your fun, leave me be. If you tended to your own STO business with even half the care you tend to mine, you'd have Epic everything and probably achieve 1,000,000 DPS.

      And in this case, since an AFK means the rocket you're busy improving will outlast at least one other, you'll probably "win" the Event.
      A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
    • greuceangreucean Member Posts: 111 Arc User
      AFK was in this game long before First Contact Day ever showed up. I don't see what the excitement is all about. This is a **** reward with some additional Marks and Dil thrown in for good measure. The Bozeman engine is okay - if I want to stop shooting in the middle of a firefight and drag race everyone to death.

      I also do not see how AFKing an Event coresponds to people learning to AFK STFs. Sounds a bit hysterical, actually. The bold print didn't help The Cause, either. AFK happens in an STF because someone does not do enough damage. Which means no reward and a two hour lock out from that STF for that character. There are threads all the time about someone was "unfairly" penalized for being AFK when they were not.

      One of the things I dislike about this playerbase is all the jokers telling me how I have to play STO. And when I choose to walk the Path of Common Sense, they rush right to here to complain loudly and round up sycophants. Where is all that diversity and tolerance they are constantly crowing about? As long as what I might do does not cause a direct reduction in either your reward or your fun, leave me be. If you tended to your own STO business with even half the care you tend to mine, you'd have Epic everything and probably achieve 1,000,000 DPS.

      And in this case, since an AFK means the rocket you're busy improving will outlast at least one other, you'll probably "win" the Event.

      now that's..... a proper burn
      so much for the whiney baby event afk police

      I don't endorse the behaviour in normal queus, but in the case of these events it is total hysteria to complain especially as it barely touches or doesn't affect anything but your personal moral center
      so you don't like it, okay, then form your own teams if you don't want afkers in your queues, which is what you should be doing in the first place but thats another subject

    • This content has been removed.
    • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
      ruinthefun wrote: »
      I'm not sure why you even care. Those other players are your ENEMIES, and their inaction allows you to defeat them easily. For your bonus of 0 marks.

      LOL! Armada Leader, always cuts through the bull.
      "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

      “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
    • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,558 Arc User
      AFK was in this game long before First Contact Day ever showed up. I don't see what the excitement is all about. This is a **** reward with some additional Marks and Dil thrown in for good measure. The Bozeman engine is okay - if I want to stop shooting in the middle of a firefight and drag race everyone to death.

      I also do not see how AFKing an Event coresponds to people learning to AFK STFs. Sounds a bit hysterical, actually. The bold print didn't help The Cause, either. AFK happens in an STF because someone does not do enough damage. Which means no reward and a two hour lock out from that STF for that character. There are threads all the time about someone was "unfairly" penalized for being AFK when they were not.

      One of the things I dislike about this playerbase is all the jokers telling me how I have to play STO. And when I choose to walk the Path of Common Sense, they rush right to here to complain loudly and round up sycophants. Where is all that diversity and tolerance they are constantly crowing about? As long as what I might do does not cause a direct reduction in either your reward or your fun, leave me be. If you tended to your own STO business with even half the care you tend to mine, you'd have Epic everything and probably achieve 1,000,000 DPS.

      And in this case, since an AFK means the rocket you're busy improving will outlast at least one other, you'll probably "win" the Event.

      Now, now Thunder, you of all people know I'm not one for complaining. I'm highlighting the bigger problem of AFK'ing in THIS event WILL encourage AFK'ing in OTHER STF's.
      "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
    • edited April 2018
      This content has been removed.
    • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,558 Arc User
      valoreah wrote: »
      You know why people AFK the FC event? Because they gain absolutely nothing by doing otherwise.
      The mark reward is set in stone, the rocket travel distance is RNG as hell and you gain absolutely nothing by getting first, second or third place. Which in term isn't as bad considering the huge RNG factor.

      As someone else said in another thread:

      yakodym wrote: »

      This is why. An all-purple model not only loosing to inferior models, but also getting the same distance as an all-grey model? Why even bother...

      The only thing I did today was nonstop popping subspace party amplifiers and when someone else started spamming balloons it became a lot more entertaining than the activity that we were supposed to do.

      There's no exploit, no bug but simply very shoddy game design and blaming the players for it just ensures that cryptic continues this way.

      ^ This is actually a very legitimate reason why there should be no AFK penalty for this specific event at this point. In it's current form, there is no benefit for actually participating as expected. With that said, should Cryptic update the design of this event to prevent and penalize AFK behaviour? Yes. Will they? No one really knows for sure.

      Is it promoting AFK behavior? Could be. However, there is an AFK penalty on other queues, so if there are players thinking they don't have to participate all the time, they are in for a surprise when they try it on other queued events.

      Very true Valoreah. Then you get the inevitable 'the AFK penalty is unfair' posts in the forum later. :lol:
      "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
    • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
      leemwatson wrote: »
      Now, now Thunder, you of all people know I'm not one for complaining. I'm highlighting the bigger problem of AFK'ing in THIS event WILL encourage AFK'ing in OTHER STF's.

      So let them learn the hard way when they try to AFK elsewhere. I do not see why you feel obligated to defend others from their own stupidity or laziness. And when they post threads here about, 'AFK penalty unfair!' enjoy a good laugh at their expense. It's what I do.

      I've only played this event one time this time around. Beautiful idea. Even better map. Shame these get wasted on such a badly designed and even more poorly executed Event. But then, I've always preferred the Day of Honor Event instead. But being part of the 16% of the playerbase which Geko hates, I don't get to do that one any more.
      A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
    • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
      edited April 2018
      I react to AFKers in 2 ways:
      1. If their inaction does not affect me at all (Like in First Contact Day or 1st part of Mirror Invasion) then I do not care. And actually FC day is a great place to do your Admiralty and doffing while earning marks. ;)
      2. If their inaction slows down the completion of the event, (like in Breach) then I do care and report them; which does nothing, I know.
    • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,258 Arc User
      edited April 2018
      leemwatson wrote: »
      If players can't be bothered to make the effort that other players do, they should not receive the reward. There is no excuse!
      By being AFK and not taking part we are making an effort in other areas and by not taking part in the event we are walking away with a much higher reward then those of you who waste you time taking part.

      When you take part the only thing you are doing is lowering the reward you walk away with for the time spent. Why wast time running about collecting pointless parts when you can stand still and walk away with a higher reward?
    • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,558 Arc User
      pottsey5g wrote: »
      leemwatson wrote: »
      If players can't be bothered to make the effort that other players do, they should not receive the reward. There is no excuse!
      By being AFK and not taking part we are making an effort in other areas and by not taking part in the event we are walking away with a much higher reward then those of you who waste you time taking part.

      When you take part the only thing you are doing is lowering the reward you walk away with for the time spent. Why wast time running about collecting pointless parts when you can stand still and walk away with a higher reward?

      Simply put....these events are not designed for people to afk and just do their doff'ing etc. What you are doing IS exploiting the lack of an AFK penalty and you're actively promoting it!
      "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
    • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,258 Arc User
      edited April 2018
      leemwatson wrote: »
      pottsey5g wrote: »
      leemwatson wrote: »
      If players can't be bothered to make the effort that other players do, they should not receive the reward. There is no excuse!
      By being AFK and not taking part we are making an effort in other areas and by not taking part in the event we are walking away with a much higher reward then those of you who waste you time taking part.

      When you take part the only thing you are doing is lowering the reward you walk away with for the time spent. Why wast time running about collecting pointless parts when you can stand still and walk away with a higher reward?

      Simply put....these events are not designed for people to afk and just do their doff'ing etc. What you are doing IS exploiting the lack of an AFK penalty and you're actively promoting it!

      Its not an exploit as nothing unfair or underhand is going off. The mission is designed for people to stand around just like the trench run of the Breach event is a multiplier map designed for 1 person to play while the other 4 wait around pointlessly AFK.

      Why are you getting so worked up over how someone else wants to play the game when it has zero impact on you? There is nothing wrong with being AFK when it has no negative impact on other people.

      As for the AFK penalty they need to get rid of it or change the way it works as its done more harm then good to this game with how terribly its been implanted. It was a large part of what killed team builds and killed team work which is what a STO game should be about and was about before we had the stupid AFK penalty.
      Post edited by pottsey5g on
    • asdfjkadfjkasfasdfjkadfjkasf Member Posts: 345 Media Corps
      I think the FC event is not really one to complain about people going AFK in, it doesn't affect your performance in that queue, infact it doesn't really do anything. And chances are, most of the people going AFK in that event aren't going AFK in other events, where their participation does matter. I joined FC events where people started dancing, fine, if that's what they want to do! I built my rocket and stuff while watching videos, because I could, no reason for me to, the reward would have been the same.

      If being AFK was a real problem in FC, then they could make the event more competitive, so where you place has some form of higher reward, but then you might end up with other complaints, because there's a lot of RNG involved.

      It's a quick and silly event, going AFK in it didn't hurt anyone. Going AFK in something that requires a team, that will hurt others, and that should be punished.
    • arionisaarionisa Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
      I have never done the FC event, likely never will as the reward(s) are not interesting to me. However, if I did, I think it would be the perfect opportunity to catch up on my R&D, Doffing and Admiralty, maybe even clearing some junk out of inventory.

      As so many others have said about the FC event, whether one person goes AFK, or everyone goes AFK, it has no effect on anything, It does not effect how long the event is going to take, it has no, or minimal effect on the performance of any given persons rocket (and definitely doesn't effect anyone's rocket but their own). The key thing is that it definitely has absolutely no effect on any other player except themselves.

      If anything, players should be grateful for AFKers in FC. Since they aren't collecting parts and all that jazz, you should have a much better rockets than they do. Yes, those AFKers are just trying to assist you other players in having the best rocket....not that it makes any difference whatsoever as to the reward you are going to get at the end but hey, you can still walk away knowing you had a better rocket than they did.

      If Cryptic wanted it to be mandatory to collect rocket parts, they would have made the event so that you get no reward if you don't collect parts. They didn't, so AFKing the event is a perfectly acceptable method of playing it. Just because you don't want to AFK it does not mean that others have to play the same way you do/want.

      Okay, okay, the most important and key point here has already been said. Unless/until what another player is doing actually some kind of effect on you, you play the way you want , and don't worry about how other players are playing because they are playing the way they want and it has absolutely no effect on you or your game play other than in your own mind.

      LTS and loving it.
    • nomad2001#2315 nomad2001 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
      leemwatson wrote: »
      I've just completed an FC Event on the XB version where 4 players ALL AFK'D!!! This is an exploit that needs closing! I know the event is supposed to be a bit of fun, but it encourages players to try AFK'ing PvE queues, which they then go and complain about the penalty after! If players can't be bothered to make the effort that other players do, they should not receive the reward. There is no excuse!

      It's not always an intentional AFK. I attempted to do mission: Defeat Nukara Tholian Captain. From the start it was a bust. I'm reading the information from the security officer there, finished that and then turned on my EV Suit. went to go help the fight, and it wouldn't let me go out of the cave. Then I'm banned for the game not letting me into the mission???? Makes no sense. Automatic bans should be "banned". This is ridiculous. If you're reporting people for being AFK, you should at least find out if that was really the case. I wasn't killed, and so couldn't use the respawn button if you are familiar with that event and had read the briefing you would know that takes you out until the game is over. As I said, I never even got into the battle because I was reading the briefing, but yet was banned. No doubt reported by the other people in game that for some reason were able to get into battle (at least until they hit respawn after they died and ended up in the same place I was being kept captive).
    • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,558 Arc User
      edited April 2018
      leemwatson wrote: »
      I've just completed an FC Event on the XB version where 4 players ALL AFK'D!!! This is an exploit that needs closing! I know the event is supposed to be a bit of fun, but it encourages players to try AFK'ing PvE queues, which they then go and complain about the penalty after! If players can't be bothered to make the effort that other players do, they should not receive the reward. There is no excuse!

      It's not always an intentional AFK. I attempted to do mission: Defeat Nukara Tholian Captain. From the start it was a bust. I'm reading the information from the security officer there, finished that and then turned on my EV Suit. went to go help the fight, and it wouldn't let me go out of the cave. Then I'm banned for the game not letting me into the mission???? Makes no sense. Automatic bans should be "banned". This is ridiculous. If you're reporting people for being AFK, you should at least find out if that was really the case. I wasn't killed, and so couldn't use the respawn button if you are familiar with that event and had read the briefing you would know that takes you out until the game is over. As I said, I never even got into the battle because I was reading the briefing, but yet was banned. No doubt reported by the other people in game that for some reason were able to get into battle (at least until they hit respawn after they died and ended up in the same place I was being kept captive).

      The AFK ban is system managed, and it is extremely, extremely rare to get a ban like you claim you got. I have gone into CCA's late and the PvE has been won with-in seconds and still not received a ban. I've also had two false-positives in the same, even though I have done plenty of damage, but this was due to server issues at the time. I've never had a ban otherwise though.

      In cases where progression of a PvE Queue is being prevented by a bug, you MUST report it in-game via the Bug Reporting tool, then make a post in the forum's support section, detailing as much as possible, whilst keeping it civil. You will find the bug-hunters respond much better to a well detailed and civil post. Without sufficient information, it just makes bug-hunting harder.

      The purpose of this post however is that people are exploiting the lack of AFK system. The rewards are supposed to be for doing a particular activity. If people are not doing what the event was intended for, i.e. just standing there, they are using an exploit to gain a resource they would not normally be rewarded with. Other PvE queues that have the AFK system give such a user a ban, and AFAIK they get no reward as well, which is the way ALL activities should be. The event's other problem is that it doesn't scale reward with effort, and people use this as an excuse to AFK and do their doffing.
      "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
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